American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

55 matching records for this search.

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Harlow G E
Download am/vol67/AM67_975.pdf
American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Sample: Or = 32.5, T = 23 C
Locality: Grande Calderira, Azores
_database_code_amcsd 0019652
8.290 12.966 7.151 91.18 116.31 90.14 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2750 .0013 .1366 .686 -.0014 0.0065 0.0139 0.0002 -.0007 -.0052
K    .2750 .0013 .1366 .334 -.0014 0.0065 0.0139 0.0002 -.0007 -.0052
Ca   .2750 .0013 .1366 .008 -.0014 0.0065 0.0139 0.0002 -.0007 -.0052
Al1  .0085 .1753 .2207  .25 0.0056 0.0017 0.0051 -.0004 0.0028 0.0000
Si1  .0085 .1753 .2207 .750 0.0056 0.0017 0.0051 -.0004 0.0028 0.0000
Al2  .0069 .8180 .2252  .25 0.0053 0.0015 0.0051 0.0007 0.0026 0.0002
Si2  .0069 .8180 .2252 .750 0.0053 0.0015 0.0051 0.0007 0.0026 0.0002
Al3  .6954 .1140 .3354  .25 0.0051 0.0011 0.0065 0.0000 0.0026 0.0002
Si3  .6954 .1140 .3354 .750 0.0051 0.0011 0.0065 0.0000 0.0026 0.0002
Al4  .6941 .8815 .3465  .25 0.0054 0.0011 0.0063 0.0003 0.0027 0.0001
Si4  .6941 .8815 .3465 .750 0.0054 0.0011 0.0063 0.0003 0.0027 0.0001
O1   .0016 .1388 .9947      0.0124 0.0030 0.0097 0.0006 0.0061 0.0004
O2   .6056 .9972 .2828      0.0086 0.0018 0.0124 0.0001 0.0032 0.0002
O3   .8233 .1279 .2180      0.0095 0.0041 0.0158 -.0010 0.0075 0.0005
O4   .8227 .8574 .2329      0.0094 0.0039 0.0151 0.0011 0.0071 -.0002
O5   .0233 .3012 .2618      0.0088 0.0022 0.0122 -.0003 0.0044 -.0003
O6   .0241 .6916 .2421      0.0084 0.0020 0.0118 0.0003 0.0030 0.0004
O7   .1897 .1204 .4004      0.0090 0.0025 0.0087 0.0006 0.0023 0.0008
O8   .1883 .8725 .4125      0.0086 0.0027 0.0095 -.0003 0.0022 -.0007
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Harlow G E
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American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Note: Or = 32.5, T = 400 C
Locality: Grande Calderira, Azores
_database_code_amcsd 0019653
8.3482 12.9800 7.1582 90 116.109 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2796     0 .1366 .686 0.0095 0.0107 0.0334      0 0.0087      0
K    .2796     0 .1366 .334 0.0095 0.0107 0.0334      0 0.0087      0
Ca   .2796     0 .1366 .008 0.0095 0.0107 0.0334      0 0.0087      0
Al1  .0091 .1797 .2238  .25 0.0135 0.0031 0.0106 -.0008 0.0076 -.0002
Si1  .0091 .1797 .2238 .750 0.0135 0.0031 0.0106 -.0008 0.0076 -.0002
Al2  .6985 .1167 .3431  .25 0.0132 0.0025 0.0124 -.0002 0.0075 -.0001
Si2  .6985 .1167 .3431 .750 0.0132 0.0025 0.0124 -.0002 0.0075 -.0001
O1       0 .1408     0      0.0240 0.0049 0.0098      0 0.0096      0
O2   .6157     0 .2884      0.0190 0.0032 0.0194      0 0.0089      0
O3   .8242 .1373 .2236      0.0182 0.0064 0.0290 -.0006 0.0159 0.0011
O4   .0275 .3078 .2544      0.0187 0.0037 0.0280 -.0012 0.0136 -.0014
O5   .1883 .1248 .4087      0.0190 0.0045 0.0209 0.0015 0.0082 0.0016
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Harlow G E
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American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Note: Or = 22.3, T = 23 C
Locality: Mt Gibele, Pantelleria Islands, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0019654
8.252 12.936 7.139 92.11 116.32 90.22 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2743 .0033 .1353 .710 0.0000 0.0074 0.0167 0.0007 -.0003 -.0091
K    .2743 .0033 .1353 .224 0.0000 0.0074 0.0167 0.0007 -.0003 -.0091
Ca   .2743 .0033 .1353 .069 0.0000 0.0074 0.0167 0.0007 -.0003 -.0091
Al1  .0085 .1711 .2185  .25 0.0085 0.0019 0.0069 0.0000 0.0047 0.0005
Si1  .0085 .1711 .2185  .75 0.0085 0.0019 0.0069 0.0000 0.0047 0.0005
Al2  .0060 .8164 .2271  .25 0.0082 0.0016 0.0066 0.0011 0.0044 0.0008
Si2  .0060 .8164 .2271  .75 0.0082 0.0016 0.0066 0.0011 0.0044 0.0008
Al3  .6933 .1115 .3289  .25 0.0080 0.0013 0.0084 0.0005 0.0044 0.0005
Si3  .6933 .1115 .3289  .75 0.0080 0.0013 0.0084 0.0005 0.0044 0.0005
Al4  .6904 .8798 .3496  .25 0.0084 0.0013 0.0081 0.0007 0.0045 0.0006
Si4  .6904 .8798 .3496  .75 0.0084 0.0013 0.0081 0.0007 0.0045 0.0006
O1   .0033 .1377 .9907      0.0150 0.0035 0.0109 0.0012 0.0076 0.0012
O2   .5994 .9945 .2802      0.0117 0.0019 0.0138 0.0005 0.0052 0.0008
O3   .8219 .1194 .2092      0.0128 0.0044 0.0177 0.0001 0.0096 0.0011
O4   .8212 .8531 .2381      0.0117 0.0044 0.0171 0.0014 0.0087 0.0004
O5   .0207 .2964 .2688      0.0115 0.0027 0.0137 0.0001 0.0063 -.0001
O6   .0227 .6899 .2312      0.0116 0.0024 0.0128 0.0009 0.0044 0.0006
O7   .1916 .1171 .3943      0.0126 0.0029 0.0105 0.0009 0.0044 0.0011
O8   .1881 .8701 .4191      0.0116 0.0029 0.0115 0.0005 0.0038 0.0001
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Harlow G E
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American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Note: Or = 22.3, T = 510 C
Locality: Mt Gibele, Pantelleria Islands, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0019655
8.314 12.973 7.150 90 116.135 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2780     0 .1372 .710 0.0060 0.0106 0.0291      0 0.0048      0
K    .2780     0 .1372 .224 0.0060 0.0106 0.0291      0 0.0048      0
Ca   .2780     0 .1372 .069 0.0060 0.0106 0.0291      0 0.0048      0
Al1  .0081 .1792 .2236  .25 0.0093 0.0028 0.0092 -.0009 0.0049 -.0002
Si1  .0081 .1792 .2236  .75 0.0093 0.0028 0.0092 -.0009 0.0049 -.0002
Al2  .6967 .1164 .3422  .25 0.0087 0.0021 0.0111 -.0003 0.0047 -.0002
Si2  .6967 .1164 .3422  .75 0.0087 0.0021 0.0111 -.0003 0.0047 -.0002
O1       0 .1391     0      0.0202 0.0056 0.0129      0 0.0096      0
O2   .6084     0 .2842      0.0123 0.0028 0.0219      0 0.0051      0
O3   .8230 .1361 .2242      0.0145 0.0070 0.0282 -.0025 0.0139 -.0006
O4   .0256 .3044 .2528      0.0148 0.0035 0.0250 -.0015 0.0086 -.0007
O5   .1877 .1241 .4063      0.0153 0.0056 0.0153 0.0010 0.0035 0.0019
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Harlow G E
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American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Note: Or = 13.8, T = 23 C
Locality: Kakanui, New Zealand
_database_code_amcsd 0019656
8.2168 12.9166 7.1270 92.754 116.357 90.239 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2743 .0051 .1350 .856 -.0016 0.0115 0.0227 0.0005 -.0021 -.0144
K    .2743 .0051 .1350 .141 -.0016 0.0115 0.0227 0.0005 -.0021 -.0144
Ca   .2743 .0051 .1350 .026 -.0016 0.0115 0.0227 0.0005 -.0021 -.0144
Al1  .0087 .1686 .2168  .25 0.0047 0.0019 0.0073 -.0005 0.0029 -.0004
Si1  .0087 .1686 .2168  .75 0.0047 0.0019 0.0073 -.0005 0.0029 -.0004
Al2  .0054 .8153 .2275  .25 0.0044 0.0018 0.0068 0.0003 0.0027 -.0002
Si2  .0054 .8153 .2275  .75 0.0044 0.0018 0.0068 0.0003 0.0027 -.0002
Al3  .6923 .1099 .3256  .25 0.0044 0.0014 0.0082 -.0002 0.0025 -.0002
Si3  .6923 .1099 .3256  .75 0.0044 0.0014 0.0082 -.0002 0.0025 -.0002
Al4  .6886 .8789 .3514  .25 0.0045 0.0015 0.0083      0 0.0028 -.0002
Si4  .6886 .8789 .3514  .75 0.0045 0.0015 0.0083 0.0000 0.0028 -.0002
O1   .0045 .1369 .9881      0.0113 0.0033 0.0117 0.0000 0.0063 -.0003
O2   .5969 .9925 .2818      0.0075 0.0023 0.0118 -.0003 0.0034 0.0004
O3   .8220 .1145 .2051      0.0090 0.0036 0.0164 -.0010 0.0074 -.0004
O4   .8203 .8499 .2422      0.0081 0.0045 0.0169 0.0006 0.0072 -.0010
O5   .0188 .2940 .2724      0.0077 0.0024 0.0158 -.0006 0.0050 -.0009
O6   .0225 .6882 .2267      0.0077 0.0027 0.0107 0.0006 0.0021 0.0003
O7   .1932 .1146 .3911      0.0080 0.0029 0.0102 0.0004 0.0020 0.0004
O8   .1882 .8685 .4232      0.0076 0.0034 0.0109 -.0004 0.0011 0.0015
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Harlow G E
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American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 975-996
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
Note: Or = 13.8, T = 750 C
Locality: Kakanui, New Zealand
_database_code_amcsd 0019657
8.321 12.969 7.148 90 116.05 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2839     0 .1496 .856 0.0126 0.0247 0.0619      0 0.0070      0
K    .2839     0 .1496 .141 0.0126 0.0247 0.0619      0 0.0070      0
Ca   .2839     0 .1496 .026 0.0126 0.0247 0.0619      0 0.0070      0
Al1  .0089 .1796 .2240  .25 0.0144 0.0054 0.0163 -.0011 0.0088 -.0002
Si1  .0089 .1796 .2240  .75 0.0144 0.0054 0.0163 -.0011 0.0088 -.0002
Al2  .6972 .1170 .3437  .25 0.0121 0.0045 0.0202 -.0003 0.0081 -.0001
Si2  .6972 .1170 .3437  .75 0.0121 0.0045 0.0202 -.0003 0.0081 -.0001
O1       0 .1378     0      0.0327 0.0083 0.0263      0 0.0151      0
O2   .6115     0 .2858      0.0145 0.0055 0.0508      0 0.0014      0
O3   .8282 .1382 .2288      0.0211 0.0123 0.0407 -.0031 0.0202 0.0018
O4   .0320 .3030 .2563      0.0251 0.0064 0.0397 -.0030 0.0150 -.0006
O5   .1850 .1251 .4121      0.0266 0.0084 0.0267 0.0023 0.0106 0.0019
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FitzGerald J D, Parise J B, Mackinnon I D R
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American Mineralogist 71 (1986) 1399-1408
Average structure of an An48 plagioclase from the Hogarth Ranges
Note: Neutron data, andesine
Locality: Hogarth Ranges, northern New South Wales, Australia
_database_code_amcsd 0019660
8.179 12.880 7.112 93.44 116.21 90.23 C-1
