American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

30 matching records for this search.

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Morimoto N, Clark L A
Download am/vol46/AM46_1448.pdf
American Mineralogist 46 (1961) 1448-1469
Arsenopyrite crystal-chemical relations
From Freiberg, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0000112
5.744 5.675 5.785 90.0 112.28 90.0 P-1
atom    x     y    z
Fe1  .272     0 .289
Fe2  .275  .502 .787
As1  .154  .371 .363
As2  .155  .129 .863
S1   .346 -.370 .175
S2   .343 -.131 .675
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Moore P B, Molin-Case J
Download am/vol56/AM56_1539.pdf
American Mineralogist 56 (1971) 1539-1552
Crystal chemistry of the basic manganese arsenates: V. Mixed manganese
coordination in the atomic arrangement of arsenoclasite
_database_code_amcsd 0000259
18.29 5.75 9.31 90 90 90 P2_12_12_1
atom     x      y      z Biso
Mn1  .4323  .2697  .7522  .65
Mn2  .0303  .0544  .8886  .61
Mn3  .2214  .0712  .8582  .59
Mn4  .1241  .5587  .8796  .76
Mn5  .3164  .5804  .0009  .71
As1  .3744  .1117  .0719  .08
As2  .1243  .1928  .1838  .01
OH1  .0519  .7350  .0215  .98
OH2  .2025  .3844  .7397  .96
OH3  .0412  .3676  .7569  .90
OH4  .2171  .7461 -.0282  .90
O5   .1461  .4441  .2643  .62
O6   .1279  .2324  .0012 1.04
O7   .1762 -.0277  .2332  .87
O8   .0380  .0980  .2282 1.00
O9   .3755  .1103  .2508  .95
O10  .2934  .2187  .0206  .69
O11  .4342  .3007 -.0004  .87
O12  .3916  .8448  .0155 1.07
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Spry P G, Merlino S, Wang S, Zhang X, Buseck P R
Download am/vol79/AM79_750.pdf
American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 750-762
New occurrences and refined crystal chemistry of colusite, with comparisons to
Sample: Sn-poor, crystal 1
_database_code_amcsd 0001672
10.538 10.538 10.538 90 90 90 P-43n
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
V        0     0     0       .0079  .0079  .0079      0      0      0
Cu1  .2592     0     0       .0136  .0228  .0191      0      0 -.0047
Cu2  .2513 .2513 .2513 .735  .0194  .0194  .0194  .0012  .0012  .0012
Cu3    .25     0    .5       .0262  .0269  .0269      0      0      0
As     .25    .5     0       .0064  .0077  .0077      0      0      0
S1   .1209 .1209 .1209       .0088  .0088  .0088 -.0004 -.0004 -.0004
S2   .3655 .3742 .1208       .0286  .0090  .0144  .0065 -.0065 -.0008
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Grice J D, Ferguson R B
Download cm/vol27/CM27_137.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 27 (1989) 137-142
The crystal structure of arsenohauchecornite
Locality: Vermilion mine, Sudbury District, Ontario, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0005222
10.2711 10.2711 10.8070 90 90 90 I4/mmm
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ni1      .5      0      0  .0078  .0078  .0094      0      0      0
Ni2  .14501 .14501 .37922  .0101  .0101  .0081  .0007 -.0004 -.0004
Ni3  .17109 .17109 .12524  .0088  .0088  .0087  .0014  .0014  .0014
Bi1      .5      0    .25  .0089  .0089  .0079      0      0      0
Bi2       0      0      0  .0098  .0098  .0102      0      0      0
As        0      0     .5  .0063  .0063  .0099      0      0      0
S1    .3493  .1613      0  .0052  .0057  .0076  .0009      0      0
S2    .2287      0  .2415  .0084  .0069  .0085      0  .0008      0
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Tait K T, Hawthorne F C
Download cm/vol41/CM41_71.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 71-77
Refinement of the crystal structure of arseniopleite: Confirmation of its status
as a valid species
_database_code_amcsd 0005825
6.8113 13.0358 11.3245 90 100.25 90 I2/a
atom       x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
CaX1   .0217 .00131 .51196  .34  .0127
NaX1   .0217 .00131 .51196  .16  .0127
NaX2     1/4 .01816      0  .93  .0267  .0187  .0447  .0176       0  .0055      0
PbX2     1/4 .01816      0  .06  .0267  .0187  .0447  .0176       0  .0055      0
BaX2     1/4 .01816      0  .01  .0267  .0187  .0447  .0176       0  .0055      0
