Morelandite |
Dordevic T, Sutovic S, Stojanovic J, Karanovic L |
Acta Crystallographica C64 (2008) i82-i86 |
Sr, Ba and Cd arsenates with the apatite-type structure |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0010345 |
10.390 10.390 7.575 90 90 120 P6_3/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Sr1 1/3 2/3 .00205 .830 .0177 .0196 .0196 .0138 .00981 0 0 |
Ba1 1/3 2/3 .00205 .169 .0177 .0196 .0196 .0138 .00981 0 0 |
Ba2 .24448 .98591 .25 .871 .0174 .0178 .0183 .0161 .0090 0 0 |
Sr2 .24448 .98591 .25 .129 .0174 .0178 .0183 .0161 .0090 0 0 |
As .41242 .37889 .25 .0143 .0139 .0130 .0158 .0066 0 0 |
O1 .3507 .5015 .25 .0267 .038 .028 .026 .025 0 0 |
O2 .5991 .4661 .25 .0323 .017 .020 .064 .012 0 0 |
O3 .3574 .2700 .0719 .0445 .075 .035 .033 .034 -.033 -.022 |
Cl 0 0 0 .0276 .0305 .0305 .0219 .0153 0 0 |
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