American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Miletich R
Mineralogy and Petrology 48 (1993) 129-145
Copper-substituted manganese-denningites,
Mn(Mn1-xCux)(Te2O5)2(0<=x<=1): synthesis and crystal chemistry
Locality: synthetic
Sample: x = 0.99
_database_code_amcsd 0014630
8.723 8.723 12.777 90 90 90 *P4_2/nbc
.25 -.25 .25
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mn      .25    .25      0      .0196  .0226  .0151      0      0      0
MnMe    .25    .25    .25 .01  .0224  .0224  .0132 -.0066      0      0
CuMe    .25    .25    .25 .99  .0224  .0224  .0132 -.0066      0      0
Te   .03856 .56784 .38201      .0168  .0168  .0147  .0015  .0001  .0012
O1    .1702  .1125  .3609      .0189  .0196  .0203 -.0026 -.0014  .0052
O2    .0212  .3768  .4511      .0303  .0150  .0170  .0116  .0031  .0041
O3    .5514  .5514    .25      .0293  .0293  .0168 -.0177 -.0058  .0058
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