MnM1     1/4 .73506      0      .01148  .0108  .0119  .0114       0 .00108      0
MnM2  .08846 .15590 .21656 .605 .01132  .0095  .0130  .0115 -.00058 .00176 .00017
MgM2  .08846 .15590 .21656 .260 .01132  .0095  .0130  .0115  .00058 .00176 .00017
FeM2  .08846 .15590 .21656 .135 .01132  .0095  .0130  .0115  .00058 .00176 .00017
As1      1/4 .28829      0      .01037 .01044 .00991 .01185       0 .00496      0
As2   .10766 .88811 .23133      .00967 .00892 .01111 .00956  .00053 .00322 .00024
O1     .0669 .21526 .03833       .0148   .011  .0196  .0148  -.0025  .0044  .0018
O2     .1481 .12546 .39581       .0245  .0408  .0166  .0179  -.0145  .0099 -.0052
O3     .2771 .83036 .16070       .0143  .0110  .0175  .0157   .0007  .0061 -.0032
O4     .1963 .90301 .37980       .0150  .0192  .0148  .0104   .0016  .0011 -.0008
O5     .1019 .31791 .28168       .0153  .0096  .0191  .0174   .0025  .0032  .0013
O6     .0552 .00113 .16087       .0160  .0189  .0135  .0156   .0036  .0030  .0039
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Bindi L, Moelo Y, Leone P, Suchaud M
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 471-479
Stoichiometric arsenopyrite, FeAsS, from La Roche-Balue Quarry,
Loire-Atlantique, France: Crystal structure and Mossbauer study
Locality: La Roche-Balue Quarry, Loire-Atlantique, France
_database_code_amcsd 0019195
5.7612 5.6841 5.7674 90 111.721 90 P2_1/c
atom      x       y      z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe   .28353 -.00643 .29429 .0155  .0155  .0152  .0159  .0004  .0059  .0003
As   .14746  .13055 .86937 .0159  .0158  .0158  .0162  .0002  .0060 -.0002
S     .6551   .1311  .3211 .0188  .0177  .0188  .0201 -.0004  .0072  .0001
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Mills S J, Kartashov P M, Kampf A R, Raudsepp M
European Journal of Mineralogy 22 (2010) 613-621
Arsenoflorencite-(La), a new mineral from the Komi Republic, Russian Federation:
description and crystal structure
Locality: Grubependity Lake cirque, Prepolar Ural, Komi Republic, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0017090
7.0316 7.0316 16.5151 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x       y       z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
La        0       0       0 .00728 .00815 .00815 .00555 .00408      0      0
Al       .5       0      .5  .0055  .0057  .0044  .0060  .0022 .00004  .0001
As        0       0  .31492 .00478 .00472 .00472 .00488 .00236      0      0
O1        0       0  .58543  .0113  .0117  .0117  .0105  .0059      0      0
O2   .20482 -.20482 -.05460  .0100  .0117  .0117  .0090  .0078  .0005  .0005
O3   .12273 -.12273  .13701  .0084  .0071  .0071  .0113  .0037  .0008  .0008
H      .194   -.194    .122   .048
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Ferraris G, Franchini-Angela M
Acta Crystallographica B29 (1973) 859-863
Hydrogen bonding in the crystalline state. Refinement of the crystal structure
of MgNH4AsO4*6(H2O), arsenstruvite
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009477
7.054 6.205 11.368 90 90 90 Pmn2_1
atom     x       y       z occ Biso  B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
As       0 -.00588 -.00050          .006029 .00655 .00218       0       0 -.00010
Mg       0   .3733   .3717          .006431 .00811 .00259       0       0 -.00010
O1       0  -.0236  -.1490          .012711 .01519 .00247       0       0 -.00031
O2       0  -.2563   .0574          .009154 .00727 .00356       0       0  .00085
O3   .1972   .1234   .0444          .007938 .01201 .00356 -.00097 -.00012 -.00138
OW1      0   .6762   .2889          .024669 .01181 .00328       0       0  .00152
OW1      0   .0757   .4597          .006632 .01857 .00920       0       0  .00786
OW3  .2165   .2663   .2625          .011556 .01818 .00296  .00308 -.00024 -.00141
OW4  .2062   .4789   .4863          .012561 .01207 .00433  .00028 -.00573 -.00198
N        0   .3694   .7312          .018640 .01785 .00408       0       0  .00209
H1       0    .270    .771      1.0
H2       0    .684    .204      1.3
H3       0    .799    .318      2.8
H4    .115    .023    .485      2.1
H5    .178    .187    .213      4.8