atom       x       y      z occ B(1,1)  B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
CaM1  .26809 -.01884 .16802 .15 .00680 .00790  .01366 -.00217 .00509 -.00404
NaM1  .26809 -.01884 .16802 .29 .00680 .00790  .01366 -.00217 .00509 -.00404
CaM2  .27180  .02701 .10219 .33 .00547 .00528  .01478  .00176 .00160 -.00342
NaM2  .27180  .02701 .10219 .23 .00547 .00528  .01478  .00176 .00160 -.00342
AlT1o .00694  .16420 .21481 .51 .00462 .00183  .00479 -.00035 .00210  .00029
SiT1o .00694  .16420 .21481 .49 .00462 .00183  .00489 -.00035 .00210  .00029
AlT1m .00346  .81651 .23115 .32 .00474 .00192  .00473  .00094 .00214  .00029
SiT1m .00346  .81651 .23115 .68 .00474 .00192  .00473  .00094 .00214  .00029
AlT2o .68601  .10893 .31813 .32 .00417 .00151  .00607  .00033 .00195  .00025
SiT2o .68601  .10893 .31813 .68 .00417 .00151  .00607  .00033 .00195  .00025
AlT2m .68193  .87892 .35638 .32 .00403 .00156  .00570  .00028 .00199  .00044
SiT2m .68193  .87892 .35638 .68 .00403 .00156  .00570  .00028 .00199  .00044
OA1   .00387  .13025 .98101     .01141 .00352  .00750  .00086 .00582  .00103
OA2   .58279  .99186 .27868     .00564 .00183  .00930  .00010 .00270  .00075
OBo   .81405  .10547 .19149     .00830 .00268  .01365 -.00045 .00646 -.00007
OBm   .81627  .85251 .24428     .00829 .00361  .01864  .00081 .00777 -.00067
OCo   .01490  .29097 .27964     .00764 .00272  .01135 -.00057 .00411  .00040
OCm   .01466  .68761 .21573     .00757 .00288  .00920  .00166 .00194 -.00009
ODo   .19785  .10857 .38416     .00762 .00284  .00749  .00036 .00127  .00069
ODm   .18964  .86653 .42901     .00770 .00321  .00970  .00036 .00004 -.00069
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FitzGerald J D, Parise J B, Mackinnon I D R
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American Mineralogist 71 (1986) 1399-1408
Average structure of an An48 plagioclase from the Hogarth Ranges
Note: X-ray data, andesine
Locality: Hogarth Ranges, northern New South Wales, Australia
_database_code_amcsd 0019661
8.179 12.880 7.112 93.44 116.21 90.23 C-1
atom       x       y      z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
CaM1  .26775 -.01756 .16714  .15 .00417 .00628 .01081 -.00175  .00347 -.00391
NaM1  .26775 -.01756 .16714  .29 .00417 .00628 .01081 -.00175  .00347 -.00391
CaM2  .27167  .02751 .10131  .33 .00447 .00411 .01173  .00130  .00070 -.00267
NaM2  .27167  .02751 .10131  .23 .00447 .00411 .01173  .00130  .00070 -.00267
AlT1o .00676  .16413 .21481  .51 .00396 .00154 .00416 -.00046  .00166  .00030
SiT1o .00676  .16413 .21481  .49 .00396 .00154 .00416 -.00046  .00166  .00030
AlT1m .00323  .81648 .23087  .32 .00407 .00166 .00392  .00077  .00170  .00027
SiT1m .00323  .81648 .23087  .68 .00407 .00166 .00392  .00077  .00170  .00027
AlT2o .68625  .10900 .31833  .32 .00353 .00117 .00546  .00010  .00147  .00015
SiT2o .68625  .10900 .31833  .68 .00353 .00117 .00546  .00010  .00147  .00015
AlT2m .68191  .87882 .35629  .32 .00351 .00118 .00528  .00016  .00156  .00050
SiT2m .68191  .87882 .35629  .68 .00351 .00118 .00528  .00016  .00156  .00050
OA1   .00424  .13009 .98124      .01112 .00310 .00719  .00074  .00562  .00104
OA2   .58250  .99185 .27843      .00501 .00159 .00872  .00000  .00207  .00069
OBo   .81416  .10547 .19152      .00778 .00221 .01357 -.00045  .00606 -.00002
OBm   .81622  .85266 .24473      .00789 .00298 .01803  .00057  .00713 -.00073
OCo   .01478  .29124 .27976      .00696 .00244 .01057 -.00072  .00370  .00036
OCm   .01469  .68743 .21517      .00718 .00254 .00847  .00144  .00148 -.00022
ODo   .19740  .10866 .38381      .00689 .00242 .00725  .00029  .00076  .00068
ODm   .18965  .86665 .42927      .00681 .00279 .00948  .00031 -.00037 -.00061
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 24 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000536
8.1535 12.8694 7.1070 93.521 116.458 90.257 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
Na   .2737 .0073 .1329 .983 7.62
Ca   .2737 .0073 .1329 .012 7.62
K    .2737 .0073 .1329 .005 7.62
Si1o .0090 .1650 .2148  .75  .78
Al1o .0090 .1650 .2148  .25  .78
Si1m .0048 .8145 .2290  .75  .78
Al1m .0048 .8145 .2290  .25  .78
Si2o .6902 .1079 .3202  .75  .82
Al2o .6902 .1079 .3202  .25  .82
Si2m .6849 .8776 .3535  .75  .79
Al2m .6849 .8776 .3535  .25  .79
Oa1  .0055 .1351 .9845      1.62
Oa2  .5916 .9907 .2783      1.32
Obo  .8212 .1084 .1990      1.65
Obm  .8184 .8470 .2455      1.89
Oco  .0162 .2902 .2770      1.45
Ocm  .0213 .6873 .2180      1.49
Odo  .1959 .1123 .3876      1.44
Odm  .1885 .8675 .4266      1.62
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 350 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000537
8.1829 12.8947 7.1190 93.041 116.352 90.172 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
Na   .2748 .0059 .1348 .983 8.60
Ca   .2748 .0059 .1348 .012 8.60
K    .2748 .0059 .1348 .005 8.60
Si1o .0089 .1674 .2164  .75 1.22
Al1o .0089 .1674 .2164  .25 1.22
Si1m .0054 .8155 .2284  .75 1.21
Al1m .0054 .8155 .2284  .25 1.21
Si2o .6919 .1096 .3242  .75 1.24
Al2o .6919 .1096 .3242  .25 1.24
Si2m .6877 .8785 .3525  .75 1.23
Al2m .6877 .8785 .3525  .25 1.23
Oa1  .0046 .1359 .9874      2.44
Oa2  .5951 .9924 .2798      1.84
Obo  .8210 .1136 .2021      2.48
Obm  .8198 .8491 .2434      2.90
Oco  .0198 .2933 .2748      2.26
Ocm  .0224 .6890 .2241      2.27
Odo  .1942 .1141 .3900      2.27
Odm  .1882 .8688 .4234      2.50
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
Download am/vol61/AM61_1213.pdf
American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 600 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000538
8.2096 12.9182 7.1284 92.482 116.282 90.128 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Biso
Na   .2761 .0037 .1374 .983 10.02
Ca   .2761 .0037 .1374 .012 10.02
K    .2761 .0037 .1374 .005 10.02
Si1o .0088 .1697 .2174  .75  1.62
Al1o .0088 .1697 .2174  .25  1.62
Si1m .0061 .8165 .2275  .75  1.60
Al1m .0061 .8165 .2275  .25  1.60
Si2o .6931 .1110 .3281  .75  1.62
Al2o .6931 .1110 .3281  .25  1.62
Si2m .6902 .8796 .3510  .75  1.63
Al2m .6902 .8796 .3510  .25  1.63
Oa1  .0039 .1371 .9896       3.04
Oa2  .5982 .9938 .2810       2.41
Obo  .8217 .1185 .2071       3.38
Obm  .8208 .8522 .2402       3.61
Oco  .0210 .2955 .2709       2.85
Ocm  .0236 .6899 .2310       2.93
Odo  .1927 .1158 .3928       3.03
Odm  .1881 .8697 .4195       3.32
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 750 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000539
8.2296 12.9336 7.1357 91.956 116.232 90.078 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Biso
Na   .2769 .0029 .1374 .983 10.80
Ca   .2769 .0029 .1374 .012 10.80
K    .2769 .0029 .1374 .005 10.80
Si1o .0087 .1718 .2189  .75  1.89
Al1o .0087 .1718 .2189  .25  1.89
Si1m .0066 .8177 .2268  .75  1.85
Al1m .0066 .8177 .2268  .25  1.85
Si2o .6940 .1123 .3316  .75  1.88
Al2o .6940 .1123 .3316  .25  1.88
Si2m .6919 .8805 .3494  .75  1.89
Al2m .6919 .8805 .3494  .25  1.89
Oa1  .0030 .1374 .9912       3.60
Oa2  .6012 .9951 .2825       2.85
Obo  .8221 .1225 .2114       3.86
Obm  .8216 .8548 .2370       4.24
Oco  .0226 .2974 .2670       3.26
Ocm  .0242 .6915 .2376       3.38
Odo  .1912 .1175 .3951       3.51
Odm  .1882 .8714 .4166       3.70
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 950 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000540
8.2508 12.9489 7.1431 91.161 116.169 90.030 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Biso
Na   .2780 .0019 .1371 .983 11.66
Ca   .2780 .0019 .1371 .012 11.66
K    .2780 .0019 .1371 .005 11.66
Si1o .0086 .1746 .2210  .75  2.17
Al1o .0086 .1746 .2210  .25  2.17
Si1m .0072 .8194 .2253  .75  2.16
Al1m .0072 .8194 .2253  .25  2.16
Si2o .6951 .1141 .3363  .75  2.20
Al2o .6951 .1141 .3363  .25  2.20
Si2m .6938 .8820 .3465  .75  2.21
Al2m .6938 .8820 .3465  .25  2.21
Oa1  .0016 .1380 .9952       3.98
Oa2  .6033 .9971 .2831       3.22
Obo  .8226 .1282 .2169       4.52
Obm  .8222 .8593 .2323       4.75
Oco  .0239 .3005 .2619       3.79
Ocm  .0247 .6933 .2455       3.89
Odo  .1894 .1198 .4001       4.07
Odm  .1881 .8736 .4117       4.13
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 1090 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000541
8.2763 12.9593 7.1463 90.097 116.092 89.988 C-1
atom      x     y     z  occ  Biso
Na    .2793     0 .1377 .983 12.67
Ca    .2793     0 .1377 .012 12.67
K     .2793     0 .1377 .005 12.67
Si1o  .0084 .1782 .2227  .75  2.52
Al1o  .0084 .1782 .2227  .25  2.52
Si1m  .0080 .8215 .2232  .75  2.51
Al1m  .0080 .8215 .2232  .25  2.51
Si2o  .6962 .1160 .3418  .75  2.53
Al2o  .6962 .1160 .3418  .25  2.53
Si2m  .6961 .8838 .3428  .75  2.49
Al2m  .6961 .8838 .3428  .25  2.49
Oa1  -.0005 .1389 .9987       4.38
Oa2   .6055 .9998 .2847       3.46
Obo   .8235 .1336 .2240       5.35
Obm   .8233 .8651 .2257       5.26
Oco   .0263 .3039 .2536       4.62
Ocm   .0261 .6958 .2521       4.67
Odo   .1879 .1233 .4042       4.45
Odm   .1879 .8758 .4061       4.49
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Prewitt C T, Sueno S, Papike J J
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American Mineralogist 61 (1976) 1213-1225
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures
T = 1105 deg C
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0000542
