Nguyen N, Calage Y, Varret F, Ferey G, Caignaert V, Hervieu M, Raveau B
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 53 (1984) 398-405
The oxygen defect Perovskite Ca3 Mn1.35 Fe1.65 O8.02: a highly
frustrated antiferromagnet
_cod_database_code 1000194
_database_code_amcsd 0013529
5.332 11.13 5.455 90 90 90 Pm2a
atom x y z occ
Ca1 .25 .5 .75
Ca2 .24 .183 .7 .5
Ca3 .24 .834 .7 .5
Mn1 .27 .332 .259 .5
Mn2 .25 .665 .255
Mn3 .232 0 .237 .5
O1 0 .329 0
O2 0 .665 0
O3 0 .33 .5
O4 0 .66 .5
O5 .25 .5 .25 .7
O6 .25 .17 .25
O7 .25 .829 .25
O8 0 .01 0
O9 0 .01 .5 .3
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