H6    .236    .637    .506      6.8
H7    .294    .200    .302       .5
H8    .315    .380    .529      2.2
H9    .080    .350    .681 .75  5.0
H10   .085    .450    .740 .75  5.4
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Buerger M
Download zk/vol95/ZK95_83.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 95 (1936) 83-113
The symmetry and crystal structure of the minerals of the arsenopyrite group
Locality: St Peter mine, Spindelmuhle, Bohemia
_database_code_amcsd 0016964
9.51 5.65 6.42 90 90 90.0 B2_1/d
atom    x    y    z
Fe      0    0 .275
As   .147 .128    0
S    .167 .132   .5
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Fuess H, Kratz T, Topel-Schadt J, Miehe G
Download zk/vol179/ZK179_335.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 179 (1987) 335-346
Crystal structure refinement and electron microscopy of arsenopyrite
Locality: Hakansboda, Sweden
_database_code_amcsd 0010966
6.5456 9.451 5.6492 90 90 89.84 C2_1/d
atom      x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe    .2769 .0042 .0035 .87  .0126  .0060  .0047  .0006  .0001 -.0007
Co    .2769 .0042 .0035 .13  .0126  .0060  .0047  .0006  .0001 -.0007
As1  -.0067 .1425 .1286 .69  .0057  .0070  .0038  .0010 -.0001 -.0004
S1   -.0067 .1425 .1286 .31  .0057  .0070  .0038  .0010 -.0001 -.0004
S2    .5081 .1638 .1309 .78  .0057  .0081  .0041  .0008  .0002  .0007
As2   .5081 .1638 .1309 .22  .0057  .0081  .0041  .0008  .0002  .0007
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Fuess H, Kratz T, Topel-Schadt J, Miehe G
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Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 179 (1987) 335-346
Crystal structure refinement and electron microscopy of arsenopyrite
Locality: Hakansboda, Sweden
Note: structure was transformed to this setting from C2_1/d
_database_code_amcsd 0010967
5.741 5.649 5.756 90 110.588 90 P2_1/c
atom      x      y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Fe    .2727 -.0035 .2811 .87 .00987  .0047 .01105 -.00048  .00657  .00032
Co    .2727 -.0035 .2811 .13 .00987  .0047 .01105 -.00048  .00657  .00032
As1  -.1492 -.1286 .1358 .69 .00517  .0038 .00708 -.00015  .00158  .00031
S1   -.1492 -.1286 .1358 .31 .00517  .0038 .00708 -.00015  .00158  .00031
S2    .3443 -.1309 .6719 .78 .00571  .0041 .00725  .00023  .00123 -.00056
As2   .3443 -.1309 .6719 .22 .00571  .0041 .00725  .00023  .00123 -.00056
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Ballirano P, Maras A
Download zk/vol217/ZK217_177.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 217 (2002) 177-178
Refinement of the crystal structure of arsenolite, As2O3
Locality: starting material (realgar) from Monte Sughereto, Latium, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0011094
11.07343 11.07343 11.07343 90 90 90 *Fd3m
.125 .125 .125
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
As   .77221 .77221 .77221  .0169  .0169  .0169  .0003  .0003  .0003
O     .9524   .125   .125   .027   .020   .020      0      0   .010
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Wyckoff R W G
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 239-444
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
_database_code_amcsd 0011251
3.63 4.45 10.96 90 90 90 Bmab
atom x    y    z
As   0 .090 .098
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Wyckoff R W G
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
_database_code_amcsd 0011252
4.131 4.131 4.131 54.167 54.167 54.167 R-3m
atom    x    y    z
As   .226 .226 .226
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Pertlik F
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B28 (1978) 170-176
Structure refinement of cubic As2O3 (arsenolithe) with single crystal data
_database_code_amcsd 0012423
11.074 11.074 11.074 90 90 90 Fd-3m
atom     x     y     z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
As   .8971 .8971 .8971  .0043  .0043  .0043 -.00026 -.00026 -.00026
O    .1726     0     0  .0052  .0061  .0061       0       0  -.0002
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Schiferl D, Barrett CS
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2 (1969) 30-36