8.2783 12.9592 7.1452 90.056 116.087 89.997 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ  Biso
Na   .2797     0 .1382 .983 12.59
Ca   .2797     0 .1382 .012 12.59
K    .2797     0 .1382 .005 12.59
Si1o .0081 .1783 .2230  .75  2.50
Al1o .0081 .1783 .2230  .25  2.50
Si1m .0080 .8214 .2233  .75  2.53
Al1m .0080 .8214 .2233  .25  2.53
Si2o .6963 .1160 .3420  .75  2.51
Al2o .6963 .1160 .3420  .25  2.51
Si2m .6964 .8838 .3426  .75  2.50
Al2m .6964 .8838 .3426  .25  2.50
Oa1  .0002 .1390 .9995       4.42
Oa2  .6072 .9999 .2850       3.43
Obo  .8238 .1345 .2242       5.31
Obm  .8239 .8654 .2252       5.35
Oco  .0266 .3041 .2534       4.61
Ocm  .0264 .6957 .2525       4.60
Odo  .1882 .1236 .4050       4.52
Odm  .1875 .8761 .4056       4.49
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Winter J K, Ghose S, Okamura F P
Download am/vol62/AM62_921.pdf
American Mineralogist 62 (1977) 921-931
A high-temperature study of the thermal expansion and the anisotropy of the
sodium atom in low albite
T = 500 deg C
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000595
8.206 12.817 7.169 94 116.4 87.7 C-1
atom     x     y     z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2735 .9881 .1470  .0136  .0135  .0379 -.0019  .0082 -.0112
Al1o .0091 .1710 .2092  .0069  .0020  .0071 -.0006  .0031  .0001
Si1m .0046 .8198 .2375  .0063  .0018  .0065  .0005  .0030  .0005
Si2o .6952 .1114 .3192  .0057  .0015  .0083 -.0003  .0024  .0002
Si2m .6860 .8822 .3610  .0057  .0015  .0086  .0002  .0027  .0005
Oa1  .0051 .1345 .9686  .0152  .0036  .0087 -.0003  .0067  .0007
Oa2  .5995 .9983 .2830  .0071  .0016  .0140 -.0001  .0029  .0009
Obo  .8132 .1149 .1941  .0105  .0042  .0175 -.0021  .0085 -.0008
Obm  .8219 .8512 .2563  .0120  .0049  .0241  .0020  .0122  .0009
Oco  .0179 .3045 .2705  .0094  .0022  .0175 -.0012  .0048 -.0005
Ocm  .0257 .6937 .2369  .0092  .0020  .0167  .0011  .0034  .0008
Odo  .2045 .1106 .3905  .0114  .0037  .0093  .0011  .0013  .0009
Odm  .1816 .8688 .4330  .0125  .0041  .0096 -.0013  .0000 -.0005
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Winter J K, Ghose S, Okamura F P
Download am/vol62/AM62_921.pdf
American Mineralogist 62 (1977) 921-931
A high-temperature study of the thermal expansion and the anisotropy of the
sodium atom in low albite
T = 750 deg C
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000596
8.242 12.841 7.176 93.7 116.3 87.6 C-1
atom     x     y     z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2759 .9882 .1466  .0184  .0174  .0487 -.0024  .0105 -.0131
Al1o .0094 .1727 .2102  .0089  .0026  .0092 -.0008  .0040  .0002
Si1m .0051 .8198 .2372  .0082  .0024  .0084  .0007  .0039  .0005
Si2o .6974 .1124 .3221  .0075  .0020  .0109 -.0004  .0032  .0002
Si2m .6886 .8826 .3605  .0074  .0020  .0113  .0002  .0036  .0006
Oa1  .0049 .1359 .9703  .0198  .0048  .0108 -.0004  .0086  .0009
Oa2  .6038 .9993 .2841  .0090  .0021  .0189 -.0001  .0034  .0012
Obo  .8140 .1186 .1967  .0136  .0056  .0226 -.0027  .0111 -.0008
Obm  .8233 .8520 .2555  .0154  .0065  .0307  .0029  .0155  .0011
Oco  .0203 .3062 .2696  .0123  .0028  .0231 -.0017  .0062 -.0009
Ocm  .0275 .6940 .2413  .0123  .0027  .0220  .0015  .0050  .0010
Odo  .2029 .1119 .3921  .0147  .0050  .0124  .0013  .0018  .0013
Odm  .1808 .8694 .4301  .0162  .0053  .0124 -.0020  .0004 -.0008
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Winter J K, Ghose S, Okamura F P
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American Mineralogist 62 (1977) 921-931
A high-temperature study of the thermal expansion and the anisotropy of the
sodium atom in low albite
T = 970 deg C
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000597
8.277 12.860 7.181 93.3 116.2 87.6 C-1
atom     x     y     z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2782 .9883 .1468  .0236  .0203  .0612 -.0020  .0137 -.0124
Al1o .0098 .1747 .2113  .0111  .0032  .0113 -.0010  .0050  .0002
Si1m .0058 .8200 .2370  .0101  .0030  .0102  .0008  .0047  .0005
Si2o .6997 .1135 .3252  .0092  .0025  .0136 -.0005  .0040  .0002
Si2m .6911 .8830 .3596  .0091  .0025  .0139  .0002  .0044  .0006
Oa1  .0045 .1371 .9717  .0242  .0061  .0133 -.0002  .0106  .0011
Oa2  .6078 .0001 .2841  .0117  .0025  .0230 -.0002  .0043  .0012
Obo  .8155 .1223 .2012  .0164  .0073  .0282 -.0034  .0137 -.0005
Obm  .8252 .8531 .2549  .0178  .0081  .0359  .0031  .0175  .0009
Oco  .0225 .3080 .2679  .0151  .0036  .0285 -.0019  .0074 -.0007
Ocm  .0298 .6947 .2466  .0152  .0033  .0290  .0021  .0074  .0018
Odo  .2014 .1136 .3934  .0175  .0061  .0152  .0015  .0023  .0016
Odm  .1795 .8706 .4280  .0190  .0068  .0153 -.0023  .0006 -.0007
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Keefer K D, Brown G E
Download am/vol63/AM63_1264.pdf
American Mineralogist 63 (1978) 1264-1273
Crystal structures and compositions of sanidine and high albite in
cryptoperthitic intergrowth
Note this sample of feldspar is from the
Rabb Canyon pegmatite, Grant County, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000694
8.144 12.989 7.160 92.10 116.56 90.21 C-1
atom     x     y     z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2690 .0048 .1319 .80  .0101  .0143  .0357  .0009  .0026 -.0113
K    .2690 .0048 .1319 .20  .0101  .0143  .0357  .0009  .0026 -.0113
Si1o .0078 .1694 .2182 .75  .0063  .0030  .0036 -.0002  .0023  .0000
Al1o .0078 .1694 .2182 .25  .0063  .0030  .0036 -.0002  .0023  .0000
Si1m .0057 .8175 .2261 .75  .0059  .0030  .0036  .0006  .0017  .0005
Al1m .0057 .8175 .2261 .25  .0059  .0030  .0036  .0006  .0017  .0005
Si2o .6893 .1104 .3287 .75  .0050  .0029  .0050  .0000  .0012  .0003
Al2o .6893 .1104 .3287 .25  .0050  .0029  .0050  .0000  .0012  .0003
Si2m .6857 .8802 .3484 .75  .0051  .0029  .0045  .0003  .0013  .0003
Al2m .6857 .8802 .3484 .25  .0051  .0029  .0045  .0003  .0013  .0003
Oa1  .0035 .1359 .9914      .0125  .0042  .0088 -.0001  .0059 -.0003
Oa2  .5913 .9943 .2821      .0071  .0035  .0091 -.0002  .0026  .0001
Obo  .8216 .1145 .2108      .0081  .0054  .0154 -.0011  .0074 -.0003
Obm  .8184 .8552 .2378      .0089  .0061  .0122  .0013  .0048 -.0001
Oco  .0152 .2959 .2658      .0090  .0040  .0097 -.0010  .0032 -.0004
Ocm  .0202 .6893 .2329      .0089  .0034  .0096  .0010  .0015  .0006
Odo  .1965 .1168 .3950      .0091  .0040  .0077  .0009  .0018  .0008
Odm  .1918 .8710 .4190      .0100  .0039  .0069 -.0004 -.0010 -.0006
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
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American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 25 C
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000715
8.161 12.875 7.110 93.53 116.46 90.24 C-1
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2737 .0075 .1332 .9975  .0072  .0182  .0425  .0016  .0011 -.0207
K    .2737 .0075 .1332 .0025  .0072  .0182  .0425  .0016  .0011 -.0207
Si1o .0090 .1649 .2147   .75  .0043  .0014  .0048 -.0004  .0021  .0001
Al1o .0090 .1649 .2147   .25  .0043  .0014  .0048 -.0004  .0021  .0001
Si1m .0048 .8146 .2289   .75  .0041  .0015  .0047  .0004  .0020  .0003
Al1m .0048 .8146 .2289   .25  .0041  .0015  .0047  .0004  .0020  .0003
Si2o .6904 .1080 .3202   .75  .0038  .0012  .0059 -.0001  .0018  .0002
Al2o .6904 .1080 .3202   .25  .0038  .0012  .0059 -.0001  .0018  .0002
Si2m .6849 .8776 .3537   .75  .0039  .0011  .0059  .0001  .0019  .0003
Al2m .6849 .8776 .3537   .25  .0039  .0011  .0059  .0001  .0019  .0003
Oa1  .0053 .1348 .9844        .0107  .0025  .0085  .0002  .0055  .0005
Oa2  .5917 .9908 .2787        .0056  .0017  .0102 -.0001  .0025  .0008
Obo  .8214 .1086 .1991        .0078  .0025  .0132 -.0009  .0061 -.0004
Obm  .8188 .8472 .2456        .0073  .0035  .0143  .0008  .0065 -.0002
Oco  .0159 .2906 .2773        .0065  .0021  .0111 -.0003  .0036 -.0002
Ocm  .0217 .6872 .2184        .0067  .0021  .0099  .0008  .0020  .0002
Odo  .1962 .1122 .3879        .0070  .0022  .0078  .0006  .0018  .0006
Odm  .1884 .8674 .4267        .0070  .0026  .0083 -.0004  .0007 -.0005
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
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American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 500 C
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000716
8.208 12.934 7.134 92.65 116.25 90.12 C-1
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2759 .0033 .1375 .9975  .0147  .0215  .0589  .0014  .0057 -.0176
K    .2759 .0033 .1375 .0025  .0147  .0215  .0589  .0014  .0057 -.0176
Si1o .0087 .1690 .2173   .75  .0077  .0026  .0081 -.0005  .0036  .0003
Al1o .0087 .1690 .2173   .25  .0077  .0026  .0081 -.0005  .0036  .0003
Si1m .0059 .8161 .2277   .75  .0077  .0026  .0079  .0010  .0036  .0006
Al1m .0059 .8161 .2277   .25  .0077  .0026  .0079  .0010  .0036  .0006
Si2o .6929 .1105 .3272   .75  .0068  .0021  .0100  .0000  .0029  .0004
Al2o .6929 .1105 .3272   .25  .0068  .0021  .0100  .0000  .0029  .0004
Si2m .6896 .8793 .3513   .75  .0070  .0021  .0104  .0004  .0034  .0006
Al2m .6896 .8793 .3513   .25  .0070  .0021  .0104  .0004  .0034  .0006
Oa1  .0042 .1372 .9887        .0194  .0047  .0130  .0006  .0091  .0010
Oa2  .5978 .9933 .2812        .0101  .0026  .0178  .0003  .0043  .0012
Obo  .8218 .1166 .2058        .0134  .0054  .0226 -.0020  .0106 -.0003
Obm  .8211 .8514 .2405        .0139  .0064  .0262  .0024  .0120  .0002
