American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Facchinelli A, Bruno E, Chiari G
Acta Crystallographica B35 (1979) 34-42
The structure of bytownite quenched from 1723 K
Locality: satellite dyke, Traversella stock, Sesia Lanzo zone, Western Alps, Italy
Sample: non-split model
Note: T and O anisoB's from ICSD
_database_code_amcsd 0009655
8.183 12.883 14.186 93.38 115.87 90.82 I-1
atom         x     y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca000    .2670 .9856 .0843 .43 3.64  .0066  .0105  .0040 -.0028  .0019 -.0042
Na000    .2670 .9856 .0843 .07 3.64  .0066  .0105  .0040 -.0028  .0019 -.0042
Ca0i0    .7753 .5352 .5443 .43 1.03  .0042  .0021  .0012  .0008  .0004 -.0001
Na0i0    .7753 .5352 .5443 .07 1.03  .0042  .0021  .0012  .0008  .0004 -.0001
Caz00    .2709 .0302 .5453 .43 1.17  .0047  .0023  .0016  .0012  .0008 -.0003
Naz00    .2709 .0302 .5453 .07 1.17  .0047  .0023  .0016  .0012  .0008 -.0003
Cazi0    .7632 .5048 .0720 .43 5.13  .0063  .0156  .0058 -.0016  .0022 -.0074
Nazi0    .7632 .5048 .0720 .07 5.13  .0063  .0156  .0058 -.0016  .0022 -.0074
AlT10000 .0073 .1597 .1050 .21       .0040  .0016  .0009 -.0006  .0007  .0001
SiT10000 .0073 .1597 .1050 .79       .0040  .0016  .0009 -.0006  .0007  .0001
AlT10z00 .0038 .1639 .6108 .82       .0043  .0012  .0006 -.0005  .0008  .0001
SiT10z00 .0038 .1639 .6108 .18       .0043  .0012  .0006 -.0005  .0008  .0001
AlT1m000 .0009 .8151 .1186  .7       .0036  .0014  .0004  .0004  .0005  .0001
SiT1m000 .0009 .8151 .1186  .3       .0036  .0014  .0004  .0004  .0005  .0001
AlT1mz00 .0031 .8169 .6126 .19       .0045  .0015  .0009  .0006  .0007  .0002
SiT1mz00 .0031 .8169 .6126 .81       .0045  .0015  .0009  .0006  .0007  .0002
AlT20000 .6870 .1117 .1590  .7       .0034  .0010  .0011 -.0001  .0004  .0001
SiT20000 .6870 .1117 .1590  .3       .0034  .0010  .0011 -.0001  .0004  .0001
AlT20z00 .6792 .1065 .6583 .16       .0038  .0011  .0014  .0000  .0006  .0001
SiT20z00 .6792 .1065 .6583 .84       .0038  .0011  .0014  .0000  .0006  .0001
AlT2m000 .6772 .8811 .1804 .18       .0038  .0011  .0014  .0002  .0007  .0002
SiT2m000 .6772 .8811 .1804 .82       .0038  .0011  .0014  .0002  .0007  .0002
AlT2mz00 .6828 .8759 .6777 .72       .0037  .0009  .0009  .0000  .0007  .0004
SiT2mz00 .6828 .8759 .6777 .28       .0037  .0009  .0009  .0000  .0007  .0004
OA1000   .0068 .1265 .9907           .0118  .0030  .0013  .0004  .0029  .0000
OA1z00   .0010 .1260 .4900           .0119  .0020  .0017  .0010  .0026  .0009
OA2000   .5765 .9901 .1395           .0042  .0012  .0016  .0000  .0002  .0005
OA2z00   .5747 .9909 .6384           .0054  .0015  .0020  .0000  .0013  .0005
OB0000   .8191 .1010 .0922           .0065  .0025  .0032 -.0009  .0028  .0000
OB0z00   .8018 .1022 .5935           .0077  .0019  .0036 -.0013  .0034 -.0007
OBm000   .8096 .8548 .1252           .0074  .0028  .0053 -.0003  .0037 -.0006
OBmz00   .8197 .8553 .6173           .0086  .0031  .0049  .0007  .0047  .0000
OC0000   .0125 .2820 .1374           .0090  .0020  .0021 -.0008  .0026  .0000
OC0z00   .0150 .2932 .6475           .0050  .0017  .0023 -.0014  .0007 -.0002
OCm000   .0095 .6814 .1078           .0060  .0027  .0020  .0008  .0009 -.0001
OCmz00   .0083 .6896 .6020           .0064  .0018  .0013  .0007  .0000  .0000
OD0000   .1939 .1065 .1877           .0061  .0025  .0018  .0006  .0002  .0006
OD0z00   .2008 .1040 .6913           .0065  .0021  .0019  .0002 -.0004  .0001
