American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Le Bihan M T
Acta Crystallographica 14 (1961) 1210-1211
Contribution a l'etude structurale des sulfures d'arsenic et de plomb.
Structure de la baumhauerite
Locality: Binnenthal, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0009265
22.78 8.33 7.90 90 97.40 90 P-1
atom     x    y     z
Pb1  .2340 .125 -.192
Pb2  .2340 .625 -.192
Pb3  .3415 .125  .347
Pb4  .3415 .625  .347
Pb5  .0845 .125  .094
As1  .3920 .375 -.075
As2  .3920 .875 -.075
As3  .1780 .375  .370
As4  .1780 .875  .370
As5  .0505 .375 -.375
As6  .0505 .875 -.375
As7  .0750 .625  .030
As8  .4930 .875  .291
As9  .4930 .375  .291
S1    .310 .375  .075
S2    .310 .875  .075
S3    .008 .375  .210
S4    .008 .875  .210
S5    .216 .125  .224
S6    .216 .625  .224
S7    .360 .125  .760
S8    .360 .625  .760
S9    .261 .375 -.455
S10   .261 .875 -.455
S11   .101 .125  .515
S12   .101 .625  .515
S13   .122 .375  .880
S14   .122 .875  .880
S15   .442 .125  .157
S16   .442 .625  .157
S17   .434 .375  .505
S18   .434 .875  .505
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Engel P, Nowacki W
Download zk/vol129/ZK129_178.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 129 (1969) 178-202
Die kristallstruktur von baumhauerit
Locality: Lengenbach quarry, Binnatal, Canton Wallis, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0010683
22.800 8.357 7.894 90.05 97.27 89.92 P1
atom      x      y      z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Pb1  .99722 .01234 .00207     .00113 .00761 .00894  .00002  .00063  .00112
Pb2  .98837 .51371 .99218     .00114 .00924 .01440 -.00083  .00160 -.00410
Pb3  .14993 .49630 .70959     .00090 .00818 .01088  .00007  .00020  .00162
Pb4  .19567 .72499 .21280 .62 .00130 .00859 .00798  .00013  .00006 -.00033
Pb5  .31987 .24012 .91001     .00089 .00793 .00759  .00008  .00023 -.00110
Pb6  .46758 .26389 .63551     .00133 .00968 .01408  .00061  .00122  .00437
Pb7  .46689 .75931 .61771     .00108 .00775 .00779  .00019  .00042 -.00049
Pb8  .57264 .25874 .16392     .00131 .00830 .01355  .00048 -.00066 -.00328
Pb9  .57147 .76397 .16169     .00119 .00745 .00869  .00028  .00039  .00129
Pb10 .71343 .28134 .55976     .00082 .00797 .00805  .00026  .00029  .00082
Pb11 .89142 .01788 .44725     .00124 .00773 .01333  .00048  .00047 -.00116
Pb12 .89673 .52598 .47379     .00153 .00937 .01220 -.00078 -.00001  .00218
As1   .0613 .20034 .45754     .00058 .00586 .00430 -.00010  .00010 -.00041
As2  .04867 .75394 .42989     .00057 .00452 .00684  .00002  .00054  .00040
As3  .16496 .25819 .16911     .00078 .00654 .00964 -.00028  .00104 -.00120
As3' .17436 .69306 .16244  .4 .00096 .00806 .00696 -.00052  .00003  .00036
As4a .15871 .96457 .82314  .4 .00126 .00962 .00179 -.00137 -.00067  .00263
As4b .15613 .98658 .76606  .9 .00099 .00896 .01109 -.00067  .00033 -.00172
As5a .28989 .75031 .88082  .5 .00118 .00344 .00508 -.00013  .00079  .00154
As5b .29995 .71492 .84185  .4 .00110 .00649 .00684  .00041  .00128  .00243
As6  .30542 .01312 .47445     .00053 .00510 .00513  .00006  .00043  .00047
As7  .29058 .43084 .46697     .00103 .00596 .00522  .00034  .00003  .00092
As8  .40611 .94175 .16754     .00058 .00490 .00464  .00015  .00006  .00057
As9  .41722 .50234 .19231     .00045 .00470 .00541 -.00016  .00010 -.00067