Oco  .0199 .2946 .2715        .0120  .0033  .0204 -.0007  .0065 -.0005
Ocm  .0228 .6896 .2292        .0120  .0033  .0190  .0014  .0039  .0009
Odo  .1925 .1151 .3929        .0133  .0046  .0126  .0015  .0021  .0014
Odm  .1886 .8695 .4203        .0135  .0051  .0129 -.0007  .0008 -.0008
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
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American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 750 C
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000717
8.234 12.955 7.143 92 116.17 90.06 C-1
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2774 .0024 .1378 .9975  .0189  .0240  .0642  .0011  .0085 -.0133
K    .2774 .0024 .1378 .0025  .0189  .0240  .0642  .0011  .0085 -.0133
Si1o .0087 .1718 .2191   .75  .0094  .0032  .0099 -.0007  .0044  .0002
Al1o .0087 .1718 .2191   .25  .0094  .0032  .0099 -.0007  .0044  .0002
Si1m .0065 .8173 .2266   .75  .0093  .0032  .0098  .0011  .0044  .0006
Al1m .0065 .8173 .2266   .25  .0093  .0032  .0098  .0011  .0044  .0006
Si2o .6941 .1121 .3316   .75  .0083  .0026  .0127 -.0002  .0037  .0004
Al2o .6941 .1121 .3316   .25  .0083  .0026  .0127 -.0002  .0037  .0004
Si2m .6920 .8804 .3491   .75  .0084  .0025  .0128  .0006  .0041  .0006
Al2m .6920 .8804 .3491   .25  .0084  .0025  .0128  .0006  .0041  .0006
Oa1  .0026 .1383 .9916        .0232  .0059  .0149  .0004  .0110  .0010
Oa2  .6013 .9949 .2823        .0115  .0031  .0210  .0002  .0046  .0010
Obo  .8231 .1223 .2123        .0157  .0068  .0280 -.0023  .0126  .0003
Obm  .8225 .8546 .2373        .0166  .0079  .0299  .0029  .0143  .0003
Oco  .0220 .2972 .2667        .0139  .0040  .0255 -.0011  .0075 -.0008
Ocm  .0233 .6909 .2365        .0139  .0039  .0239  .0016  .0050  .0011
Odo  .1913 .1174 .3962        .0158  .0060  .0148  .0018  .0022  .0017
Odm  .1885 .8710 .4160        .0160  .0063  .0153 -.0010  .0012 -.0007
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
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American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 980 C
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000718
8.259 12.975 7.151 90.8 116.1 90. C-1
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2789 .0007 .1386 .9975  .0227  .0258  .0731  .0005  .0109 -.0055
K    .2789 .0007 .1386 .0025  .0227  .0258  .0731  .0005  .0109 -.0055
Si1o .0082 .1757 .2217   .75  .0108  .0039  .0116 -.0008  .0051  .0001
Al1o .0082 .1757 .2217   .25  .0108  .0039  .0116 -.0008  .0051  .0001
Si1m .0074 .8199 .2245   .75  .0108  .0039  .0116  .0012  .0052  .0004
Al1m .0074 .8199 .2245   .25  .0108  .0039  .0116  .0012  .0052  .0004
Si2o .6952 .1146 .3382   .75  .0098  .0031  .0150 -.0003  .0045  .0002
Al2o .6952 .1146 .3382   .25  .0098  .0031  .0150 -.0003  .0045  .0002
Si2m .6944 .8824 .3448   .75  .0098  .0032  .0148  .0006  .0047  .0005
Al2m .6944 .8824 .3448   .25  .0098  .0032  .0148  .0006  .0047  .0005
Oa1  .0007 .1390 .9970        .0266  .0072  .0172  .0005  .0120  .0004
Oa2  .6051 .9982 .2843        .0134  .0036  .0243  .0002  .0046  .0005
Obo  .8231 .1302 .2199        .0178  .0087  .0331 -.0029  .0146 -.0006
Obm  .8233 .8608 .2293        .0182  .0093  .0339  .0034  .0155 -.0003
Oco  .0243 .3012 .2596        .0161  .0046  .0294 -.0012  .0079 -.0008
Ocm  .0248 .6943 .2477        .0160  .0046  .0294  .0018  .0067  .0010
Odo  .1894 .1211 .4022        .0182  .0074  .0177  .0020  .0023  .0016
Odm  .1881 .8741 .4095        .0188  .0074  .0179 -.0018  .0012 -.0016
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
Download am/vol64/AM64_409.pdf
American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 1040 C
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000719
8.270 12.978 7.154 90.22 116.05 89.96 C-1
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2794  .000 .1378 .9975  .0243  .0267  .0718 -.0003  .0114 -.0009
K    .2794  .000 .1378 .0025  .0243  .0267  .0718 -.0003  .0114 -.0009
Si1o .0081 .1776 .2239   .75  .0112  .0042  .0120 -.0009  .0054 -.0001
Al1o .0081 .1776 .2239   .25  .0112  .0042  .0120 -.0009  .0054 -.0001
Si1m .0078 .8212 .2236   .75  .0112  .0042  .0121  .0012  .0054  .0003
Al1m .0078 .8212 .2236   .25  .0112  .0042  .0121  .0012  .0054  .0003
Si2o .6955 .1158 .3409   .75  .0101  .0035  .0155 -.0003  .0046  .0000
Al2o .6955 .1158 .3409   .25  .0101  .0035  .0155 -.0003  .0046  .0000
Si2m .6953 .8834 .3427   .75  .0102  .0035  .0154  .0006  .0048  .0003
Al2m .6953 .8834 .3427   .25  .0102  .0035  .0154  .0006  .0048  .0003
Oa1  .9999 .1389 .9989        .0280  .0075  .0174  .0000  .0128  .0002
Oa2  .6061 .9996 .2844        .0138  .0040  .0257  .0002  .0052  .0003
Obo  .8236 .1334 .2231        .0184  .0097  .0349 -.0030  .0154 -.0007
Obm  .8237 .8641 .2261        .0186  .0096  .0343  .0036  .0158  .0001
Oco  .0248 .3030 .2556        .0166  .0049  .0300 -.0017  .0073 -.0012
Ocm  .0246 .6956 .2524        .0170  .0048  .0299  .0019  .0071  .0012
Odo  .1887 .1226 .4044        .0193  .0078  .0183  .0018  .0022  .0017
Odm  .1882 .8762 .4063        .0189  .0079  .0184 -.0018  .0017 -.0018
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
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American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 980 C, sample = monalbite
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000720
8.274 12.991 7.144 90 116.13 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2789     0 .1378 .9975  .0244  .0261  .0775      0  .0112      0
K    .2789     0 .1378 .0025  .0244  .0261  .0775      0  .0112      0
Si1  .0081 .1784 .2233   .75  .0113  .0042  .0127 -.0011  .0053 -.0002
Al1  .0081 .1784 .2233   .25  .0113  .0042  .0127 -.0011  .0053 -.0002
Si2  .6959 .1163 .3420   .75  .0104  .0035  .0159 -.0005  .0047 -.0002
Al2  .6959 .1163 .3420   .25  .0104  .0035  .0159 -.0005  .0047 -.0002
Oa1      0 .1393     0        .0286  .0072  .0180      0  .0123      0
Oa2  .6063     0 .2835        .0142  .0038  .0262      0  .0052      0
Ob   .8233 .1350 .2252        .0183  .0101  .0371 -.0036  .0163  .0002
Oc   .0257 .3044 .2535        .0176  .0048  .0330 -.0019  .0085 -.0013
Od   .1891 .1229 .4049        .0193  .0085  .0184  .0024  .0021  .0024
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Winter J K, Okamura F P, Ghose S
Download am/vol64/AM64_409.pdf
American Mineralogist 64 (1979) 409-423
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the
analbite - monalbite phase transition
T = 1060 deg C, sample = monalbite
Locality: Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000721
8.297 12.994 7.144 90 116.01 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z   occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na   .2775     0 .1385 .9975  .0581  .0275  .0787      0  .0077      0
K    .2775     0 .1385 .0025  .0581  .0275  .0787      0  .0077      0
Si1  .0084 .1787 .2236   .75  .0219  .0042  .0148 -.0008  .0061 -.0002
Al1  .0084 .1787 .2236   .25  .0219  .0042  .0148 -.0008  .0061 -.0002
Si2  .6975 .1166 .3421   .75  .0194  .0034  .0195 -.0007  .0053 -.0003
Al2  .6975 .1166 .3421   .25  .0194  .0034  .0195 -.0007  .0053 -.0003
Oa1      0 .1411     0        .0305  .0076  .0218      0  .0180      0
Oa2  .6126     0 .2852        .0281  .0038  .0315      0  .0092      0
Ob   .8227 .1366 .2246        .0235  .0098  .0423 -.0063  .0174  .0015
Oc   .0294 .3049 .2537        .0362  .0049  .0348 -.0017  .0109 -.0012
Od   .1873 .1233 .4044        .0256  .0085  .0231  .0018  .0028  .0023
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Harlow G E, Brown G E
Download am/vol65/AM65_986.pdf
American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 986-995
Low albite: An X-Ray and neutron diffraction study
Sample: X-ray single Na atom
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Amelia, Virginia
_database_code_amcsd 0000797
8.142 12.785 7.159 94.19 116.61 87.68 C-1
atom      x      y      z  occ  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Al1o .00878 .16864 .20805 .970 0.00333 0.00070 0.00263 -.00020 0.00128 0.00002
Si1o .00878 .16864 .20805 .030 0.00333 0.00070 0.00263 -.00020 0.00128 0.00002
Si1m .00382 .82064 .23734 .965 0.00277 0.00056 0.00219 0.00021 0.00114 0.00013
Al1m .00382 .82064 .23734 .035 0.00277 0.00056 0.00219 0.00021 0.00114 0.00013
Si2o .69210 .11040 .31507      0.00246 0.00046 0.00306 -.00002 0.00090 0.00000
Si2m .68175 .88189 .36071      0.00250 0.00049 0.00318 0.00011 0.00116 0.00015
Na1  .26839 .98867 .14628 .986 0.00620 0.00524 0.01468 -.00080 0.00356 -.00516
Oa1  .00481 .12120 .96610      0.00716 0.00121 0.00333 0.00027 0.00296 0.00023
Oa2  .59166 .99766 .27967      0.00336 0.00069 0.00585 -.00004 0.00127 0.00028
Obo  .81285 .11039 .19124      0.00518 0.00146 0.00788 -.00067 0.00406 -.00031
Obm  .82061 .85121 .25942      0.00593 0.00174 0.01051 0.00097 0.00531 0.00028
Oco  .01348 .30276 .27023      0.00523 0.00082 0.00661 -.00025 0.00217 -.00027
Ocm  .02402 .69390 .22938      0.00485 0.00082 0.00672 0.00048 0.00128 0.00014
Odo  .20765 .10922 .38898      0.00564 0.00145 0.00403 0.00066 0.00055 0.00047
Odm  .18316 .86825 .43555      0.00634 0.00152 0.00436 -.00040 -.00002 -.00026
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Harlow G E, Brown G E