ODm000   .1942 .8676 .2175           .0052  .0022  .0032  .0004 -.0017 -.0005
ODmz00   .1872 .8625 .7117           .0107  .0032  .0027  .0008 -.0003 -.0004
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Facchinelli A, Bruno E, Chiari G
Acta Crystallographica B35 (1979) 34-42
The structure of bytownite quenched from 1723 K
Locality: satellite dyke, Traversella stock, Sesia Lanzo zone, Western Alps, Italy
Sample: BytQ, P-1 model
_database_code_amcsd 0009656
8.183 12.883 14.186 93.38 115.87 90.82 P-1
atom         x     y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca000    .2665 .9858 .0842 .86 3.71  .0066  .0109  .0039 -.0026  .0019 -.0041
Na000    .2665 .9858 .0842 .14 3.71  .0066  .0109  .0039 -.0026  .0019 -.0041
Ca0i0    .7751 .5352 .5442 .86 1.10  .0047  .0023  .0012  .0009  .0004 -.0002
Na0i0    .7751 .5352 .5442 .14 1.10  .0047  .0023  .0012  .0009  .0004 -.0002
Caz00    .2715 .0306 .5455 .86 1.08  .0042  .0020  .0015  .0011  .0008 -.0002
Naz00    .2715 .0306 .5455 .14 1.08  .0042  .0020  .0015  .0011  .0008 -.0002
Cazi0    .7631 .5040 .0721 .86 5.05  .0066  .0148  .0060 -.0024  .0026 -.0073
Nazi0    .7631 .5040 .0721 .14 5.05  .0066  .0148  .0060 -.0024  .0026 -.0073
AlT10000 .0004 .1656 .1056 .33 1.13
SiT10000 .0004 .1656 .1056 .67 1.13
AlT100i0 .5124 .6548 .6044 .17  .25
SiT100i0 .5124 .6548 .6044 .83  .25
AlT10z00 .0137 .1602 .6118 .67  .48
SiT10z00 .0137 .1602 .6118 .33  .48
AlT10zi0 .4944 .6677 .1099      .42
AlT1m000 .9938 .8100 .1172 .81  .47
SiT1m000 .9938 .8100 .1172 .19  .47
AlT1m0i0 .5075 .3202 .6199 .65  .52
SiT1m0i0 .5075 .3202 .6199 .35  .52
AlT1mz00 .0096 .8206 .6130  .1  .51
SiT1mz00 .0096 .8206 .6130  .9  .51
AlT1mzi0 .4966 .3128 .1122 .33  .93
SiT1mzi0 .4966 .3128 .1122 .67  .93
AlT20000 .6926 .1102 .1567 .74  .53
SiT20000 .6926 .1102 .1567 .26  .53
AlT200i0 .1815 .6127 .6615 .75  .67
SiT200i0 .1815 .6127 .6615 .25  .67
AlT20z00 .6753 .1073 .6612 .38  .53
SiT20z00 .6753 .1073 .6612 .62  .53
AlT20zi0 .1834 .6059 .1547 .02  .03
SiT20zi0 .1834 .6059 .1547 .98  .03
AlT2m000 .6735 .8829 .1831 .26  .76
SiT2m000 .6735 .8829 .1831 .74  .76
AlT2m0i0 .1807 .3792 .6777 .11  .76
SiT2m0i0 .1807 .3792 .6777 .89  .76
AlT2mz00 .6883 .8734 .6757 .64  .58
SiT2mz00 .6883 .8734 .6757 .36  .58
AlT2mzi0 .1776 .3785 .1798  .8  .47
SiT2mzi0 .1776 .3785 .1798  .2  .47
OA1000   .0251 .1303 .9953     1.29
OA10i0   .4905 .6234 .4868      .87
OA1z00   .9854 .1263 .4872     1.02
OA1zi0   .5192 .6264 .9936     1.34
OA2000   .5682 .9926 .1430      .85
OA20i0   .0835 .4875 .6359      .69
OA2z00   .5753 .9870 .6326     1.00
OA2zi0   .0747 .4947 .1442      .88
OB0000   .8109 .1025 .0849     1.29
OB00i0   .3268 .5996 .5990     1.51
OB0z00   .8162 .0971 .6027     1.09
OB0zi0   .2896 .6071 .0852     1.01
OBm000   .8179 .8509 .1368     1.93
OBm0i0   .3026 .3579 .6147     1.33
OBmz00   .8100 .8552 .6070     1.22
OBmzi0   .3308 .3556 .1293     1.80
OC0000   .9992 .2876 .1334     1.26
OC00i0   .5243 .7777 .6411      .83
OC0z00   .0238 .2892 .6439     1.50
OC0zi0   .5083 .7964 .1507      .82
OCm000   .0042 .6772 .1113     1.29
OCm0i0   .5160 .1859 .6042     1.34
OCmz00   .0205 .6947 .5997     1.22
OCmzi0   .4975 .1854 .1041      .49
OD0000   .1846 .1092 .1925     1.19
OD00i0   .7023 .6047 .6831      .96
OD0z00   .2095 .1055 .6871     1.03
OD0zi0   .6909 .6016 .1959     1.36
ODm000   .2031 .8704 .2094      .71
ODm0i0   .6827 .3643 .7267     1.38
ODmz00   .1766 .8584 .7174     1.37
