American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

As3 Cd2 I
Rebbah A, Leclaire A, Yazbeck J, Deschanvres A
Acta Crystallographica B35 (1979) 2197-2199
Structure de l'iodure de cadmium et d'arsenic Cd2 As3 I
_cod_database_code 1001837
_database_code_amcsd 0009689
8.436 9.594 7.952 90 100.65 90 Cc
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
I1    .2437 .37342  .0341 .00485 .00310 .01189 -.00037 .00173 -.00025
Cd1       0  .1451      0 .00563 .00414 .00816  .00114 .00224  .00022
Cd2   .4907  .1432  .0807 .00558 .00462 .00877 -.00191 .00179  .00053
As1   .1203  .0479  .3176 .00456 .00368 .00448  .00075 .00052  .00046
As2  -.2582  .2905  .0390 .00338 .00243 .00584 -.00010 .00127  .00017
As3   .3693  .0469 -.2427 .00384 .00254 .00595  .00123 .00144  .00055
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