American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Cs2 Cu N6 O12 Pb
Klein S, Reinen D
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 32 (1980) 311-319
The Structure of the Low-Temperature gamma-Modification of Cs2PbCu(NO2)6:
A Powder Neutron Diffraction Study at 160 K
_cod_database_code 1008094
_database_code_amcsd 0016036
7.734 15.531 21.376 90 90 90.10 B2/b
atom     x     y      z occ
Cs1   .125  .375   .125
Cs2  -.375  .875   .125
Pb1      0     0    .25  .5
Pb2     .5    .5    .25  .5
Cu1      0     0      0
Cu2     .5    .5      0
N1       0     0  .0969
N2      .5    .5  .0969
N3    .928  .928      0
N4   .7100 .7100      0
N5   .8950 .1050      0
N6   .5964 .4036      0
O1    .951  .049  .1251
O2    .049  .951  .1251
O3    .451  .549  .1251
O4    .549  .451  .1251
O5   .2588 .2588 -.0498
O6   .2588 .2588  .0498
O7   .2412 .7588  .0498
O8   .2412 .7588 -.0498
O9   .9626 .2242      0
O10  .7758 .0374      0
O11  .7242 .4626      0
O12  .5374 .7242      0
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