Aramayoite |
Effenberger H, Paar W H, Topa D, Criddle A J, Fleck M |
American Mineralogist 87 (2002) 753-764 |
The new mineral baumstarkite and a structural reinvestigation of |
aramayoite and miargyrite |
_database_code_amcsd 0002821 |
7.813 8.268 8.880 100.32 104.07 90.18 P-1 |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Ag1 .11503 .42287 .14742 .0479 .0414 .0565 .0205 .0156 .0060 |
Ag2 .30433 .07450 .84722 .0500 .0400 .0530 -.0170 .0194 .0019 |
Ag3 .00914 .74334 .49858 .0278 .0387 .0249 .0014 .0054 .0059 |
Sb1 .64238 .41787 .16524 .937 .0182 .0163 .0195 .00172 .00499 .00364 |
Bi1 .64238 .41787 .16524 .063 .0182 .0163 .0195 .00172 .00499 .00364 |
Sb2 .16700 .91841 .16979 .963 .0174 .0165 .0193 .00243 .00389 .00267 |
Bi2 .16700 .91841 .16979 .037 .0174 .0165 .0193 .00243 .00389 .00267 |
Bi3 .49374 .24679 .49421 .903 .02031 .01733 .01897 .00126 .00456 .00252 |
Sb3 .49374 .24679 .49421 .097 .02031 .01733 .01897 .00126 .00456 .00252 |
S1 .85745 .20464 .20003 .0179 .0199 .0236 .0046 .0038 .0032 |
S2 .38019 .25024 .16822 .0185 .0224 .0187 -.0013 .0039 .0037 |
S3 .73044 .52180 .46193 .0199 .0190 .0189 .0011 .0035 .0007 |
S4 -.02532 .69719 .19690 .0208 .0224 .0241 -.0021 .0053 .0031 |
S5 .43666 .76178 .18244 .0187 .0220 .0183 .0062 .0041 .0032 |
S6 .23938 .02194 .46306 .0208 .0198 .0185 .0012 .0053 .0001 |
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