American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

As5 Fe12
Maaref S, Maddar R, Chaudouet P, Fruchart R, Senateur J, Averbuch-Pouchot M,
Bacmann M, Durif A, Wolfers P
Materials Research Bulletin 18 (1983) 473-480
Etude de la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel
arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
_cod_database_code 1007246
_database_code_amcsd 0015928
6.7855 6.7855 16.30099 90 90 120 R3
atom     x     y     z
As1      0     0     0
As2      0     0 .7082
As3  .3144 .3332 .1874
Fe1      0     0 .2355
Fe2      0     0 .4722
Fe3      0     0 .8548
Fe4  .0570 .4174 .2724
Fe5  .7509 .7236 .1026
Fe6  .3334 .4305 .0204
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