American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

O14 P5 Sm
Tranqui D, Bagieu M, Durif A
Acta Crystallographica B30 (1974) 1751-1755
Structure cristalline de l'ultraphosphate de Samarium Sm P5 O14
_cod_database_code 1007239
_database_code_amcsd 0015921
8.750 12.990 8.944 90 90 90.45 P2_1/b
atom      x       y       z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Sm1  .72264  .00071  .19043  .0103  .0010  .0046 -.0020  .0001  .0001
P1   .31387  .00038  .24480  .0154  .0022  .0029 -.0025 -.0002 -.0014
P2   .23104  .16449  .44990  .0136  .0019  .0075  .0021  .0003  .0014
P3   .74168  .16581  .54789  .0128  .0025  .0072 -.0015  .0012 -.0013
P4   .49556  .29683  .49662  .0132  .0022  .0096 -.0017  .0018  .0008
P5   .99574  .32702  .49824  .0124  .0007  .0070 -.0016  .0004  .0016
O1   .46726  .50347  .18754  .0094  .0081  .0111  .0004  .0025  .0010
O2   .28706  .00067  .08197  .0240  .0120  .0087  .0045  .0050 -.0010
O3   .20948  .08944  .31236  .0201  .0098  .0126  .0088 -.0060 -.0069
O4   .77514  .11065 -.59341  .0309  .0116  .0074 -.0034 -.0008  .0008
O5   .23152  .11432  .59477  .0231  .0160  .0123 -.0025 -.0011  .0094
O6   .22136 -.09804  .30949  .0171  .0092  .0151 -.0055 -.0018  .0042
O7   .37692  .22462  .40578  .0251  .0169  .0111 -.0152  .0074 -.0062
O8   .09896  .24144  .41738  .0393  .0102  .0070  .0254  .0056  .0029
O9   .59682  .21226  .57422  .0309  .0270  .0199  .0164  .0114  .0148
O10  .86992  .25543  .58067  .0363  .0134  .0071 -.0171  .0029 -.0003
O11  .41169  .34955  .61579   .020  .0115  .0187 -.0033  .0004  .0007
O12  .08159  .38023  .61555  .0187  .0100  .0198  .0092  .0040 -.0055
O13  .58608  .35272  .38173  .0198  .0104  .0196 -.0097  .0004  .0060
O14  .91874  .38526  .37725  .0209  .0087  .0154  .0032 -.0006  .0014
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