American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Bente K, Kupcik V
Acta Crystallographica C40 (1984) 1985-1986
Redetermination and refinement of the structure of
tetrabismuth tetracopper enneasulphide Cu4Bi4S9
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0018395
31.68 11.659 3.972 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y   z occ Biso
Cul  .1353 .3833 .75     1.33
Cu2  .1912 .3360 .25     2.13
Cu3  .3048 .4245 .25     2.48
Cu4  .4808 .3634 .25  .5  3.2
Cu5  .4834 .4136 .25  .5   .8
Bil  .0278 .3670 .75 .98 1.22
Bi2  .0903 .0987 .25 .98 1.41
Bi3  .2786 .1385 .25 .98 1.20
Bi4  .3908 .2324 .75 .98 1.09
S1   .0206 .1313 .75       .9
S2   .0987 .3244 .25       .9
S3   .1542 .0931 .75       .7
S4   .1922 .2410 .75       .8
S5   .2357 .4852 .25       .8
S6   .3150 .3169 .75       .8
S7   .3570 .0773 .25       .6
S8   .4113 .3895 .25       .8
S9   .4700 .1202 .25       .9
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