American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

H15 Li N5 O3
Klein W, Jansen M
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung B54 (1999) 1345-1349
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von LithiumozonidAmmoniakat (1/5)(LiO3)5(NH3)
_cod_database_code 1009028
_database_code_amcsd 0016890
12.319 6.374 11.048 90 90 90 Pc2_1n
atom      x     y     z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
O1    .0878 .6339 .9973  .0381  .0374   .046  .0079  .0010 -.0095
O2    .0145 .7502 .0347   .048   .107   .146   .005   .004  -.093
O3    .0161 .9038 .1000   .069  .0319   .060  .0053   .029  -.001
Li1  -.2076 .3671 .8687   .026   .029   .028   .002  -.003  -.001
N1   -.1982 .6914 .8663   .034   .032   .039 -.0002  -.005   .001
H1   -.2494 .7510 .8938
H2   -.1878 .7493 .7943
H3   -.1577 .7400 .9017
N2   -.2862 .2914 .0269  .0227   .034  .0267 -.0020 -.0003  .0001
H4   -.2337 .2896 .0759
H5   -.3187 .1705 .0320
H6   -.3416 .3711 .0447
N3   -.2731 .2645 .7079  .0240   .035  .0292  .0003 -.0002  -.004
H7   -.2157 .2655 .6390
H8   -.3140 .3197 .6764
H9   -.2927 .1337 .7025
N4   -.0511 .2474 .8787  .0267   .035   .028  .0000  .0013   .001
H10  -.0305 .2195 .8084
H11  -.0368 .1477 .9141
H12  -.0031 .3383 .8914
N5   -.0746 .3220 .2058   .030   .046   .036   .007  -.002  -.011
H13  -.0569 .2021 .1782
H14  -.0601 .3240 .2905
H15  -.0313 .3928 .1768
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