As10 .61603 .01319 .75859     .00049 .00510 .00559 -.00014 -.00005 -.00016
As11 .62678 .56462 .75108     .00047 .00636 .00506 -.00035  .00034 -.00130
As12 .74321 .76258 .50637     .00061 .00569 .00529 -.00047 -.00014 -.00040
As13 .74033 .06375 .14174     .00088 .01093 .00772 -.00145  .00099 -.00447
As14 .72534 .49807 .12387     .00053 .00564 .00590  .00001 -.00002  .00058
As15 .84991 .27018 .87513     .00054 .00478 .00649 -.00022 -.00018  .00009
As16 .83885 .79852 .87979     .00074 .01070 .00506  .00082  .00042  .00230
S1   .02865 .97509 .59175     .00059 .00611 .00621 -.00007 -.00008  .00022
S2   .02245 .56137 .59133     .00061 .00703 .00589  .00009 -.00017  .00076
S3   .11987 .05341 .30102     .00092 .00701 .00798  .00008  .00090 -.00040
S4   .12148 .47452 .27470     .00073 .00737 .00878  .00046  .00046  .00075
S5   .10880 .23524 .91820     .00157 .01278 .00749 -.00205  .00020  .00025
S6   .10840 .76606 .94260     .00091 .01056 .00646  .00038 -.00020  .00123
S7   .23442 .26714 .60294     .00058 .00722 .00766  .00018  .00006 -.00049
S8   .22878 .75214 .62364     .00129 .00908 .00809 -.00087  .00035  .00281
S9   .24210 .97248 .00874     .00090 .00782 .00900 -.00024 -.00001 -.00060
S10  .24525 .53125 .00604     .00149 .00814 .00908 -.00065 -.00096  .00147
S11  .34561 .23122 .34599     .00098 .00704 .00653  .00033  .00074  .00047
S12  .35025 .80361 .33524     .00092 .00594 .00752 -.00036  .00068 -.00148
S13  .37067 .00586 .71405     .00078 .00557 .00479  .00083 -.00042 -.00087
S14  .36052 .49747 .68640     .00109 .00614 .00669 -.00052 -.00004 -.00037
S15  .44361 .30565 .02747     .00062 .00731 .00457 -.00038  .00036  .00022
S16  .43934 .72109 .02981     .00079 .00608  .0058  .00002  .00026 -.00051
S17  .48623 .99017 .35120      .0007 .00567 .00443 -.00016 -.00021  .00042
S18  .49779 .50618 .38695     .00094 .00458 .00391  .00048 -.00020 -.00034
S19  .53521 .00532 .89730     .00084 .00604 .00862  .00025  .00084 -.00005
S20  .54584 .52126 .87405     .00062 .00619 .00735 -.00023  .00061 -.00083
S21  .58648 .20691 .57477     .00046 .00692 .00488 -.00003  .00002  .00001
S22  .59387 .78990 .58332     .00074 .00645 .00539  .00026  .00053  .00021
S23  .66578 .02063 .29441     .00074 .00625 .00586  .00009  .00026  .00051
S24  .65989 .50208 .31701     .00073  .0071 .00407  .00001  .00005  .00027
S25  .68549 .28847 .96032     .00123 .00495 .00687 -.00075  .00083 -.00096
S26  .68119 .71020 .95805     .00063 .00551 .00687  .00004 -.00012  .00035
S27  .78756  .9641 .68141     .00103 .00426 .00701  .00048  .00010  .00006
S28  .79002 .55828 .65943     .00068 .00541 .00822  .00000 -.00029 -.00042
S29  .79464 .23463 .32297     .00055 .00676 .00519 -.00001  .00045 -.00052
S30  .80247 .78171 .29720     .00126 .01018  .0052 -.00127  .00045 -.00255
S31  .87489 .04028 .03876     .00065 .00546 .00464 -.00049 -.00003 -.00048
S32  .87454 .46814 .05413      .0009 .00661 .00615  .00039  .00016  .00080
S33  .92923 .26595 .72923     .00085 .00575 .00651 -.00005  .00011  .00107
S34  .92304 .76875 .75643     .00071 .00659 .00382 -.00024  .00016 -.00082
S35  .98090 .24390 .27336     .00069 .00576 .00539  .00055  .00005 -.00030
S36  .96679 .76363 .23661     .00103 .00735 .00482 -.00001 -.00035 -.00025
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