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American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 986-995
Low albite: An X-Ray and neutron diffraction study
Sample: X-ray split Na site
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Amelia, Virginia
_database_code_amcsd 0000798
8.142 12.785 7.159 94.19 116.61 87.68 C-1
atom      x      y      z  occ  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Al1o .00878 .16864 .20805 .970 0.00333 0.00070 0.00263 -.00020 0.00128 0.00002
Si1o .00878 .16864 .20805 .030 0.00333 0.00070 0.00263 -.00020 0.00128 0.00002
Si1m .00382 .82064 .23734 .965 0.00277 0.00056 0.00219 0.00021 0.00114 0.00013
Al1m .00382 .82064 .23734 .035 0.00277 0.00056 0.00219 0.00021 0.00114 0.00013
Si2o .69210 .11040 .31507      0.00246 0.00046 0.00306 -.00002 0.00090 0.00000
Si2m .68175 .88189 .36071      0.00250 0.00049 0.00318 0.00011 0.00116 0.00015
Na2  .27033 .97800 .16219
Na3  .26617 .00103 .12793
Oa1  .00481 .12120 .96610      0.00716 0.00121 0.00333 0.00027 0.00296 0.00023
Oa2  .59166 .99766 .27967      0.00336 0.00069 0.00585 -.00004 0.00127 0.00028
Obo  .81285 .11039 .19124      0.00518 0.00146 0.00788 -.00067 0.00406 -.00031
Obm  .82061 .85121 .25942      0.00593 0.00174 0.01051 0.00097 0.00531 0.00028
Oco  .01348 .30276 .27023      0.00523 0.00082 0.00661 -.00025 0.00217 -.00027
Ocm  .02402 .69390 .22938      0.00485 0.00082 0.00672 0.00048 0.00128 0.00014
Odo  .20765 .10922 .38898      0.00564 0.00145 0.00403 0.00066 0.00055 0.00047
Odm  .18316 .86825 .43555      0.00634 0.00152 0.00436 -.00040 -.00002 -.00026
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Harlow G E, Brown G E
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American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 986-995
Low albite: An X-Ray and neutron diffraction study
Sample: neutron single Na atom
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Amelia, Virginia
_database_code_amcsd 0000799
8.142 12.785 7.159 94.19 116.61 87.68 C-1
atom      x      y      z  occ  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Al1o .00901 .16862 .20806 .970 0.00326 0.00098 0.00314 -.00029 0.00163 0.00010
Si1o .00901 .16862 .20806 .030 0.00326 0.00098 0.00314 -.00029 0.00163 0.00010
Si1m .00386 .82062 .23728 .965 0.00266 0.00087 0.00278 0.00015 0.00147 0.00014
Al1m .00386 .82062 .23728 .035 0.00266 0.00087 0.00278 0.00015 0.00147 0.00014
Si2o .69209 .11036 .31508      0.00259 0.00073 0.00381 -.00012 0.00143 0.00019
Si2m .68152 .88195 .36078      0.00228 0.00079 0.00380 0.00005 0.00138 0.00025
Na1  .26849 .98870 .14672 .986 0.00580 0.00591 0.01548 -.00100 0.00400 -.00515
Oa1  .00490 .12115 .96638      0.00641 0.00159 0.00368 -.00011 0.00304 0.00037
Oa2  .59229 .99755 .28053      0.00311 0.00078 0.00581 -.00005 0.00165 0.00043
Obo  .81231 .11013 .19056      0.00461 0.00174 0.00805 -.00092 0.00419 -.00029
Obm  .82027 .85114 .25876      0.00542 0.00233 0.01076 0.00089 0.00582 0.00040
Oco  .01342 .30252 .27026      0.00404 0.00098 0.00754 -.00057 0.00237 -.00020
Ocm  .02398 .69389 .22991      0.00421 0.00092 0.00701 0.00039 0.00167 0.00033
Odo  .20770 .10901 .38910      0.00476 0.00175 0.00409 0.00039 0.00084 0.00044
Odm  .18364 .86819 .43609      0.00542 0.00180 0.00431 -.00055 0.00012 -.00015
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Harlow G E, Brown G E
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American Mineralogist 65 (1980) 986-995
Low albite: An X-Ray and neutron diffraction study
Sample: neutron split Na site
Note: this sample of feldspar is from Amelia, Virginia
_database_code_amcsd 0000800
8.142 12.785 7.159 94.19 116.61 87.68 C-1
atom      x      y      z  occ  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Al1o .00901 .16862 .20806 .970 0.00326 0.00098 0.00314 -.00029 0.00163 0.00010
Si1o .00901 .16862 .20806 .030 0.00326 0.00098 0.00314 -.00029 0.00163 0.00010
Si1m .00386 .82062 .23728 .965 0.00266 0.00087 0.00278 0.00015 0.00147 0.00014
Al1m .00386 .82062 .23728 .035 0.00266 0.00087 0.00278 0.00015 0.00147 0.00014
Si2o .69209 .11036 .31508      0.00259 0.00073 0.00381 -.00012 0.00143 0.00019
Si2m .68152 .88195 .36078      0.00228 0.00079 0.00380 0.00005 0.00138 0.00025
Na2  .27098 .97765 .16218
Na3  .26561 .00168 .12859
Oa1  .00490 .12115 .96638      0.00641 0.00159 0.00368 -.00011 0.00304 0.00037
Oa2  .59229 .99755 .28053      0.00311 0.00078 0.00581 -.00005 0.00165 0.00043
Obo  .81231 .11013 .19056      0.00461 0.00174 0.00805 -.00092 0.00419 -.00029
Obm  .82027 .85114 .25876      0.00542 0.00233 0.01076 0.00089 0.00582 0.00040
Oco  .01342 .30252 .27026      0.00404 0.00098 0.00754 -.00057 0.00237 -.00020
Ocm  .02398 .69389 .22991      0.00421 0.00092 0.00701 0.00039 0.00167 0.00033
Odo  .20770 .10901 .38910      0.00476 0.00175 0.00409 0.00039 0.00084 0.00044
Odm  .18364 .86819 .43609      0.00542 0.00180 0.00431 -.00055 0.00012 -.00015
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Smith J V, Artioli G
Download am/vol71/AM71_727.pdf
American Mineralogist 71 (1986) 727-733
Low albite, NaAlSi3O8: Neutron diffraction study of crystal structure at 13 K
Locality: Amelia, Virginia, USA
Note: T = 13 K
_database_code_amcsd 0001015
8.1151 12.7621 7.1576 94.218 116.803 87.707 C-1
atom      x      y      z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Al1o .00896 .16774 .20773 .00098 .00036 .00109 -.00009 .00049  .00008
Si1m .00359 .82131 .23701 .00084 .00038 .00094  .00003 .00043  .00010
Si2o .69041 .10996 .31323 .00080 .00033 .00113 -.00001 .00040  .00011
Si2m .67890 .88190 .35960 .00087 .00038 .00112  .00000 .00043  .00012
Na   .26470 .98952 .14441 .00162 .00118 .00320 -.00012 .00099 -.00053
OA1  .00565 .12907 .96644 .00203 .00063 .00138 -.00002 .00097  .00023
OA2  .58864 .99755 .27889 .00125 .00039 .00209 -.00005 .00059  .00020
OBo  .81264 .10794 .19019 .00157 .00070 .00254 -.00023 .00134  .00004
OBm  .81931 .85141 .25924 .00160 .00081 .00313  .00018 .00161  .00013
OCo  .01020 .30192 .26814 .00139 .00046 .00255 -.00019 .00079 -.00002
OCm  .02294 .69437 .22592 .00147 .00043 .00235  .00018 .00059  .00018
ODo  .21013 .10901 .38942 .00158 .00071 .00138  .00012 .00030  .00020
ODm  .18503 .86821 .43708 .00157 .00072 .00138 -.00020 .00008 -.00003
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Armbruster T, Burgi H B, Kunz M, Gnos E, Bronnimann S, Lienert C
Download am/vol75/AM75_135.pdf
American Mineralogist 75 (1990) 135-140
Variation of displacement parameters in structure refinements of low albite
Locality: Roc Tourne, France
_database_code_amcsd 0001285
8.137 12.785 7.1583 94.26 116.60 87.71 C-1
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Al1o .00887 .16846 .20805  .0074  .0068  .0061 -.00086 .00310 .00045
Si1m .00375 .82051 .23737 .00679 .00646 .00552  .00111 .00299 .00080
Si2o .69162 .11021 .31466 .00612 .00547 .00729 -.00023 .00247 .00040
Si2m .68129 .88190 .36076 .00602 .00554 .00744  .00063 .00280 .00090
Na   .26799 .98865  .1465  .0136  .0471  .0315  -.0050  .0084 -.0219
OA1   .0049 .13103  .9666  .0164  .0122  .0074  -.0002  .0067  .0014
OA2  .59176 .99756  .2804  .0074  .0056  .0119   .0003  .0033  .0033
OBo   .8123 .10966  .1901  .0117  .0130  .0162  -.0040  .0093 -.0017
OBm   .8200 .85101  .2587  .0134  .0179  .0216   .0046  .0129  .0020
OCo  .01288 .30238  .2706  .0103  .0076  .0150  -.0020  .0052 -.0009
OCm  .02329 .69368  .2291  .0101  .0071  .0145   .0022  .0034  .0012
ODo  .20780 .10896  .3890  .0120  .0129  .0080   .0024  .0013  .0015
ODm   .1840 .86817  .4362  .0140  .0140  .0084  -.0026 -.0002 -.0006
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
Download am/vol79/AM79_1042.pdf
American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = 0, complete data set
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001682
8.1372 12.787 7.1574 94.245 116.605 87.809 C-1
atom        x       y       z  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)   B(1,2)  B(1,3)   B(2,3)
Al    .008871 .168353 .208446 .003338 .001017 .003857 -.000249 .001828  .000082
Si1m  .003705 .820297 .237070 .003248 .000936 .003253  .000273 .001558  .000195
Si2o  .691614 .110197 .314831 .002986 .000819 .004423  .000003 .001521  .000180
Si2m  .681580 .881758 .360403 .002803 .000862 .004429  .000110 .001562  .000259
Na    .268233 .989297 .146106 .005908 .006434 .016852 -.000885 .004068 -.006040
O(A1) .005227 .131136 .967327 .007137 .001633 .004859 -.000025 .003387  .000532
O(A2) .591863 .997055 .280401 .003567 .001000 .005977 -.000079 .001449  .000442
O(B)o .812676 .109738 .190971 .005557 .001782 .008634 -.000638 .004309 -.000318
O(B)m .820129 .850983 .258483 .005818 .002325 .011244  .000916 .005770  .000292
O(C)o .012877 .301867 .270911 .004959 .001163 .007863 -.000305 .002748 -.000015
O(C)m .023369 .693554 .228850 .004581 .001082 .008161  .000433 .001824  .000354
O(D)o .206807 .109074 .388991 .005404 .001715 .004827  .000512 .001054  .000400
O(D)m .184026 .868037 .435997 .006104 .001866 .005118 -.000498 .000431 -.000159
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
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American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = 0, constrained data set
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001683
8.1372 12.7870 7.1574 94.245 116.605 87.809 C-1
