DUO2AsO4*4D2O |
Fitch A N, Bernard L, Howe A T, Wright A F, Fender B E F |
Acta Crystallographica C39 (1983) 159-162 |
The room-temperature structure of DUO2AsO4*4D2O by powder neutron diffraction |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0009970 |
7.1615 7.1615 17.6390 90 90 90 *P4/ncc |
.25 -.25 0 |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
D3 .4057 -.4057 .25 .030709 .030709 .008035 .008774 -.007520 -.007520 |
U .25 .25 .0527 .003022 .003022 .000804 0 0 0 |
O1 .25 .25 .1545 .009067 .009067 .001141 0 0 0 |
O2 .25 .25 -.0482 .009944 .009944 .000964 0 0 0 |
As .75 .25 0 .001706 .001706 .001366 0 0 0 |
O3 .5681 .2048 .0573 .002730 .007214 .001663 -.000097 .000811 .000930 |
D1 .3037 .0404 .3112 .75 .074580 .037046 .002169 .025835 .001781 .001781 |
D2 .5757 .1283 .3556 .027785 .016573 .002411 .005849 -.000396 .000396 |
O4 .1476 .9977 .3095 .026322 .047770 .002089 -.014136 .001583 .004552 |
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