Bachmann H G, Barnes W H
The Canadian Mineralogist 7 (1962) 219-235
The crystal structure of a sodium-calcium variety of metahewettite
Sample: hydrated
Note: sample is half-way between barnesite and metahewittite
Locality: Paradox Valley, Montrose County, Coldrado,USA
_database_code_amcsd 0018488
12.26 3.58 8.11 90 92.5 90 P2_1
atom x y z occ Biso
V1 .067 .25 .170 3.0
V2 .822 .25 .127 3.0
V3 .540 .25 .830 3.0
Na .303 .25 .440 .5 3.0
Ca .303 .25 .440 .25 3.0
O1 .907 .25 .869 3.0
O2 .140 .25 .892 3.0
O3 .475 .25 .115 3.0
O4 .956 .25 .282 3.0
O5 .214 .25 .173 3.0
O6 .682 .25 .045 3.0
O7 .651 .25 .725 3.0
O8 .436 .25 .670 3.0
Wat .708 .25 .360 3.0
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