atom        x       y       z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Na    .269134 .989040 .148935  3.0 .00661 .00644 .01801 -.00103 .00518 -.00592
Al1o  .008896 .168193 .207617  .64
Si1m  .003984 .820432 .236646  .63
Si2o  .692220 .110443 .315895  .59
Si2m  .681617 .881794 .360883  .61
O(A1) .006146 .131658 .968891 1.17
O(A2) .591577 .997059 .278960  .77
O(B)o .813702 .110113 .195038 1.05
O(B)m .818977 .850892 .256290 1.19
O(C)o .012388 .301848 .269006  .96
O(C)m .023273 .693405 .227539  .92
O(D)o .206430 .108942 .386309 1.19
O(D)m .180922 .868009 .428643 1.44
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
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American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = .44 GPa
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001684
8.1104 12.7710 7.1482 94.244 116.667 87.835 C-1
atom        x       y       z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Na    .265985 .989646 .141112  3.6 .00639 .00629 .03100 -.00146 .00792 -.00681
Al1o  .008580 .168118 .208646  .66
Si1m  .003234 .820428 .236432  .65
Si2o  .691465 .109935 .315916  .58
Si2m  .680954 .881794 .363229  .58
O(A1) .006703 .131482 .968873 1.10
O(A2) .589621 .997326 .279411  .72
O(B)o .811916 .109127 .191438  .99
O(B)m .818838 .851013 .256494 1.18
O(C)o .010657 .301451 .269789  .86
O(C)m .024408 .694022 .233163 1.02
O(D)o .203183 .108542 .377684 1.25
O(D)m .176776 .866816 .422810 1.42
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
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American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = 1.22 GPa
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001685
8.0510 12.7336 7.1242 94.252 116.784 87.909 C-1
atom        x       y       z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Na    .263883 .990707 .141914  4.2 .00916 .00576 .04824 -.00070 .01680 -.00482
Al1o  .007189 .167548 .206792  .57
Si1m  .001821 .820863 .236207  .54
Si2o  .690937 .109614 .316885  .52
Si2m  .676495 .881260 .360042  .56
O(A1) .005997 .131056 .970082  .93
O(A2) .584997 .996465 .276788  .48
O(B)o .810221 .106478 .188614 1.05
O(B)m .814714 .850320 .250473 1.24
O(C)o .008334 .300961 .272668  .86
O(C)m .021481 .694079 .228248  .88
O(D)o .210446 .108983 .391119 1.08
O(D)m .174357 .866692 .423200 1.39
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
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American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = 2.68 GPa
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001686
7.9567 12.6784 7.0897 94.217 116.992 88.025 C-1
atom         x       y       z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Na     .258665 .993009 .139165  3.8 .01037 .00479 .04300 -.00013 .01596 -.00440
Al1o   .005804 .166405 .206524  .60
Si1m  -.000254 .820598 .236094  .54
Si2o   .687345 .108455 .311366  .49
Si2m   .671640 .880229 .359855  .48
O(A1)  .007293 .129230 .967437  .90
O(A2)  .581026 .996411 .282414  .68
O(B)o  .807880 .101963 .183963  .99
O(B)m  .811602 .849250 .255032 1.27
O(C)o -.000742 .300211 .272186  .88
O(C)m  .019268 .693517 .223978  .78
O(D)o  .211417 .110305 .386304 1.32
O(D)m  .178189 .868105 .429146 1.59
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Downs R T, Hazen R M, Finger L W
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American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 1042-1052
The high-pressure crystal chemistry of low albite and the origin of the
pressure dependency of Al-Si ordering
P = 3.78 GPa
Note: sample is from Crete
_database_code_amcsd 0001687
7.8925 12.6400 7.0667 94.177 117.074 88.128 C-1
atom         x       y       z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Na     .259554 .993991 .146231  2.4 .00585 .00467 .01862 -.00075 .00565 -.00564
Al1o   .004071 .165725 .205574  .62
Si1m  -.003004 .820357 .235064  .60
Si2o   .684489 .107146 .307435  .57
Si2m   .665743 .879248 .355477  .53
O(A1)  .009339 .127420 .968440  .85
O(A2)  .577834 .996000 .280509  .46
O(B)o  .807883 .099549 .185352 1.04
O(B)m  .805414 .848356 .250659 1.31
O(C)o -.006564 .299215 .270386  .85
O(C)m  .016696 .693325 .222220  .87
O(D)o  .212359 .111803 .387660 1.08
O(D)m  .177043 .869401 .434067 1.34
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Meneghinello E, Alberti A, Cruciani G
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: untreated
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002264
8.133 12.773 7.159 94.23 116.64 87.72 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2681 .9888 .1462 .996  .0152  .0476  .0320 -.0053  .0093 -.0219
Ca   .2681 .9888 .1462 .010  .0152  .0476  .0320 -.0053  .0093 -.0219
K    .2681 .9888 .1462 .004  .0152  .0476  .0320 -.0053  .0093 -.0219
Allo .0090 .1684 .2085  .96  .0089  .0080  .0070 -.0013  .0042  .0005
Silo .0090 .1684 .2085  .04  .0089  .0080  .0070 -.0013  .0042  .0005
Silm .0039 .8205 .2373  .97  .0080  .0073  .0063  .0010  .0038  .0011
Allm .0039 .8205 .2373  .03  .0080  .0073  .0063  .0010  .0038  .0011
Si2o .6917 .1103 .3150       .0078  .0061  .0083 -.0008  .0034  .0006
Si2m .6815 .8818 .3608  .99  .0071  .0063  .0084  .0005  .0038  .0013
Al2m .6815 .8818 .3608  .01  .0071  .0063  .0084  .0005  .0038  .0013
OA1  .0045 .1310 .9663       .0196  .0120  .0079  .0001  .0083  .0014
OA2  .5912 .9973 .2805       .0077  .0066  .0112  .0000  .0034  .0018
OBo  .8126 .1095 .1907       .0126  .0142  .0174 -.0037  .0105 -.0011
OBm  .8201 .8509 .2591       .0147  .0160  .0243  .0048  .0139  .0037
OCo  .0131 .3021 .2698       .0113  .0086  .0154 -.0020  .0063 -.0010
OCm  .0239 .6937 .2288       .0122  .0081  .0145  .0023  .0051  .0025
ODo  .2074 .1091 .3891       .0128  .0132  .0081  .0012  .0023  .0018
ODm  .1832 .8678 .4365       .0141  .0136  .0095 -.0025  .0000 -.0004
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1050-3d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002265
8.141 12.795 7.145 94.04 116.56 87.98 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2691 .9898 .1460 .996  .0150  .0592  .0355 -.0045  .0087 -.0262
Ca   .2691 .9898 .1460 .010  .0150  .0592  .0355 -.0045  .0087 -.0262
K    .2691 .9898 .1460 .004  .0150  .0592  .0355 -.0045  .0087 -.0262
Al1o .0088 .1690 .2090  .91  .0101  .0095  .0082 -.0015  .0045  .0008
Si1o .0088 .1690 .2090  .09  .0101  .0095  .0082 -.0015  .0045  .0008
Si1m .0039 .8200 .2366  .96  .0090  .0088  .0073  .0009  .0041  .0014
Al1m .0039 .8200 .2366  .04  .0090  .0088  .0073  .0009  .0041  .0014
Si2o .6921 .1104 .3159  .98  .0089  .0082  .0094 -.0002  .0038  .0010
Al2o .6921 .1104 .3159  .02  .0089  .0082  .0094 -.0002  .0038  .0010
Si2m .6825 .8816 .3600  .97  .0086  .0082  .0098  .0006  .0042  .0016
Al2m .6825 .8816 .3600  .03  .0086  .0082  .0098  .0006  .0042  .0016
OA1  .0048 .1320 .9681       .0206  .0156  .0092 -.0002  .0079  .0012
OA2  .5935 .9971 .2807       .0101  .0090  .0138  .0000  .0045  .0027
OBo  .8134 .1108 .1911       .0144  .0168  .0195 -.0039  .0112 -.0005
OBm  .8205 .8513 .2573       .0158  .0189  .0246  .0043  .0135  .0014
OCo  .0142 .3017 .2705       .0128  .0112  .0167 -.0024  .0062 -.0008
OCm  .0240 .6933 .2296       .0126  .0101  .0150  .0026  .0037  .0018
ODo  .2059 .1094 .3885       .0147  .0157  .0101  .0007  .0028  .0018
ODm  .1833 .8684 .4345       .0162  .0159  .0113 -.0025  .0010 -.0014
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Meneghinello E, Alberti A, Cruciani G
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1060-6d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002266
8.170 12.811 7.141 93.79 116.53 88.09 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2706 .9912 .1456 .996  .0147  .0668  .0419 -.0061  .0099 -.0331
Ca   .2706 .9912 .1456 .010  .0147  .0668  .0419 -.0061  .0099 -.0331
K    .2706 .9912 .1456 .004  .0147  .0668  .0419 -.0061  .0099 -.0331
Al1o .0091 .1692 .2102  .84  .0121  .0097  .0094 -.0029  .0058  .0004
Si1o .0091 .1692 .2102  .16  .0121  .0097  .0094 -.0029  .0058  .0004
Si1m .0042 .8194 .2356  .93  .0108  .0097  .0085  .0013  .0052  .0011
Al1m .0042 .8194 .2356  .07  .0108  .0097  .0085  .0013  .0052  .0011
Si2o .6930 .1109 .3179  .95  .0110  .0075  .0111 -.0009  .0050  .0006
Al2o .6930 .1109 .3179  .05  .0110  .0075  .0111 -.0009  .0050  .0006
Si2m .6842 .8815 .3588  .96  .0103  .0080  .0111 -.0003  .0049  .0011
Al2m .6842 .8815 .3588  .04  .0103  .0080  .0111 -.0003  .0049  .0011
OA1  .0046 .1335 .9711       .0253  .0156  .0134 -.0016  .0116  .0021
OA2  .5944 .9964 .2813       .0122  .0091  .0169 -.0008  .0054  .0012
OBo  .8144 .1126 .1936       .0177  .0191  .0230 -.0033  .0132  .0009
OBm  .8211 .8515 .2553       .0192  .0189  .0305  .0032  .0170 -.0001
OCo  .0154 .3013 .2697       .0146  .0147  .0194 -.0031  .0081 -.0021
OCm  .0244 .6926 .2308       .0149  .0103  .0194  .0024  .0062  .0019
ODo  .2036 .1111 .3900       .0173  .0146  .0137 -.0022  .0041  .0020
ODm  .1830 .8683 .4330       .0165  .0171  .0118 -.0020  .0018 -.0003
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1070-7d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002267
8.140 12.791 7.132 93.94 116.54 88.46 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2704 .9937 .1441 .996  .0161  .0811  .0470 -.0053  .0093 -.0413
Ca   .2704 .9937 .1441 .010  .0161  .0811  .0470 -.0053  .0093 -.0413
