American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Piret P, Declercq J-P
Bulletin de Mineralogie 106 (1983) 383-389
Structure cristalline de l'upalite Al[(UO2)3O(OH)(PO4)2]*7H2O.
Un exemple de macle mimetique
Locality: Kobokobo, Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
_database_code_amcsd 0012081
13.704 16.82 9.332 90 111.5 90 P2_1/a
atom      x     y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Al6       0    .5     .5 1.53
Al7       0     0     .5 2.72
U1    .3860 .2142  .0673  .99  .0128  .0188  .0084  .0022  .0066  .0023
U2    .7006 .2479  .2940  .91  .0103  .0185  .0059 -.0009  .0031 -.0010
U3    .5910 .2441  .8491  .88  .0112  .0117  .0051 -.0021  .0035 -.0009
P4    .4887 .1919  .4440  .86
P5    .3002 .1906 -.3055  .99
O8    .3755 .1093  .0718 1.68
O9    .4036 .3194  .0588 2.16
O10   .7504 .1495  .3110 2.48
O11   .6537 .3455  .2854 2.40
O12   .5467 .3433 -.1441 1.98
O13   .6358 .1455 -.1602 1.72
OH14  .5609 .1971  .0748  .73
O15   .5478 .2030  .3382 2.09
O16   .3746 .2079  .3359 1.35
O17   .2264 .2320  .0670 1.76
O18   .2397 .2103 -.1945 1.37
O19   .4141 .2000 -.1996 1.79
O20   .2742 .2529 -.4366 1.06
O21   .5363 .2518  .5774 1.17
O22   .4953 .1075  .5082 2.00
O23   .2750 .1065 -.3647 2.29
Wat24 .5870 .0040  .7104 3.66
Wat25 .1214 .4979  .4473 3.62
Wat26 .1229 .0322  .6571 2.71
Wat27 .4513 .3938  .4642 2.45
Wat28 .5639 .4877  .3556 3.60
Wat29 .2891 .4077 -.3317 3.73
Wat30 .0903 .4640  .1012 3.34
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