The crystal structure of arsenic at 4.2, 78 and 299 K
Sample: T = 4.2 K
_database_code_amcsd 0012833
3.7597 3.7597 10.4412 90 90 120 R-3m
atom x y      z Biso
As   0 0 .22764 .229
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Schiferl D, Barrett CS
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2 (1969) 30-36
The crystal structure of arsenic at 4.2, 78 and 299 K
Sample: T = 78 K
_database_code_amcsd 0012834
3.7595 3.7595 10.4573 90 90 120 R-3m
atom x y      z Biso
As   0 0 .22754 .321
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Schiferl D, Barrett CS
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2 (1969) 30-36
The crystal structure of arsenic at 4.2, 78 and 299 K
Sample: T = 299 K
_database_code_amcsd 0012835
3.7598 3.7598 10.5475 90 90 120 R-3m
atom x y      z Biso
As   0 0 .22707 .835
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Bozorth R M
Journal of the American Chemical Society 45 (1923) 1621-1627
The crystal structures of the cubic forms of arsenious and antimonous oxides
Note: synthetic sample
_database_code_amcsd 0014074
11.06 11.06 11.06 90 90 90 Fd-3m
atom    x    y    z
As   .895 .895 .895
O     .21    0    0
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Neuhold F, Kolitsch U, Bernhardt H J, Lengauer C L
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (2012) 603-612
Arsenohopeite, a new zinc arsenate mineral from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia
Locality: Tsumeb, Namibia
_database_code_amcsd 0018914
10.804 19.003 5.112 90 90 90 Pnma
atom      x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Zn1  .23741     .25 .57469 .82 .01912  .0181  .0218  .0175       0  .0016       0
Fe1  .23741     .25 .57469 .08 .01912  .0181  .0218  .0175       0  .0016       0
Mn1  .23741     .25 .57469 .05 .01912  .0181  .0218  .0175       0  .0016       0
Mg1  .23741     .25 .57469 .05 .01912  .0181  .0218  .0175       0  .0016       0
Zn2  .14543 -.00046 .20551     .01842  .0175  .0217  .0160 -.00016 .00024 -.00066
As   .10007 .095516 .71834     .01728  .0202 .01588 .01579  .00072 .00112 -.00028
O4    .1407  .17731  .7895      .0299  .0461  .0187  .0247  -.0117  .0138  -.0050
O5    .0996  .08142  .3953      .0389   .074  .0271  .0152   .0166 -.0058  -.0048
O6    .4619  .07907  .6452      .0290  .0194  .0261  .0416  -.0025 -.0045   .0077
O7    .1986  .03623  .8592      .0226  .0191  .0303  .0184   .0041  .0053   .0058
OW1   .1072     .25  .2645      .0290   .029   .034   .023       0 -.0035       0
OW2   .3858     .25  .8494      .0366   .020   .055   .035       0  -.004       0
OW3   .3354  .17204  .3427      .0375   .036  .0329   .043   .0090  .0028   .0027
H11    .115    .290   .169        .09
H21    .462     .25   .795        .06
H31    .380    .135   .373        .13
H32    .290    .145   .286        .14
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Mills S J, Nestola F
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (2012) 975-985
Elasticity and high-pressure structure of arsenoflorencite-(La):
insights into the high-pressure behaviour of the alunite supergroup
note: P = 1.6 GPa
Locality: Grupendity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019918
7.0147 7.0147 16.4461 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
La       0      0      0     .0138  .0138  .0138  .0137  .0069      0      0
Al      .5      0     .5 .95 .0156   .015   .015   .016  .0073  .0004   .001
Fe      .5      0     .5 .05 .0156   .015   .015   .016  .0073  .0004   .001
As       0      0 .31550 .93 .0113  .0101  .0101  .0138  .0050      0      0
P        0      0 .31550 .07 .0113  .0101  .0101  .0138  .0050      0      0
O1       0      0  .5841      .015   .015   .015   .016   .008      0      0
O2   .2041 -.2041 -.0556      .010   .009   .009   .017   .008 -.0017  .0017
OH3  .1238 -.1238  .1382     .0088   .010   .010   .011   .008  .0010 -.0010
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Mills S J, Nestola F
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (2012) 975-985
Elasticity and high-pressure structure of arsenoflorencite-(La):
