American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

H26 O40 P6 Rb6 Te3
Averbuch-Pouchot M, Durif A
Acta Crystallographica C47 (1991) 1576-1579
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XVI. Structures of potassium
cyclo-hexaphosphate ditellurate trihydrate and rubidium cyclo-
hexaphosphate tritellurate tetrahydrate
_cod_database_code 1007197
_database_code_amcsd 0010260
11.222 8.077 11.731 111.11 104.66 83.25 P-1
atom      x      y      z
Te1       0      0      0
Te2       0      0     .5
Te3      .5     .5     .5
Rb1  .09874 .50476 .20369
Rb2  .28192 .78401 .80670
Rb3  .30979 .01054 .39746
P1    .4291  .1608  .7742
P2    .2224  .3856  .8636
P3    .3651  .6012  .1024
O1    .0845  .7741  .9694
O2    .0686  .0342  .8756
O3    .1327  .1155  .1344
O4    .1051  .1872  .5280
O5    .1372  .8785  .5731
O6    .0421  .8856  .3403
O7    .4494  .7423  .5216
O8    .3717  .4266  .3524
O9    .3846  .4904  .5929
O10   .4619  .9720  .7622
O11   .4173  .2101  .6611
O12   .3082  .2087  .8288
O13   .4747  .7158  .1087
O14   .3193  .5362  .9513
O15   .1667  .4311  .7489
O16   .1428  .3579  .9380
O17   .2692  .7215  .1599
O18   .4123  .4468  .1421
O19   .3442  .0833  .0578
O20   .1329  .5120  .4702
H1     .144    .76   .051
H2     .083    .13   .895
H3     .192    .11   .111
H4     .128    .27   .620
H5      .13    .77    .52
H6     .001    .09   .725
H7     .455    .78   .571
H8     .382    .44   .276
H9     .404    .37   .618
H10    .390    .08   .129
H11     .36    .20    .05
H12    .100    .42   .468
H13    .195     .5   .480
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