American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Download hom/belovitece.pdf
Rakovan J F, Hughes J M
Download cm/vol38/CM38_839.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 38 (2000) 839-845
Strontium in the apatite structure: Strontian fluorapatite and belovite-(Ce)
_database_code_amcsd 0005690
9.659 9.659 7.182 90 90 120 P-3
atom      x       y      z   occ  Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3)   B(2,3)
Ce      1/3     2/3 .48227 .9167  .767 .00260 .00260 .00409 .00130      0        0
Na      1/3     2/3  .9881 1.502   .88  .0035  .0035  .0032 .00175      0        0
Sr   .23726 -.01866 .75818 1.012 1.065 .00455 .00329 .00437 .00170 .00009 -.000385
P     .5970  -.3730  .2534         .79 .00324  .0028  .0037 .00175 -.0001  -.00025
O(1)  .1501  -.3415  .7299        1.40  .0030  .0073  .0060 .00245  .0005   .00055
O(2)  .8764   .4157  .7756        1.45  .0042  .0035  .0100 .00155 -.0002    .0009
O(3)  .7274   .0981  .5656        1.56  .0062  .0055  .0052 .00215 .00205   .00105
O(4)  .3132   .2558  .9018        2.04  .0117  .0049  .0068  .0040  .0049    .0021
F         0       0   .289         3.2  .0052  .0052   .032  .0013      0        0
Cl        0       0    1/2  .021  2.68
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