insights into the high-pressure behaviour of the alunite supergroup
note: P = 3.6 GPa
Locality: Grupendity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019919
6.9822 6.9822 16.3379 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
La       0      0      0     .0140  .0137  .0137  .0146  .0068      0      0
Al      .5      0     .5 .95 .0148   .014   .014   .017  .0068  .0020   .004
Fe      .5      0     .5 .05 .0148   .014   .014   .017  .0068  .0020   .004
As       0      0 .31634 .93 .0112  .0109  .0109  .0119  .0054      0      0
P        0      0 .31634 .07 .0112  .0109  .0109  .0119  .0054      0      0
O1       0      0  .5835      .014   .010   .010   .022   .005      0      0
O2   .2037 -.2037 -.0535      .016   .018   .018   .015   .011  -.002   .002
OH3  .1250 -.1250  .1381     .0092   .010   .010   .010   .006  .0019 -.0019
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Mills S J, Nestola F
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (2012) 975-985
Elasticity and high-pressure structure of arsenoflorencite-(La):
insights into the high-pressure behaviour of the alunite supergroup
note: P = 5.7 GPa
Locality: Grupendity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019920
6.9538 6.9538 16.2436 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
La       0      0      0     .0161  .0163  .0163  .0156  .0082      0      0
Al      .5      0     .5 .95 .0157   .018   .018   .011  .0091  .0011   .002
Fe      .5      0     .5 .05 .0157   .018   .018   .011  .0091  .0011   .002
As       0      0 .31695 .93 .0133  .0130  .0130  .0141  .0065      0      0
P        0      0 .31695 .07 .0133  .0130  .0130  .0141  .0065      0      0
O1       0      0  .5827      .018   .006   .006   .044   .003      0      0
O2   .2039 -.2039 -.0518      .016   .020   .020   .012   .013  -.003   .003
OH3  .1261 -.1261  .1386     .0096   .013   .013   .007      0  .0007 -.0007
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Mills S J, Nestola F
Mineralogical Magazine 76 (2012) 975-985
Elasticity and high-pressure structure of arsenoflorencite-(La):
insights into the high-pressure behaviour of the alunite supergroup
note: P = 7.4 GPa
Locality: Grupendity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019921
6.9280 6.9280 16.1770 90 90 120 R-3m
atom     x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
La       0      0      0      .028   .041   .041   .003  .0203      0      0
Al      .5      0     .5 .95  .024   .040   .025   .002   .013  -.002  -.004
Fe      .5      0     .5 .05  .024   .040   .025   .002   .013  -.002  -.004
As       0      0  .3169 .93  .024   .031   .031   .010  .0155      0      0
P        0      0  .3169 .07  .024   .031   .031   .010  .0155      0      0
O1       0      0   .579      .032
O2   .2074 -.2074  -.054      .032
OH3  .1280 -.1280  .1403      .018
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Karimova O V, Zolotarev A A, Johanson B S, Evstigneeva T L
Mineralogical Magazine 84 (2020) 746-752
The crystal structure of arsenopalladinite, Pd8As2.5Sb0.5,
and its relation to mertieite-II, Pd8Sb2.5As0.5
Locality: Kaarreoja River, Inari commune, Finnish Lapland, Finland
_database_code_amcsd 0020905
7.3344 7.3870 7.5255 98.869 102.566 119.096 P-1
atom      x      y       z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pd1   .4357 .05665  .15926 .0170  .0176  .0134  .0211  .0080  .0087  .0065
Pd2   .1814 .12257  .39072 .0165  .0139  .0120  .0187  .0054  .0005  .0050
Pd3   .7896  .5003   .3932 .0212  .0156  .0129  .0312  .0034  .0153  .0014
Pd4   .3778  .4168  .15203 .0252  .0330  .0089  .0188  .0059 -.0045  .0053
Pd5   .0506  .7101 -.20324 .0225  .0334  .0311  .0159  .0287  .0044  .0045
Pd6  -.0135  .3095 -.15586 .0226  .0209  .0120  .0189 -.0002 -.0016  .0091
Pd7   .7230  .8474  .20667 .0236  .0103  .0317  .0171  .0028  .0060  .0061
Pd8   .4092  .7740   .3954 .0247  .0281  .0447  .0294  .0314  .0200  .0254
Sb1       0      0       0 .0098  .0108  .0079  .0133  .0054  .0060  .0054
As1      .5     .5      .5 .0124  .0104  .0099  .0164  .0045  .0051  .0057
As2   .1677  .8345  -.4739 .0141  .0161  .0165  .0158  .0114  .0080  .0067
