American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

Kampf A R, Roberts A C, Venance K E, Carbone C, Belmonte D, Dunning G E, Walstrom R E
Mineralogical Magazine 77 (2013) 69-80
Cerchiaraite-(Fe) and cerchiaraite-(Al), two new barium cyclosilicate chlorides
from Italy and California, USA
Locality: Esquire No. 8 claim, Big Creek, Fresno County, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0019795
14.3554 14.3554 6.0065 90 90 90 I4/mmm
atom      x      y     z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ba   .21637      0     0      .0275  .0349  .0222  .0254   .000      0      0
FeM     .25    .25   .25 .596 .0190  .0207  .0207  .0156 -.0075  .0001  .0001
AlM     .25    .25   .25 .404 .0190  .0207  .0207  .0156 -.0075  .0001  .0001
Si1  .38855 .38855     0      .0165  .0164  .0164  .0167 -.0010      0      0
Si2   .4183  .1121     0 .255  .027   .041   .019   .023   .006      0      0
Cl1       0      0     0      .0279  .0240  .0240   .036      0      0      0
Cl2      .5  .1388  .118  .21  .082   .037   .073    .14      0      0  -.042
O1    .3460  .3460 .2268      .0218  .0254  .0254   .015  -.005  .0018  .0018
O2    .1766  .3076     0   .5 .0293   .026   .039   .024  -.009      0      0
OH2   .1766  .3076     0   .5 .0293   .026   .039   .024  -.009      0      0
O3    .3686     .5     0      .0256   .037   .011   .028      0      0      0
O4     .394      0     0  .24  .036    .04   .016    .05      0      0      0
OH5      .5   .126  .247  .52  .139    .22    .10    .09      0      0  -.074
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Basso R, Lucchetti G, Zefiro L, Palenzona A
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2000 (2000) 373-384
Cerchiaraite, a new natural Ba-Mn-mixed-anion silicate chloride from
the Cerchiara mine, northern Apennines, Italy
Locality: Cerchiara mine, Va di Vara, northern Apennines, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0014905
14.215 14.215 6.126 90 90 90 I4/mmm
atom     x     y     z occ Biso
Ba   .2190     0     0     1.26
Mn     .25   .25   .25      .87
Si1  .3881 .3881     0      .66
Si2   .113  .431     0 .25 1.20
Cl       0     0     0     1.39
O1   .3454 .3454 .2236     1.06
O2   .1731 .3106     0     3.17
O3   .3693    .5     0     1.56
O4    .403     0     0 .25 2.15
O5       0  .364  .307  .5 3.05
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