American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Mihajlovic T, Lengauer C L, Ntaflos T, Lolitsch U, Tillmanns E
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 179 (2004) 265-294
Two new minerals, rondorfite, Ca8Mg[SiO4]4Cl2, and almarudite,
K(box,Na)2(Mn,Fe,Mg)2(Be,Al)3[Si12O30], and a study of iron-rich wadalite,
Ca12[(Al8Si4Fe2)O32]C16, from the Bellerberg (Bellberg) volcano, Eifel, Germany
Locality: Bellerberg volcano lava field, 2 km N of Mayen,
Eastern Eifel volcanic area, Eifel, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0014724
9.997 9.997 14.090 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
KA        0      0    .25 .928  .0251  .0243  .0243  .0268  .0122       0       0
NaB     1/3    2/3   .025 .050   .009   .002   .002    .02   .001       0       0
MnM     1/3    2/3    .25 .529  .0106  .0109  .0109  .0099  .0055       0       0
FeM     1/3    2/3    .25 .310  .0106  .0109  .0109  .0099  .0055       0       0
MgM     1/3    2/3    .25 .161  .0106  .0109  .0109  .0099  .0055       0       0
BeT2     .5      0    .25 .738  .0114  .0130  .0104  .0099  .0065       0       0
AlT2     .5      0    .25 .262  .0114  .0130  .0104  .0099  .0065       0       0
SiT1 .09503 .35169 .10857       .0085  .0090  .0104  .0066 .00521 -.00035 -.00154
O1    .1130  .4089      0       .0221  .0373  .0206  .0074  .0138       0       0
O2    .2077  .2827 .12747       .0241  .0273  .0373  .0216  .0265  -.0036  -.0064
O3   .12912 .48752 .18076       .0150  .0236  .0156  .0105  .0132  -.0028  -.0040
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