Kaplunik L N, Pobedimskaya E A, Belov N V
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 251 (1980) 96-98
Kristallicheskaya struktura aktashimita Cu6Hg3As4S12
_database_code_amcsd 0012465
13.730 13.730 9.329 90 90 120 R3
atom x y z Biso
Hg .310 .2263 .0273 1.93
Cu1 .076 .2921 .0222 1.02
Cu2 .3915 .552 .0372 .98
As, .5610 .178 .0192 .75
As2 0 0 0 .21
S1 .3729 .0899 .104 .45
S2 .4579 .428 .0852 .38
S3 .1186 .1561 .1271 .65
S4 .2036 .475 .1153 .54
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