K    .2704 .9937 .1441 .004  .0161  .0811  .0470 -.0053  .0093 -.0413
Al1o .0089 .1681 .2105  .78  .0115  .0107  .0082 -.0028  .0049  .0005
Si1o .0089 .1681 .2105  .22  .0115  .0107  .0082 -.0028  .0049  .0005
Si1m .0039 .8185 .2348  .92  .0100  .0103  .0082  .0015  .0044  .0015
Al1m .0039 .8185 .2348  .08  .0100  .0103  .0082  .0015  .0044  .0015
Si2o .6921 .1100 .3172  .94  .0101  .0085  .0103 -.0010  .0042  .0007
Al2o .6921 .1100 .3172  .06  .0101  .0085  .0103 -.0010  .0042  .0007
Si2m .6837 .8807 .3585  .92  .0097  .0083  .0106  .0001  .0044  .0013
Al2m .6837 .8807 .3585  .08  .0097  .0083  .0106  .0001  .0044  .0013
OA1  .0057 .1331 .9728       .0241  .0185  .0132 -.0006  .0111  .0025
OA2  .5930 .9955 .2803       .0116  .0107  .0147 -.0011  .0042  .0024
OBo  .8153 .1109 .1933       .0171  .0217  .0203 -.0054  .0120 -.0003
OBm  .8206 .8501 .2546       .0173  .0207  .0252  .0034  .0134  .0009
OCo  .0140 .2992 .2720       .0142  .0159  .0172 -.0030  .0060 -.0015
OCm  .0237 .6920 .2279       .0156  .0111  .0176  .0022  .0049  .0019
ODo  .2035 .1102 .3882       .0165  .0166  .0122  .0003  .0040  .0024
ODm  .1842 .8682 .4324       .0178  .0170  .0122 -.0025  .0006 -.0009
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1080-7d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002268
8.142 12.782 7.136 94.00 116.51 88.13 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2699 .9911 .1453 .996  .0123  .0666  .0389 -.0036  .0070 -.0326
Ca   .2699 .9911 .1453 .010  .0123  .0666  .0389 -.0036  .0070 -.0326
K    .2699 .9911 .1453 .004  .0123  .0666  .0389 -.0036  .0070 -.0326
Al1o .0089 .1687 .2098  .90  .0093  .0091  .0068 -.0018  .0037  .0005
Si1o .0089 .1687 .2098  .10  .0093  .0091  .0068 -.0018  .0037  .0005
Si1m .0041 .8193 .2357  .95  .0085  .0085  .0066  .0012  .0037  .0010
Al1m .0041 .8193 .2357  .05  .0085  .0085  .0066  .0012  .0037  .0010
Si2o .6923 .1103 .3167  .98  .0082  .0071  .0086 -.0005  .0033  .0006
Al2o .6923 .1103 .3167  .02  .0082  .0071  .0086 -.0005  .0033  .0006
Si2m .6833 .8812 .3593  .97  .0081  .0071  .0088  .0004  .0036  .0011
Al2m .6833 .8812 .3593  .03  .0081  .0071  .0088  .0004  .0036  .0011
OA1  .0048 .1323 .9700       .0197  .0161  .0102  .0004  .0083  .0027
OA2  .5941 .9966 .2812       .0105  .0081  .0129  .0003  .0041  .0024
OBo  .8138 .1112 .1923       .0155  .0167  .0186 -.0037  .0108 -.0003
OBm  .8203 .8504 .2558       .0152  .0198  .0246  .0042  .0135  .0009
OCo  .0149 .3010 .2708       .0114  .0128  .0163 -.0022  .0053 -.0013
OCm  .0237 .6928 .2291       .0116  .0104  .0155  .0021  .0031  .0011
ODo  .2045 .1103 .3888       .0148  .0162  .0096  .0016  .0024  .0020
ODm  .1839 .8682 .4335       .0147  .0153  .0106 -.0014  .0000 -.0007
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1080-10d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002269
8.154 12.794 7.129 93.81 116.54 88.48 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2705 .9932 .1441 .996  .0148  .0793  .0496 -.0074  .0010 -.0427
Ca   .2705 .9932 .1441 .010  .0148  .0793  .0496 -.0074  .0010 -.0427
K    .2705 .9932 .1441 .004  .0148  .0793  .0496 -.0074  .0010 -.0427
Al1o .0095 .1685 .2109  .78  .0115  .0101  .0085 -.0032  .0055  .0001
Si1o .0095 .1685 .2109  .22  .0115  .0101  .0085 -.0032  .0055  .0001
Si1m .0045 .8186 .2343  .90  .0102  .0102  .0077  .0014  .0045  .0008
Al1m .0045 .8186 .2343  .10  .0102  .0102  .0077  .0014  .0045  .0008
Si2o .6922 .1102 .3180  .94  .0098  .0078  .0110 -.0009  .0046  .0004
Al2o .6922 .1102 .3180  .06  .0098  .0078  .0110 -.0009  .0046  .0004
Si2m .6843 .8808 .3581  .94  .0094  .0080  .0110 -.0007  .0048  .0007
Al2m .6843 .8808 .3581  .06  .0094  .0080  .0110 -.0007  .0048  .0007
OA1  .0052 .1337 .9735       .0258  .0146  .0156 -.0033  .0131  .0018
OA2  .5937 .9953 .2805       .0106  .0104  .0173 -.0016  .0055  .0016
OBo  .8154 .1113 .1942       .0182  .0194  .0244 -.0046  .0148 -.0007
OBm  .8199 .8504 .2527       .0182  .0201  .0323  .0020  .0179 -.0014
OCo  .0151 .2993 .2705       .0147  .0151  .0210 -.0047  .0083 -.0037
OCm  .0247 .6920 .2284       .0149  .0115  .0192  .0030  .0055  .0012
ODo  .2027 .1110 .3891       .0157  .0156  .0127 -.0010  .0040  .0018
ODm  .1848 .8686 .4315       .0152  .0168  .0124 -.0013  .0005 -.0017
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1090-7d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002270
8.160 12.802 7.130 93.72 116.42 88.61 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2711 .9946 .1432 .996  .0146  .0798  .0476 -.0018  .0070 -.0372
Ca   .2711 .9946 .1432 .010  .0146  .0798  .0476 -.0018  .0070 -.0372
K    .2711 .9946 .1432 .004  .0146  .0798  .0476 -.0018  .0070 -.0372
Al1o .0088 .1691 .2112  .75  .0122  .0120  .0089 -.0026  .0050  .0008
Si1o .0088 .1691 .2112  .25  .0122  .0120  .0089 -.0026  .0050  .0008
Si1m .0043 .8182 .2340  .90  .0112  .0116  .0088  .0013  .0050  .0016
Al1m .0043 .8182 .2340  .10  .0112  .0116  .0088  .0013  .0050  .0016
Si2o .6927 .1104 .3191  .92  .0109  .0091  .0115 -.0004  .0049  .0012
Al2o .6927 .1104 .3191  .08  .0109  .0091  .0115 -.0004  .0049  .0012
Si2m .6850 .8807 .3573  .93  .0107  .0090  .0114  .0007  .0047  .0015
Al2m .6850 .8807 .3573  .07  .0107  .0090  .0114  .0007  .0047  .0015
OA1  .0051 .1339 .9752       .0257  .0209  .0153  .0013  .0118  .0043
OA2  .5950 .9956 .2807       .0135  .0113  .0170 -.0002  .0053  .0027
OBo  .8158 .1123 .1952       .0182  .0239  .0232 -.0047  .0130  .0014
OBm  .8204 .8510 .2519       .0177  .0218  .0294  .0045  .0150  .0018
OCo  .0162 .2993 .2710       .0148  .0167  .0183 -.0026  .0054 -.0009
OCm  .0236 .6920 .2292       .0145  .0132  .0187  .0027  .0048  .0017
ODo  .2021 .1107 .3894       .0168  .0186  .0139  .0010  .0031  .0039
ODm  .1840 .8682 .4308       .0179  .0191  .0127 -.0023  .0013 -.0009
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Meneghinello E, Alberti A, Cruciani G
Download am/vol84/AM84_1144.pdf
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1144-1151
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite
Sample: 1090-12d
Locality: Stintino, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0002271
8.152 12.831 7.110 93.46 116.52 89.72 C-1
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na   .2727 .0020 .1373 .996  .0141  .1261  .0703  .0037  .0052 -.0620
Ca   .2727 .0020 .1373 .010  .0141  .1261  .0703  .0037  .0052 -.0620
K    .2727 .0020 .1373 .004  .0141  .1261  .0703  .0037  .0052 -.0620
Al1o .0091 .1667 .2135  .43  .0117  .0130  .0096 -.0019  .0050  .0013
Si1o .0091 .1667 .2135  .57  .0117  .0130  .0096 -.0019  .0050  .0013
Si1m .0049 .8159 .2307  .75  .0112  .0126  .0093  .0026  .0050  .0020
Al1m .0049 .8159 .2307  .25  .0112  .0126  .0093  .0026  .0050  .0020
Si2o .6914 .1089 .3203  .83  .0112  .0105  .0122  .0003  .0051  .0014
Al2o .6914 .1089 .3203  .17  .0112  .0105  .0122  .0003  .0051  .0014
Si2m .6851 .8787 .3549  .85  .0114  .0100  .0121  .0010  .0052  .0020
Al2m .6851 .8787 .3549  .15  .0114  .0100  .0121  .0010  .0052  .0020
OA1  .0048 .1349 .9810       .0241  .0203  .0180  .0044  .0118  .0043
OA2  .5944 .9929 .2795       .0126  .0151  .0193  .0011  .0062  .0036
OBo  .8196 .1094 .1976       .0171  .0279  .0257 -.0031  .0129  .0037
OBm  .8183 .8487 .2475       .0167  .0292  .0316  .0072  .0149  .0051
OCo  .0177 .2929 .2740       .0147  .0213  .0191 -.0026  .0062 -.0015
OCm  .0218 .6895 .2223       .0158  .0170  .0202  .0039  .0050  .0024
ODo  .1983 .1113 .3889       .0181  .0204  .0151  .0031  .0058  .0043
ODm  .1872 .8681 .4282       .0180  .0192  .0162 -.0007  .0032 -.0028
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Benusa M D, Angel R J, Ross N L
Download am/vol90/AM90_1115.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1115-1120
Compression of albite, NaAlSi3O8
Sample: Amelia Court House, Virginia locality P = 6.489 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0003798
7.7176 12.5592 7.0113 93.963 117.177 88.132 C-1
atom      x      y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na    .2490  .9935 .1490  2.5  .0094  .0034  .0261 -.0003  .0104 -.0032
Al1o -.0021 .16648 .2025  .69
Si1m -.0096 .82031 .2349  .69
Si2o  .6867 .10437 .3121  .44
Si2m  .6558 .87698 .3551  .50
Oa1   .0115  .1286  .968  .98
Oa2   .5675  .9956  .284  .60
Obo   .7989  .0923  .168  .86
Obm   .7872  .8436  .237 1.10
Oco  -.0285  .2993  .265  .78
Ocm   .0150  .6929  .223 1.13
Odo   .2184  .1171  .396 1.35
Odm   .1618  .8737  .431 1.68
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Benusa M D, Angel R J, Ross N L
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1115-1120
Compression of albite, NaAlSi3O8
Sample: Amelia Court House, Virginia locality P = 8.411 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0003799
7.5713 12.5170 6.9697 93.797 117.448 87.508 C-1
atom      x      y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na    .2419  .9924 .1592 2.06  .0061  .0028  .0226  .0008  .0075 -.0012
Al1o -.0102 .16866 .1994  .53
Si1m -.0185 .82205 .2325  .48
Si2o  .6853 .10184 .3109  .43
Si2m  .6446 .87510 .3493  .47
Oa1   .0137  .1305  .971 1.03
Oa2   .5636  .9968  .293  .57
Obo   .7927  .0899  .162  .89
Obm   .7637  .8399  .212  .95
Oco  -.0438  .3017  .266  .65
Ocm   .0297  .6969  .255  .97
Odo   .2133  .1229  .397 1.33
