Gasperin M
Acta Crystallographica B31 (1975) 2129-2130
Dititanate de lanthane
_cod_database_code 1001022
_database_code_amcsd 0009540
7.800 13.011 5.546 90 90 98.60 P2_1
atom x y z
La1 .2789 .1138 .25
La2 .7741 .0993 .2543
La3 .3502 .3909 .8026
La4 .8525 .4164 .8413
Ti1 .0320 .1191 .7630
Ti2 .5271 .1200 .7598
Ti3 .0780 .3228 .2946
Ti4 .5833 .3263 .2975
O1 .776 .109 .799
O2 .275 .090 .698
O3 .030 .016 .024
O4 .479 .020 .026
O5 .098 .226 .969
O6 .517 .229 .963
O7 .033 .187 .460
O8 .559 .189 .455
O9 .089 .409 .554
O10 .613 .398 .569
O11 .121 .432 .078
O12 .599 .440 .089
O13 .327 .312 .323
O14 .825 .300 .221
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