Kuliokite-(Y) |
Sokolova E V, Egorov-Tismenko Y K, Voloshin A V, Pakhomovsky Y A |
Soviet Physics Doklady 31 (1986) 601-603 |
Crystal structure of the new Y-Al silicate kuliokite-(Y), Y4Al[SiO4]2(OH)2F5 |
Locality: Kola Peninsula, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0015613 |
8.606 8.672 4.317 102.79 97.94 116.66 P1 |
atom x y z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Y1 .2938 .4489 .3180 .61 .004565 .001855 .013713 .001841 .003336 .004203 |
Y2 .2614 .8030 .9857 .64 .004109 .002783 .015237 .002301 .003336 .005884 |
Y3 .7405 .5424 .7237 .45 .003652 .002319 .013713 .002301 .005004 .005044 |
Y4 .7098 .1575 .0266 .46 .004565 .003246 .013713 .002301 .005004 .005044 |
Al 0 0 0 .1 .001370 .001391 .001524 -.000460 .002502 .003362 |
Si1 .691 .842 .352 .3 .002283 .005101 .031998 .005522 .012511 .016812 |
Si2 .311 .150 .660 .2 .000913 .000464 .007619 -.000920 -.003336 -.004203 |
O2 .421 .064 .843 .5 .002739 .004638 .010666 -.000920 .000000 .007566 |
O4 .562 .898 .168 1.0 .002283 .003246 .021332 -.003681 .001668 .005884 |
O5 .814 .003 .705 .6 .004109 .004174 .024379 .001380 .002502 .008406 |
O6 .185 .190 .899 .5 .005022 .004174 .010666 .003221 .012511 .006725 |
O7 .440 .343 .623 .5 .005935 .002319 .012190 -.004141 -.002502 .010928 |
O8 .820 .818 .121 .5 .002739 .000928 .048759 .001841 .015013 .002522 |
O9 .182 .002 .315 .4 .002283 .001391 .003047 -.003681 -.008340 -.006725 |
O10 .580 .644 .435 .4 .003652 .003246 .010666 .002761 .006672 .010087 |
OH1 .002 .808 .704 .4 .004565 .002783 .018285 -.004601 -.002502 .000000 |
OH3 .007 .213 .298 .5 .003652 .004174 .022856 .002301 .012511 .001681 |
F1 .732 .436 .170 .7 .011413 .001855 .007619 .003221 .001668 -.004203 |
F2 .261 .704 .461 .6 .005022 .002783 .025903 .005522 .007506 .010928 |
F3 .277 .532 .848 1.0 .003196 .006956 .018285 -.000920 -.005838 .008406 |
F4 .716 .249 .572 .7 .005935 .006493 .009142 .004601 .010843 .006725 |
F5 .001 .558 .910 2.0 .006391 .005565 .068567 -.003681 .003336 .023537 |
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