American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

Peterson R C, Hammarstrom J M, Seal II R R
Download am/vol91/AM91_261.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 261-269
Alpersite (Mg,Cu)SO4*7H2O, a new mineral of the melanterite group, and cuprian
pentahydrite: Their occurrence within mine waste
Locality: Big Mike mine, Nevada, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0004014
14.166 6.534 10.838 90 105.922 90 P2_1/c
atom      x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mg1       0     0     0 .964   .031   .031   .033  .0032  .0093   .002
Cu1       0     0     0 .036   .031   .031   .033  .0032  .0093   .002
Mg2      .5    .5     0 .402  .0310  .0348  .0241  .0049  .0055  .0018
Cu2      .5    .5     0 .598  .0310  .0348  .0241  .0049  .0055  .0018
S    .22874 .4693 .1744       .0327  .0381  .0323  .0005  .0088  .0010
O1    .2019 .4718 .0327        .050   .047   .030   .008   .005   .003
O2    .1440 .5424 .2159        .040   .059   .062   .021   .025   .013
O3    .3142 .6036 .2245        .045   .059   .043   .018   .012   .010
O4    .2533 .2582 .2230        .061   .027   .046   .008   .010   .005
Wat1  .1053 .3750 .4255        .065   .070   .062   .038   .034   .022
Wat2  .1043 .9561 .1765        .046   .048   .052   .001   .002   .005
Wat3  .0273 .7908 .4297        .055   .035   .053   .004   .014   .005
Wat4  .4810 .4535 .1751        .049   .046   .038   .005   .012   .003
Wat5  .4309 .2692 .4419        .050   .046   .039  .0073   .011   .005
Wat6  .3491 .8418 .4400        .043   .056   .047   .001   .008   .006
Wat7  .3666 .0073 .1123        .046   .039   .046   .002   .008   .003
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Peterson R C, Hammarstrom J M, Seal R R
Download am/vol91/AM91_261.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 261-269
Alpersite (Mg,Cu)SO4*7H2O, a new mineral of the melanterite group, and cuprian
pentahydrite: Their occurrence within mine waste
Locality: Miami, Arizona, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0004015
14.189 6.547 10.830 90 105.872 90 P2_1/c
atom      x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mg1       0     0     0 .845   .027   .024   .035   .003   .010   .004
Cu1       0     0     0 .155   .027   .024   .035   .003   .010   .004
Mg2      .5    .5     0 .265   .029  .0300  .0247  .0044  .0064  .0019
Cu2      .5    .5     0 .735   .029  .0300  .0247  .0044  .0064  .0019
S    .22865 .4672 .1741       .0307  .0310  .0363  .0006  .0102  .0003
O1    .2017 .4691 .0321        .049   .046   .030   .007   .008   .001
O2    .1444 .5431 .2181        .048   .050   .059   .015   .033   .012
O3    .3152 .6028 .2240        .047   .044   .050   .018   .009   .011
O4    .2538 .2569 .2221        .050   .036   .055   .008   .009   .007
Wat1  .1057 .3789 .4256        .067   .063   .064   .030   .037   .024
Wat2  .1047 .9562 .1773        .051   .043   .046   .004   .003   .003
Wat3  .0286 .7911 .4300        .045   .034   .050   .003   .011   .008
Wat4  .4814 .4530 .1737        .043   .048   .036   .004   .013   .001
Wat5  .4294 .2645 .4391        .049   .040   .043   .007   .007   .007
Wat6  .3480 .8390 .4413        .051   .053   .045   .008   .006   .007
Wat7  .3682 .0085 .1131        .049   .036   .049   .001   .008   .004
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