As3   .3345  .6753   .0015 .0137  .0088  .0085  .0237  .0047  .0027  .0084
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Download hom/arsentsumebite.pdf
Zubkova N V, Pushcharovsky D Y, Giester G, Tillmanns E, Pekov I V, Kleimenov D A
Mineralogy and Petrology 75 (2002) 79-88
The crystal structure of arsentsumebite, Pb2Cu[(As,S)O4]2(OH)
Locality: oxidation zone of the Berezovskoye gold deposit, Middle Urals, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0014646
7.804 5.890 8.964 90 112.29 90 P2_1/m
atom      x     y      z occ Biso
Pb1   .7163   .25  .2412      3.4
Pb2   .2987   .25  .3869      2.8
Cu        0     0      0     1.50
As1   .5584   .25 -.1715 .63  1.0
S1    .5584   .25 -.1715 .37  1.0
As2  -.0449   .25 -.3502 .37  1.2
S2   -.0449   .25 -.3502 .63  1.2
OH1   .1707   .25  .0811       .9
O2   -.2413   .25 -.4682      2.9
O3    .0928   .25  .5563      4.8
O4    .4336   .25  .9346      3.8
O5    .7754   .25 -.0543      2.1
O6   -.0002 .0302 -.2410      2.6
O7    .5099 .0252 -.2875      2.5
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Zaccarini F, Luca Bindi L, Tsikouras B, Grammatikopoulos T, Stanley C J, Garuti G
Mineralogy and Petrology 114 (2020) 435-442
Arsenotucekite, Ni18Sb3AsS16, a new mineral from the Tsangli chromitites,
Othrys ophiolite, Greece
Locality: Tsangli chromitites, Othrys ophiolite, Greece
_database_code_amcsd 0020942
9.7856 9.7856 10.7582 90 90 90 I4/mmm
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso
Ni1       0     .5      0 .90 .0394
Co1       0     .5      0 .06 .0394
Fe1       0     .5      0 .04 .0394
Ni2  .14285 .14285 .38158 .90 .0399
Co2  .14285 .14285 .38158 .06 .0399
Fe2  .14285 .14285 .38158 .04 .0399
Ni3  .17361 .17361 .13537 .90 .0538
Co3  .17361 .17361 .13537 .06 .0538
Fe3  .17361 .17361 .13537 .04 .0538
Sb1       0     .5    .25     .0426
Sb2       0      0      0     .0400
As        0      0     .5 .65 .0327
Sb        0      0     .5 .35 .0327
S1    .3447  .1711      0     .0652
S2        0  .2440  .2507     .0603
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Keller P, Lissner F, Schleid T
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2003 (2003) 374-384
The crystal structure of arsendescloizite, PbZn(OH)[AsO4], from Tsumeb (Namibia)
Locality: Tsumeb, Namibia
_database_code_amcsd 0014924
7.646 9.363 6.077 90 90 90 P2_12_12_1
atom      x      y       z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pb   .36712 .17148  .02753  .0161 .0135  .0141  .0206  -.0001  .0003  .0008
Zn   .23436 .50774  .23869  .0161 .0176  .0192  .0116  -.0030  .0023 -.0007
As   .38125 .81220 -.01024  .0101 .0089  .0106  .0108  -.0002  .0005 -.0007
O1    .4425  .4220   .4932   .015  .011   .018   .015    .001   .004   .003
O2    .2945  .0830   .4475   .020  .014   .016   .029    .003   .001   .003
O3    .1363  .2812   .7304   .018  .018   .021   .015   -.002  -.001  -.005
O4    .6081  .2039   .7352   .013  .014   .012   .013   -.001   .001   .002
O5    .1112  .5654   .5057   .010  .015   .007   .008   -.002   .001   .002
H      .018   .492    .490   .134
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Smith P M, Leadbetter A J, Apling A J
Philosophical Magazine 31 (1974) 57-64
The structures of orthorhombic and vitrous arsenic
Locality: synthetic
Note: known as arsenolamprite
_database_code_amcsd 0014996
3.65 4.47 11.00 90 90 90 Bmab
atom x    y    z Biso
As   0 .060 .110   .9
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Hofmeister W, Tillmanns E
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 25 (1978) 153-163
Strukturelle untersuchungen an arsenbrackebuschit
Locality: Tsumeb, Namibia
_database_code_amcsd 0015672
7.763 6.046 9.022 90 112.5 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ
Pb1  .2739  .75 .7356
Pb2  .6960  .75 .6023
Fe3+     0    0     0 .65
Zn2+     0    0     0 .35
As1  .4357  .75 .1736
As2  .0322  .75 .3367
O1    .996 .983  .225
O2    .262  .75  .471
O3    .898  .75  .444
O4    .492 .977  .291
O5    .541  .75  .041
O6    .199  .75  .062
OH7   .821  .75  .916 .65
Wat7  .821  .75  .916 .35
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