Rebbah A, Deschanvres A
Annales de Chimie 1981 (1981) 585-590
Structure cristalline de Cd4 P As Br3
_cod_database_code 1001323
_database_code_amcsd 0012022
12.521 12.521 12.521 90 90 90 Pa3
atom x y z occ
Br1 .1876 .4322 .2603
Cd1 .2180 .2180 .2180
Cd2 .0274 -.0088 .2524
As1 .4459 .4459 .4459 .5
P1 .4459 .4459 .4459 .5
As2 .1008 .1008 .1008 .5
P2 .1008 .1008 .1008 .5
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