Mahe R
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France 1967 (1967) 1879-1884
Etude structurale du metaniobate de plombe rhomboedrique
II. - Positions des atomes
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0018892
10.501 10.501 11.555 90 90 120 R3m
atom x y z Biso
Pb1 0 0 0 .47
Pb2 0 0 .3571 .47
Pb3 0 0 .6689 .47
Nb .3453 .3478 .1629 .7
O1 .371 .314 .016 2
O2 .572 .428 .165 3
O3 .834 .166 .200 3
O4 .425 .575 .193 3
O5 .114 .886 .129 3
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