American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Kruger B, Kruger H, Galuskin E V, Galuskina I O, Vapnik Y, Olieric V, Pauluhn A
Acta Crystallographica B74 (2018) 492-501
Aravaite, Ba2Ca18(SiO4)6(PO4)3(CO3)F3O: modular structure and disorder
of a new mineral with single and triple antiperovskite layers
Locality: Hatrurim Complex, Arad, Israel
_database_code_amcsd 0020953
7.12550 7.12550 66.2902 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x      y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ba1       0      0 .270337      .0140  .0142  .0142  .0135 .00711      0      0
Ca1  .49749 .99499  .23253      .0066  .0017  .0015  .0164  .0008  .0007  .0014
Ca2  .98845 .49422  .30918      .0086  .0033  .0028  .0201  .0016  .0010  .0005
Ca3  .48954 .97909 .146883 .937 .0058  .0023  .0034  .0119  .0017  .0006  .0012
Na3  .48954 .97909 .146883 .063 .0058  .0023  .0034  .0119  .0017  .0006  .0012
SiT1  .6667  .3333  .19130      .0022  .0003  .0003  .0058  .0002      0      0
SiT2  .3333  .6667  .34596      .0015
SiT3      0      0  .21838      .0022  .0003  .0003  .0058  .0002      0      0
PT4   .6667  .3333  .26572 .940 .0063  .0069  .0069  .0051  .0035      0      0
PT5p  .3333  .6667  .27450  .54 .0071
CT5c  .3333  .6667  .27450  .46 .0071
O1    .2223  .7777  .28273 .865  .017   .022   .022   .010   .013  .0006  .0006
O2    .3333  .6667  .25243       .012   .014   .014   .008  .0072      0      0
O3    .4578  .9155  .35310      .0193  .0065  .0035   .047  .0017  .0052   .010
O4    .6667  .3333  .28903      .0103   .013   .013   .005  .0066      0      0
O5    .5421  .0842  .18354      .0101
O6    .3333  .6667  .32173       .018   .021   .021   .012  .0104      0      0
O7    .6667  .3333  .21597      .0088   .009   .009   .008  .0046      0      0
O8    .7482  .8741  .22475      .0111  .0023  .0063   .023  .0011  .0020  .0010
O9    .7834  .2166  .25706      .0114  .0129  .0129   .012  .0092  .0013  .0013
O10       0      0  .19203      .0030
O11   .3333  .6667   .1667  .53  .002
F1    .3333  .6667   .1667  .47  .002
F2    .6667  .3333   .3333       .013   .016   .016   .007  .0079      0      0
F3    .3333  .6667  .12406 .993 .0082   .008   .008   .009  .0038      0      0
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