American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Khomyakov A P
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 537-546
Altisite Na3K6Ti2[Al2Si8O26]Cl3 a new hyperalkaline
aluminosilicate from Kola Peninsula (Russia) related to
lemoynite: crystal structure and thermal evolution
Sample: RT, T = 20 C, before heating
Locality: Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0006594
10.363 16.310 9.132 90 105.34 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
K1   .20736 .14143 .10725  .95 .0176
Na1  .20736 .14143 .10725  .05 .0176
K2    .0992  .0081  .3636 .425  .036
Na2   .0992  .0081  .3636 .075  .036
Na1       0 .38349    1/2      .0143
Na2       0    1/2      0      .0329
Ti      1/4    1/4    1/2      .0046
Si1  .72539 .09782 .26426      .0059
Si2  .94853 .21292 .27675      .0063
Al        0 .31610      0      .0069
O1    .8755 .12217  .2527      .0115
O2    .6906 .14466  .4031      .0107
O3    .6219 .11684  .1022      .0122
O4    .7308      0  .2970      .0120
O5    .8684 .26948  .3691      .0087
O6    .9285 .25297  .1096      .0125
O7    .1045 .19446  .3543      .0117
Cl1       0      0      0      .0209
Cl2  .11781    1/2 .72409      .0206
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Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Khomyakov A P
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 537-546
Altisite Na3K6Ti2[Al2Si8O26]Cl3 a new hyperalkaline
aluminosilicate from Kola Peninsula (Russia) related to
lemoynite: crystal structure and thermal evolution
Sample: HT, T = 700 C
Locality: Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0006595
10.423 16.333 9.160 90 105.62 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
K1    .2052 .14147  .1066  .95 .0563
Na1   .2052 .14147  .1066  .05 .0563
K2    .1028  .0151  .3665 .425  .086
Na2   .1028  .0151  .3665 .075  .086
Na1       0  .3847    1/2      .0465
Na2       0    1/2      0       .081
Ti      1/4    1/4    1/2      .0148
Si1  .72627 .09803 .26440      .0164
Si2  .94619 .21412 .27537      .0173
Al        0 .31552      0      .0191
O1    .8749  .1234  .2520      .0292
O2    .6946  .1428  .4065      .0303
O3    .6209  .1183  .1052      .0343
O4    .7319      0  .2918       .032
O5    .8649  .2703  .3657      .0260
O6    .9276  .2530  .1086      .0355
O7    .1013  .1972  .3549      .0341
Cl1       0      0      0       .078
Cl2   .1212    1/2  .7282      .0694
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Ferraris G, Ivaldi G, Khomyakov A P
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 537-546
Altisite Na3K6Ti2[Al2Si8O26]Cl3 a new hyperalkaline
aluminosilicate from Kola Peninsula (Russia) related to
lemoynite: crystal structure and thermal evolution
Sample: RT', T = 20 C, after heating
Locality: Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0006596
10.337 16.257 9.099 90 105.49 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
K1   .20868 .14134 .10698  .95 .0206
Na1  .20868 .14134 .10698  .05 .0206
K2    .1006 -.0090  .3605 .425  .034
Na2   .1006 -.0090  .3605 .075  .034
Na1       0 .38382    1/2      .0132
Na2       0    1/2      0      .0292
Ti      1/4    1/4    1/2      .0039
Si1  .72500 .09780 .26499      .0056
Si2  .94867 .21186 .27612      .0063
Al        0 .31469      0      .0071
O1    .8764 .12060  .2555      .0108
O2    .6896  .1447  .4040      .0110
O3    .6221  .1180  .1023      .0128
O4    .7276      0  .2974      .0118
O5    .8693 .26881  .3692      .0090
O6    .9258  .2515  .1077      .0138
O7    .1055  .1939  .3517      .0127
Cl1       0      0      0      .0305
Cl2  .12081    1/2  .7278      .0230
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