American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Driss A, Jouini T
Acta Crystallographica C46 (1990) 1185-1188
Structure d'un triarseniate: Na3H2As3O10
_database_code_amcsd 0010148
10.860 9.323 18.270 90 103.00 90 C2/c
atom     x     y     z Biso
As1  .1422 .1761 .1004  1.2
As2  .2798 .0140 .2457 1.15
As3  .4291 .1718 .3979 1.16
Na1  .1557 .3537 .4200  1.5
Na2  .8477 .0152 .5887  1.4
Na3      0 .2071   .25  1.6
Na4      0  .825   .25  2.2
O1    .152  .022 .0505  1.5
O2   .0020  .181 .1202  1.6
O3   .1852  .316 .0591  1.4
O4   .2597  .157 .1810  1.0
O5    .332 -.125 .2100  1.5
O6    .154  .005 .2815  1.7
O7   .4052  .093 .3090  1.4
O8    .555  .072 .4400  1.2
O9   .3100  .160 .4393  1.3
O10   .473  .339 .3859  1.5
H1     .13  -.03   .07
H2     .59   .14   .48
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