ODmzi0   .7000 .3664 .2056     1.89
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Chiari G, Benna P, Bruno E
Download zk/vol169/ZK169_35.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 169 (1984) 35-49
The structure of bytownite (An85). A new refinement
Locality: Traversella stock, Sesia Lanzo zone, Western Alps, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020638
8.188 12.822 14.196 93.37 116.04 90.87 P-1
atom          x     y     z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca000     .2669 .9838 .0876 .86 .020   .010   .034   .015  -.005   .007  -.010
Na000     .2669 .9838 .0876 .14 .020   .010   .034   .015  -.005   .007  -.010
Ca0i0     .7742 .5336 .5460 .86 .024   .013   .029   .024   .005   .004  -.009
Na0i0     .7742 .5336 .5460 .14 .024   .013   .029   .024   .005   .004  -.009
Caz00     .2680 .0310 .5436 .86 .008   .009   .009   .005   .004   .003   .004
Naz00     .2680 .0310 .5436 .14 .008   .009   .009   .005   .004   .003   .004
Cazi0     .7648 .5146 .0641 .86 .042   .006   .062   .041   .005   .001  -.038
Nazi0     .7648 .5146 .0641 .14 .042   .006   .062   .041   .005   .001  -.038
AlT10000  .0030 .1624 .1035 .05 .014
SiT10000  .0030 .1624 .1035 .95 .014
AlT100i0  .5107 .6555 .6046 .05 .003
SiT100i0  .5107 .6555 .6046 .95 .003
AlT10z00  .0063 .1614 .6110     .008
AlT10zi0  .4992 .6681 .1118     .006
AlT1m000  .9929 .8119 .1178 .87 .009
SiT1m000  .9929 .8119 .1178 .13 .009
AlT1m0i0  .5057 .3187 .6199 .87 .005
SiT1m0i0  .5057 .3187 .6199 .13 .005
SiT1mz00  .0114 .8217 .6133     .007
SiT1mzi0  .4992 .3132 .1114     .008
AlT20000  .6876 .1109 .1524 .81 .007
SiT20000  .6876 .1109 .1524 .19 .007
AlT200i0  .1877 .6128 .6625 .81 .008
SiT200i0  .1877 .6128 .6625 .19 .008
AlT20z00  .6790 .1053 .6645 .02 .008
SiT20z00  .6790 .1053 .6645 .98 .008
AlT20zi0  .1762 .6064 .1532 .02 .009
SiT20zi0  .1762 .6064 .1532 .98 .009
AlT2m000  .6769 .8831 .1875 .05 .009
SiT2m000  .6769 .8831 .1875 .95 .009
AlT2m0i0  .1771 .3803 .6767 .05 .007
SiT2m0i0  .1771 .3803 .6767 .95 .007
AlT2mz00  .6801 .8727 .6714 .91 .008
SiT2mz00  .6801 .8727 .6714 .09 .008
AlT2mzi0  .1862 .3777 .1804 .91 .007
SiT2mzi0  .1862 .3777 .1804 .09 .007
OA1000    .0250 .1250 .9950     .011
OA10i0    .4935 .6270 .4881     .014
OAlz00    .9756 .1237 .4830     .012
OAlzi0    .5086 .6281 .9922     .013
OA2000    .5774 .9924 .1455     .008
OA20i0    .0768 .4883 .6341     .013
OA2z00    .5736 .9901 .6311     .013
OA2zi0    .0727 .4928 .1425     .007
OB0000    .8103 .1041 .0804     .013
OB00i0    .3279 .5980 .5988     .012
OB0z00    .8110 .0995 .6057     .010
OB0zi0    .2918 .6039 .0852     .015
OBm000    .8206 .8522 .1426     .014
OBm0i0    .3003 .3579 .6156     .018
OBmz00    .8095 .8545 .6023     .012
OBmzi0    .3309 .3566 .1239     .020
OC0000    .0057 .2819 .1298     .010
OC00i0    .5204 .7781 .6423     .017
OC0z00    .0189 .2927 .6455     .016
OC0zi0    .5098 .7969 .1503     .013
OCm000    .0024 .6773 .1110     .013
OCm0i0    .5148 .1841 .6054     .011
OCmz00    .0183 .6955 .5976     .014
OCmzi0    .4992 .1886 .1023     .010
OD0000    .1811 .1053 .1922     .013
OD00i0    .6979 .6075 .6839     .014
OD0z00    .2142 .1044 .6852     .010
OD0zi0    .6930 .6035 .1959     .015
ODm000    .2079 .8722 .2108     .011
ODm0i0    .6908 .3653 .7254     .018
ODmz00    .1721 .8581 .7197     .012
ODmzi0    .6966 .3662 .2051     .019
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Chiari G, Benna P, Bruno E
