American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Baur W H, Joswig W
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1996 (1996) 171-187
The phases of natrolite occurring during dehydration and rehydration studied
by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods between room temperature and 923 K
Locality: Khibiny, Kola peninsula, Russia
Sample: T = 573 K, crystal II, "metanatrolite"
_database_code_amcsd 0014888
16.244 17.018 6.4295 90 90 90.0 F2
atom     x      y       z occ  Uiso
Na1  .0605  .1829    .134      .096
Na2  .3137  .0629    .331 .41  .064
Na21 .2836  .0747    .392 .41  .052
Al11 .0264  .1050   .6065     .0305
Al12 .2682  .1423   .8613     .0289
Si11     0      0 -.01060     .0297
Si12   .25    .25   .2419     .0305
Si21 .1371  .2343   .6186     .0307
Si22 .1109 -.0207   .3597     .0270
O11  .0422  .0690   .8553      .040
O12  .2375  .1712   .1096      .038
O21  .0417  .2079   .6030      .039
O22  .2075 -.0425   .3456      .029
O31  .0911  .0703   .4059      .034
O32  .1471  .3039   .7782      .042
O41  .0726 -.0752   .5414      .037
O42  .1913  .1591   .6793      .044
O51  .0723 -.0406   .1305      .040
O52  .1675  .2657   .3876      .039
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