Odm   .1475  .8860  .440 1.61
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Benusa M D, Angel R J, Ross N L
Download am/vol90/AM90_1115.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1115-1120
Compression of albite, NaAlSi3O8
Sample: Amelia Court House, Virginia locality P = 9.431 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0003800
7.5028 12.4933 6.9463 93.903 117.791 86.786 C-1
atom      x      y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na    .2367  .9905 .1659 1.11  .0027  .0018  .0088  .0003  .0010 -.0011
Al1o -.0159 .17068 .1989  .58
Si1m -.0233 .82420 .2310  .50
Si2o  .6907 .10098 .3197  .49
Si2m  .6399 .87498 .3462  .45
Oa1   .0136  .1329  .969  .93
Oa2   .5569  .9985 .2912  .60
Obo   .7858  .0904  .155  .86
Obm   .7530  .8395  .202  .92
Oco  -.0550  .3039 .2624  .69
Ocm   .0370  .7006  .271  .92
Odo   .2103  .1278  .397 1.09
Odm   .1306  .8953  .434 1.15
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Kroll H, Flogel J, Breit U, Lons J, Pentinghaus H
European Journal of Mineralogy 3 (1991) 739-749
Order and anti-order in Ge-substituted alkali feldspars
Sample: Na[AlGe3O8] synthesized at 980 deg C
_database_code_amcsd 0006422
8.411 13.291 7.342 94.38 116.28 90.87 C-1
atom       x      y      z  occ Biso
Na1    .2687 -.0197  .1739  .25 1.58
Na2    .2821  .0448 .08186  .25 1.58
Na3    .2782  .0294  .1148  .25 1.58
Na4    .2629  .0099  .1281  .25 1.58
AlT10 .01093 .15791 .21195 .212  .74
GeT10 .01093 .15791 .21195 .788  .74
AlT1m .00204 .81216 .22975 .436  .76
GeT1m .00204 .81216 .22975 .564  .76
AlT20 .68800 .10497 .31316 .150  .81
GeT20 .68800 .10497 .31316 .850  .81
AlT2m .67649 .87436 .35526 .202  .78
GeT2m .67649 .87436 .35526 .798  .78
OA1    .0108  .1274  .9790      1.52
OA2    .5751  .9865  .2708      1.05
OB0    .8204  .0914  .1862      1.65
OBm    .8092  .8363  .2449      2.40
OC0    .0023  .2837  .2846      1.25
OCm    .0148  .6817  .1947      1.39
OD0    .2048  .1059  .3795      1.56
ODm    .1920  .8653  .4308      2.06
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Kroll H, Flogel J, Breit U, Lons J, Pentinghaus H
European Journal of Mineralogy 3 (1991) 739-749
Order and anti-order in Ge-substituted alkali feldspars
Sample: Na[AlSiGe2O8] synthesized at 600 deg C
_database_code_amcsd 0006423
8.3258 13.1590 7.2734 94.172 116.306 90.693 C-1
atom       x      y      z  occ Biso
Na0    .2731  .0154  .1247   .2 7.09
Na1    .2746 -.0259  .1777   .2 1.95
Na2    .2887  .0407  .1000   .2  .96
Na3    .2706  .0275  .1056   .2  .86
Na4    .2622  .0017  .1385   .2  .95
AlT10 .00923 .16045 .21214  .27  .80
SiT10 .00923 .16045 .21214  .19  .80
GeT10 .00923 .16045 .21214 .540  .80
AlT1m .00296 .81312 .23009  .29  .78
SiT1m .00296 .81312 .23009  .34  .78
GeT1m .00296 .81312 .23009 .372  .78
AlT20 .68842 .10611 .31510  .21  .81
SiT20 .68842 .10611 .31510  .26  .81
GeT20 .68842 .10611 .31510 .532  .81
AlT2m .67885 .87556 .35525  .23  .80
SiT2m .67885 .87556 .35525  .21  .80
GeT2m .67885 .87556 .35525 .556  .80
OA1    .0073  .1298  .9792      1.66
OA2    .5807  .9887  .2735      1.31
OB0    .8185  .0970  .1877      1.76
OBm    .8116  .8407  .2444      2.41
OC0    .0057  .2867  .2830      1.44
OCm    .0182  .6839  .2049      1.64
OD0    .2011  .1077  .3810      1.54
ODm    .1892  .8660  .4314      2.05
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Kroll H, Flogel J, Breit U, Lons J, Pentinghaus H
European Journal of Mineralogy 3 (1991) 739-749
Order and anti-order in Ge-substituted alkali feldspars
Sample: Na[AlSiGe2O8] synthesized at 1040 deg C
_database_code_amcsd 0006424
8.3314 13.1562 7.2657 94.255 116.300 90.563 C-1
atom       x      y      z  occ Biso
Na0    .2783  .0150  .1262   .2 8.70
Na1    .2743 -.0249  .1804   .2 1.51
Na2    .2841  .0425  .0851   .2 1.51
Na3    .2746  .0279  .1160   .2 1.51
Na4    .2648  .0038  .1360   .2 1.51
AlT10 .00970 .16048 .21229  .30  .76
SiT10 .00970 .16048 .21229  .19  .76
GeT10 .00970 .16048 .21229 .511  .76
AlT1m .00281 .81284 .22977  .28  .72
SiT1m .00281 .81284 .22977  .28  .72
GeT1m .00281 .81284 .22977 .439  .72
AlT20 .68865 .10592 .31458  .19  .79
SiT20 .68865 .10592 .31458  .29  .79
GeT20 .68865 .10592 .31458 .519  .79
AlT2m .67883 .87553 .35555  .23  .78
SiT2m .67883 .87553 .35555  .24  .78
GeT2m .67883 .87553 .35555 .531  .78
OA1    .0081  .1289  .9782      1.68
OA2    .5815  .9883  .2740      1.22
OB0    .8195  .0974  .1882      1.84
OBm    .8127  .8402  .2455      2.38
OC0    .0076  .2863  .2837      1.44
OCm    .0181  .6837  .2042      1.68
OD0    .2006  .1077  .3807      1.62
ODm    .1887  .8655  .4314      2.10
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Phillips M W, Colville A A, Ribbe P H
Download zk/vol133/ZK133_43.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 133 (1971) 43-65
The crystal structures of two oligoclases: a comparison with low and high albite
Sample: An16
Locality: Camedo, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0019658
8.154 12.823 7.139 94.06 116.50 88.59 C-1
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na    .2685 .9949 .1423 .821  4.8  .0082  .0138  .0296  .0004  .0033 -.0147
Ca    .2685 .9949 .1423 .179  4.8  .0082  .0138  .0296  .0004  .0033 -.0147
AlT1o .0079 .1673 .2104 .744 1.13  .0060  .0018  .0067 -.0006  .0028  .0003
SiT1o .0079 .1673 .2104 .256 1.13  .0060  .0018  .0067 -.0006  .0028  .0003
AlT1m .0035 .8189 .2347 .112  .85  .0045  .0013  .0050  .0003  .0020  .0003
SiT1m .0035 .8189 .2347 .888  .85  .0045  .0013  .0050  .0003  .0020  .0003
AlT2o .6902 .1099 .3160 .158  .92  .0044  .0012  .0059 -.0002  .0020  .0001
SiT2o .6902 .1099 .3160 .842  .92  .0044  .0012  .0059 -.0002  .0020  .0001
AlT2m .6823 .8806 .3589 .165  .87  .0038  .0012  .0060  .0001  .0019  .0002
SiT2m .6823 .8806 .3589 .835  .87  .0038  .0012  .0060  .0001  .0019  .0002
OA1   .0052 .1312 .9716
OA2   .5891 .9954 .2797       1.4  .0054  .0016  .0087 -.0003  .0023  .0007
OBo   .8125 .1090 .1900       1.6  .0073  .0025  .0105 -.0006  .0041 -.0002
OBm   .8190 .8513 .2532       2.1  .0105  .0029  .0161  .0007  .0084  .0002
OCo   .0143 .2983 .2740       1.6  .0065  .0025  .0101 -.0009  .0032 -.0008
OCm   .0209 .6916 .2246       1.6  .0083  .0024  .0102  .0005  .0037  .0001
ODo   .2032 .1092 .3871       1.5  .0079  .0023  .0083  .0002  .0028  .0006
ODm   .1854 .8673 .4334       1.6  .0082  .0022  .0100  .0000  .0024 -.0002
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Phillips M W, Colville A A, Ribbe P H
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Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 133 (1971) 43-65
The crystal structures of two oligoclases: a comparison with low and high albite
Sample: An28
Locality: Camedo, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0019659
8.169 12.851 7.124 93.63 116.40 89.46 C-1
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Na    .2689 .0040 .1331 .723  5.4  .0060  .0189  .0374  .0011  .0010 -.0219
Ca    .2689 .0040 .1331 .277  5.4  .0060  .0189  .0374  .0011  .0010 -.0219
AlT1o .0078 .1658 .2124 .625  .92  .0053  .0017  .0051 -.0005  .0023  .0003
SiT1o .0078 .1658 .2124 .375  .92  .0053  .0017  .0051 -.0005  .0023  .0003
AlT1m .0035 .8178 .2328 .211  .85  .0044  .0016  .0042  .0005  .0015  .0004
SiT1m .0035 .8178 .2328 .789  .85  .0044  .0016  .0042  .0005  .0015  .0004
AlT2o .6882 .1095 .3169 .217  .81  .0039  .0012  .0051  .0000  .0016  .0004
SiT2o .6882 .1095 .3169 .783  .81  .0039  .0012  .0051  .0000  .0016  .0004
AlT2m .6824 .8796 .3574 .224  .82  .0038  .0013  .0053  .0001  .0019  .0003
SiT2m .6824 .8796 .3574 .776  .82  .0038  .0013  .0053  .0001  .0019  .0003
OA1   .0049 .1304 .9766       2.0  .0110  .0030  .0079  .0006  .0044  .0011
OA2   .5871 .9938 .2789       1.0  .0050  .0015  .0078 -.0004  .0025  .0010
OBo   .8135 .1072 .1903       1.6  .0080  .0024  .0104 -.0009  .0045  .0002
OBm   .8189 .8511 .2507       2.3  .0094  .0031  .0169  .0006  .0073  .0007
OCo   .0148 .2949 .2771       1.7  .0074  .0023  .0102 -.0007  .0025  .0004
OCm   .0188 .6902 .2187       1.5  .0075  .0025  .0080  .0015  .0017 -.0001
ODo   .2007 .1091 .3866       1.3  .0058  .0024  .0073  .0005  .0019  .0004
ODm   .1878 .8670 .4320       1.3  .0071  .0030  .0073 -.0006  .0088 -.0008
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Gualtieri A F
Journal of Applied Crystallography 33 (2000) 267-278
Accuracy of XRPD QPA using the combined Rietveld-RIR method
Locality: Baveno, Novara, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0012863
8.14588 12.7973 7.15775 94.2451 116.600 87.800 C-1
atom      x      y     z  occ Uiso
Na    .2791 -.0126 .1794  .98 .096
Ca    .2791 -.0126 .1794  .02 .096
Si1   .0132  .1657 .2113 .745 .054
Al1   .0132  .1657 .2113 .255 .054
Si2   .0100  .8203 .2404 .745 .049
Al2   .0100  .8203 .2404 .255 .049
Si3   .6857  .1110 .3161 .745 .066
Al3   .6857  .1110 .3161 .255 .066
Si4   .6802  .8844 .3598 .745 .044
Al4   .6802  .8844 .3598 .255 .044
O1   -.0044  .1354 .9630      .073
O2    .5848  .9947 .2563      .042
O3    .8188  .1101 .2014      .071
O4    .8166  .8449 .2552      .015
O5    .0112  .6905 .2209      .037
O6    .2043  .1111 .3856      .022
O7    .1862  .8702 .4297      .027
O8    .0069  .3008 .2619      .052
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