Benabbas A, Borel M, Grandin A, Leclaire A, Raveau B
Acta Crystallographica C47 (1991) 849-850
Redetermination of the structure of PNb9O25
_cod_database_code 1001529
_database_code_amcsd 0010248
15.639 15.639 3.8317 90 90 90 I4/m
atom x y z occ
Nb1 0 0 .043 .5
Nb2 .1086 .2178 0
Nb3 .3291 .1158 0
P1 .5 0 .25 .5
O1 .0461 .115 0
O2 .2204 .1733 0
O3 .1557 .3553 0
O4 .2852 .0112 0
O5 .4491 .0685 0
O6 .3872 .2469 0
O7 0 0 .5
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