Download zk/vol169/ZK169_35.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 169 (1984) 35-49
The structure of bytownite (An85). A new refinement
Locality: Traversella stock, Sesia Lanzo zone, Western Alps, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020639
8.188 12.822 14.196 93.37 116.04 90.87 I-1
atom          x     y     z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca000     .2669 .9838 .0876 .43 .020   .011   .034   .015  -.005   .007  -.009
Na000     .2669 .9838 .0876 .07 .020   .011   .034   .015  -.005   .007  -.009
Ca0i0     .7741 .5336 .5460 .43 .024   .014   .030   .024   .005   .004  -.009
Na0i0     .7741 .5336 .5460 .07 .024   .014   .030   .024   .005   .004  -.009
Caz00     .2679 .0310 .5435 .43 .008   .009   .009   .005   .004   .003   .004
Naz00     .2679 .0310 .5435 .07 .008   .009   .009   .005   .004   .003   .004
Cazi0     .7650 .5146 .0642 .43 .042   .007   .064   .041   .005   .001  -.038
Nazi0     .7650 .5146 .0642 .07 .042   .007   .064   .041   .005   .001  -.038
AlT10000  .0074 .1585 .1042 .05 .009   .009   .010   .008  -.001   .004   .001
SiT10000  .0074 .1585 .1042 .95 .009   .009   .010   .008  -.001   .004   .001
AlT10z00  .0027 .1648 .6114     .008   .009   .009   .008  -.001   .004   .001
AlT1m000 -.0004 .8154 .1189 .87 .009   .010   .009   .007   .002   .004   .001
SiT1m000 -.0004 .8154 .1189 .13 .009   .010   .009   .007   .002   .004   .001
SiT1mz00  .0054 .8175 .6124     .009   .010   .011   .007   .003   .004   .001
AlT20000  .6877 .1119 .1574 .81 .010   .008   .008   .012      0   .004   .001
SiT20000  .6877 .1119 .1574 .19 .010   .008   .008   .012      0   .004   .001
AlT20z00  .6776 .1058 .6590 .02 .011   .009   .008   .014      0   .004      0
SiT20z00  .6776 .1058 .6590 .98 .011   .009   .008   .014      0   .004      0
AlT2m000  .6770 .8817 .1820 .05 .010   .009   .008   .013   .002   .004   .003
SiT2m000  .6770 .8817 .1820 .95 .010   .009   .008   .013   .002   .004   .003
AlT2mz00  .6832 .8752 .6759 .91 .009   .009   .009   .011   .001   .005   .003
SiT2mz00  .6832 .8752 .6759 .09 .009   .009   .009   .011   .001   .005   .003
OA1000    .0098 .1259 .9916     .018   .028   .018   .010      0   .011   .002
OA1z00   -.0078 .1259 .4876     .018   .030   .017   .013   .004   .014   .003
OA2000    .5771 .9904 .1401     .013   .011   .011   .015   .003   .005   .004
OA2z00    .5730 .9915 .6373     .012   .010   .010   .016      0   .004   .002
OB0000    .8191 .1010 .0897     .019   .015   .015   .029  -.005   .014  -.004
OB0z00    .8019 .1015 .5960     .019   .017   .015   .032  -.003   .016  -.002
OBm000    .8107 .8550 .1294     .029   .020   .021   .054   .002   .024  -.005
OBmz00    .8193 .8554 .6122     .024   .019   .022   .038   .005   .020   .002
OC0000    .0126 .2800 .1357     .016   .016   .012   .020  -.002   .009  -.001
OC0z00    .0142 .2948 .6479     .016   .016   .013   .018  -.003   .007  -.000
OCm000    .0087 .6807 .1083     .015   .013   .013   .015   .004   .004   .001
OCmz00    .0084 .6919 .6001     .016   .018   .013   .015   .004   .004  -.000
OD0000    .1894 .1063 .1881     .018   .015   .017   .014   .003  -.000   .002
OD0z00    .2041 .1040 .6903     .020   .018   .014   .016   .002  -.002   .002
ODm000    .2000 .8690 .2177     .024   .016   .020   .021   .002  -.005  -.006
ODmz00    .1833 .8620 .7128     .029   .023   .023   .022   .004  -.008  -.007
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