Carpholite |
Lindemann W, Wogerbauer R, Berger P |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1979 (1979) 282-287 |
Die kristallstruktur von karpholith |
(Mn0.97Mg0.08FeII0.07)(Al1.90FeIII0.01)Si2O6(OH)4 |
Locality: Schlaggenwald, Bohemia |
_database_code_amcsd 0014762 |
13.718 20.216 5.132 90 90 90 *Ccca |
0 .75 .75 |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mn 0 .3730 .25 .0251 .0284 .0166 0 .0012 0 |
All .1934 .25 .25 .0370 .0448 .0188 0 0 .0132 |
Al2 0 .4616 .75 .0318 .0406 .0226 0 .0016 0 |
Si .1939 .3795 .9132 .0127 .0135 .0078 .0004 .0006 .0006 |
O1 .2063 .3003 .9318 .0002 .0084 .0034 .0024 .0015 .0000 |
O2 .2462 .4112 .1709 .0025 .0152 .0049 .0003 -.0009 .0004 |
O3 .0821 .3996 .9010 .0019 .0071 .0087 .0019 -.0002 .0014 |
OHl .1033 .3071 .3863 .0036 .0105 .0014 .0056 .0006 .0001 |
OH2 .0680 .4671 .4304 .0034 .0102 .0032 -.0006 .0018 .0011 |
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