Alpersite |
Peterson R C, Hammarstrom J M, Seal II R R |
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 261-269 |
Alpersite (Mg,Cu)SO4*7H2O, a new mineral of the melanterite group, and cuprian |
pentahydrite: Their occurrence within mine waste |
Locality: Big Mike mine, Nevada, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0004014 |
14.166 6.534 10.838 90 105.922 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg1 0 0 0 .964 .031 .031 .033 .0032 .0093 .002 |
Cu1 0 0 0 .036 .031 .031 .033 .0032 .0093 .002 |
Mg2 .5 .5 0 .402 .0310 .0348 .0241 .0049 .0055 .0018 |
Cu2 .5 .5 0 .598 .0310 .0348 .0241 .0049 .0055 .0018 |
S .22874 .4693 .1744 .0327 .0381 .0323 .0005 .0088 .0010 |
O1 .2019 .4718 .0327 .050 .047 .030 .008 .005 .003 |
O2 .1440 .5424 .2159 .040 .059 .062 .021 .025 .013 |
O3 .3142 .6036 .2245 .045 .059 .043 .018 .012 .010 |
O4 .2533 .2582 .2230 .061 .027 .046 .008 .010 .005 |
Wat1 .1053 .3750 .4255 .065 .070 .062 .038 .034 .022 |
Wat2 .1043 .9561 .1765 .046 .048 .052 .001 .002 .005 |
Wat3 .0273 .7908 .4297 .055 .035 .053 .004 .014 .005 |
Wat4 .4810 .4535 .1751 .049 .046 .038 .005 .012 .003 |
Wat5 .4309 .2692 .4419 .050 .046 .039 .0073 .011 .005 |
Wat6 .3491 .8418 .4400 .043 .056 .047 .001 .008 .006 |
Wat7 .3666 .0073 .1123 .046 .039 .046 .002 .008 .003 |
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Alpersite |
Peterson R C, Hammarstrom J M, Seal R R |
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 261-269 |
Alpersite (Mg,Cu)SO4*7H2O, a new mineral of the melanterite group, and cuprian |
pentahydrite: Their occurrence within mine waste |
Locality: Miami, Arizona, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0004015 |
14.189 6.547 10.830 90 105.872 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg1 0 0 0 .845 .027 .024 .035 .003 .010 .004 |
Cu1 0 0 0 .155 .027 .024 .035 .003 .010 .004 |
Mg2 .5 .5 0 .265 .029 .0300 .0247 .0044 .0064 .0019 |
Cu2 .5 .5 0 .735 .029 .0300 .0247 .0044 .0064 .0019 |
S .22865 .4672 .1741 .0307 .0310 .0363 .0006 .0102 .0003 |
O1 .2017 .4691 .0321 .049 .046 .030 .007 .008 .001 |
O2 .1444 .5431 .2181 .048 .050 .059 .015 .033 .012 |
O3 .3152 .6028 .2240 .047 .044 .050 .018 .009 .011 |
O4 .2538 .2569 .2221 .050 .036 .055 .008 .009 .007 |
Wat1 .1057 .3789 .4256 .067 .063 .064 .030 .037 .024 |
Wat2 .1047 .9562 .1773 .051 .043 .046 .004 .003 .003 |
Wat3 .0286 .7911 .4300 .045 .034 .050 .003 .011 .008 |
Wat4 .4814 .4530 .1737 .043 .048 .036 .004 .013 .001 |
Wat5 .4294 .2645 .4391 .049 .040 .043 .007 .007 .007 |
Wat6 .3480 .8390 .4413 .051 .053 .045 .008 .006 .007 |
Wat7 .3682 .0085 .1131 .049 .036 .049 .001 .008 .004 |
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