American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

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Pertlik F
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1986 (1986) 493-499
The crystal structure of franciscanite, Mn3(Vx_1-x)(SiO4)(O,OH)3,(x ~ 0.5)
Locality: Franciscan Complex, Pennsylvania mine, Santa Clara County,
California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0014805
8.1518 8.1518 4.8091 90 90 120 P3
atom     x      y      z occ  U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mn1  .5848  .8916      0        .011   .005   .015   .000  -.001  -.001
Mn2  .4090  .1151  .4994        .009   .017   .009   .005  -.001  -.002
V1       0      0  .9609 .64    .001   .001   .031   .000      0      0
V2       0      0  .4324 .36    .035   .035   .001   .017      0      0
Si1    1/3    2/3  .4342        .015   .015   .007   .007      0      0
Si2    2/3    1/3  .9398        .006   .006   .010   .003      0      0
O2   .3666  .8677  .2945        .008   .012   .016   .000   .007   .002
O22  .6277  .1317  .7973        .022   .009   .009   .009   .006   .002
O3     1/3    2/3  .7844        .012   .012   .036   .006      0      0
O33    2/3    1/3  .2670        .001   .001   .015   .000      0      0
OH1  .7889  .8358  .7814        .029   .013   .023   .013  -.013  -.009
OH11 .2135  .1630  .2647        .003   .020   .011   .004  -.007  -.001
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