American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Heinicke F, Lerner H W, Bolte M
Acta Crystallographica E60 (2004) i84-i85
_database_code_amcsd 0010435
4.5955 5.8420 8.3811 103.678 98.069 95.638 P-1
atom       x       y       z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
N1         0       0     -.5      .0170  .0214  .0133  .0139  -.0001 -.0025  .0034
H1A    -.062   -.145   -.572 .50   .026
H1B    -.121    .113   -.504 .50   .038
H1C    -.150   -.068   -.460 .50   .025
H1D    -.097    .030   -.593 .50   .031
Fe         0       0       0     .01102 .01036 .01036 .01227  .00139 .00108 .00323
S    -.60037 -.31653 -.23937     .01068 .01309 .00969 .00858 -.00021 .00203 .00158
O1    -.4994  -.3020 -.40179      .0200  .0311  .0155  .0123  -.0046  .0117 -.0001
O2    -.3409 -.28480 -.10850      .0154  .0121  .0144  .0195   .0012 -.0003  .0058
O3    -.7726 -.54790 -.26264      .0171  .0216  .0125  .0153  -.0044  .0061  .0005
O4    -.7750 -.11876 -.20058      .0142  .0135  .0159  .0156   .0052  .0041  .0065
O5     .1993  -.2180  .14161      .0145  .0122  .0139  .0204   .0032  .0047  .0087
H5A     .111   -.311    .160       .025
H5B     .344   -.270    .126       .029
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