Anorthite |
Wenk H R, Joswig W, Tagai T, Korekawa M, Smith B K |
American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 81-95 |
The average structure of An 62-66 labradorite |
Note: studied with X-rays |
Locality: Lake County, Oregon, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0019664 |
8.1747 12.8706 7.1014 93.461 116.086 90.514 C-1 |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Ca1 .2663 .9834 .1687 .317 .00479 .00661 .01010 -.00197 0.00372 -.00447 |
Na1 .2663 .9834 .1687 .183 .00479 .00661 .01010 -.00197 0.00372 -.00447 |
Ca2 .2709 .0300 .0970 .317 .00434 .00338 .00960 0.00115 0.00085 -.00221 |
Na2 .2709 .0300 .0970 .183 .00434 .00338 .00960 0.00115 0.00085 -.00221 |
Si1 .00588 .16271 .21481 .587 .00431 .00164 .00498 -.00043 0.00174 0.00035 |
Al1 .00588 .16271 .21481 .412 .00431 .00164 .00498 -.00043 0.00174 0.00035 |
Si2 .00275 .81645 .23109 .587 .00365 .00139 .00329 0.00071 0.00121 0.00003 |
Al2 .00275 .81645 .23109 .412 .00365 .00139 .00329 0.00071 0.00121 0.00003 |
Si3 .68425 .10878 .31709 .587 .00331 .00107 .00491 0.00016 0.00120 0.00000 |
Al3 .68425 .10878 .31709 .412 .00331 .00107 .00491 0.00016 0.00120 0.00000 |
Si4 .68086 .87873 .35765 .587 .00331 .00113 .00508 0.00005 0.00126 0.00049 |
Al4 .68086 .87873 .35165 .412 .00331 .00113 .00508 0.00005 0.00126 0.00049 |
Oa1 .0027 .1281 .9796 .01119 .00289 .00645 0.00087 0.00551 0.00088 |
Oa2 .5787 .9913 .2777 .00495 .00158 .00789 0.00010 0.00184 0.00060 |
Obo .8121 .1033 .1879 .00853 .00213 .01321 -.00064 0.00564 -.00047 |
Obm .8152 .8540 .2435 .00868 .00294 .02168 0.00054 0.00743 -.00107 |
Oco .0141 .2892 .2830 .00681 .00280 .01179 -.00075 0.00370 0.00080 |
Ocm .0115 .6866 .2118 .00657 .00269 .00880 0.00117 0.00159 -.00077 |
Odo .1976 .1065 .3816 .00729 .00231 .00754 0.00027 0.00058 0.00043 |
Odm .1906 .8657 .4307 .00810 .00301 .00998 0.00070 -.00055 -.00079 |
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