American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

K1.4 O50 P4 W14
Domenges B, Goreaud M, Labbe P, Raveau B
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 173-179
K1.4 P4 W14 O50: An Odd-m Member (m=7) of the Monophosphate
Tungsten Bronze Series Kx P4 O8 (W O3)2m
_cod_database_code 1001252
_database_code_amcsd 0013514
6.660 5.3483 27.06 90 97.20 90 A2/m
atom      x    y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
K1     .363    0  .2498 .35
P1    .1970   .5  .2928
W1        0    0      0      .0039  .0030  .0050      0  -.0012      0
W2   .70062   .5 .05464      .0038  .0029  .0043      0 -.00128      0
W3   .40226    0 .11184      .0036  .0027  .0037      0 -.00119      0
W4   .09390   .5 .16777      .0041  .0027  .0032      0 -.00137      0
O1       .5   .5      0
O2     .846 .249  .0278
O3     .197    0  .0602
O4     .546 .253  .0885
O5     .906   .5  .1137
O6      .25 .253  .1488
O7     .592    0  .1767
O8     .920 .238  .1977
O9     .237   .5  .2383
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