American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Cs6 H2 Mo7 O38 P7
Guesdon A, Borel M, Leclaire A, Grandin A, Raveau B
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 111 (1994) 315-321
A mixed-valent molybdenum monophosphate with a "butterfly"-shaped
tunnel structure Cs6Mo7O9(PO4)7*H2O
_cod_database_code 1001603
_database_code_amcsd 0013814
10.084 21.297 17.491 90 90 90 Pnma
atom     x     y     z
Cs1  .4553 .0380 .6085
Cs2  .1872   .25 .5811
Cs3  .3713 .1342 .1737
Cs4  .2440   .25 .8323
Mo1  .0376 .1889 .0216
Mo2  .0763 .0425 .5152
Mo3  .1494 .9875 .3150
Mo4  .2625   .25 .3519
P1    .130 .0931 .6974
P2    .286 .0833 .9759
P3   .2993 .1030 .4006
P4    .080   .25 .1870
O1    .479  .179  .568
O2    .171   .25  .004
O3   -.064  .109  .058
O4    .193  .127  .014
O5    .895   .25  .062
O6    .098  .191  .139
O7   -.066  .105  .509
O8    .154  .083  .611
O9    .037  .006  .411
O10   .182  .108  .454
O11   .229 -.016  .515
O12   .123   .25  .403
O13   .176   .25  .251
O14   .279  .158  .344
O15   .437   .25  .280
O16   .091  .046  .262
O17   .018  .924  .282
O18   .273  .955  .240
O19   .301  .040  .360
O20   .236  .920  .392
O21   .162  .159  .720
O22   .438   .25  .727
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