American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Alfredsson V, Bovin J O, Norrestam R, Terasaki O
Acta Chemica Scandinavica 45 (1991) 797-804
The structure of the mineral chestermanite,
Mg2.25Al0.16Fe0.43Ti0.02Sb0.13O2BO3. A combined single-crystal X-ray and HREM
_database_code_amcsd 0011934
18.5250 12.272 3.0218 90 90 90 Pbam
atom      x     y  z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
MgM1      0     0  0 .484 .0056  .0056  .0057  .0056  .0001      0      0
AlM1      0     0  0 .034 .0056  .0056  .0057  .0056  .0001      0      0
FeM1      0    .5  0 .233 .0056  .0069  .0087  .0106 -.0014      0      0
TiM1      0    .5  0 .011 .0056  .0069  .0087  .0106 -.0014      0      0
SbM1      0     0  0 .482 .0056  .0056  .0057  .0056  .0001      0      0
MgM2      0    .5  0 .706 .0087  .0069  .0087  .0106 -.0014      0      0
AlM2      0    .5  0  .05 .0087  .0069  .0087  .0106 -.0014      0      0
MgM3  .1247 .1708 .5 .934 .0081  .0081  .0078  .0084 -.0008      0      0
AlM3  .1247 .1708 .5 .066 .0081  .0081  .0078  .0084 -.0008      0      0
FeM4  .1275 .3893  0 .181 .0082  .0087  .0060  .0099  .0002      0      0
TiM4  .1275 .3893  0 .009 .0082  .0087  .0060  .0099  .0002      0      0
MgM4  .1275 .3893  0 .756 .0082  .0087  .0060  .0099  .0002      0      0
AlM4  .1275 .3893  0 .054 .0082  .0087  .0060  .0099  .0002      0      0
FeM5  .2570 .2710  0  .44 .0075  .0064  .0076  .0086 -.0004      0      0
TiM5  .2570 .2710  0  .02 .0075  .0064  .0076  .0086 -.0004      0      0
MgM5  .2570 .2710  0 .504 .0075  .0064  .0076  .0086 -.0004      0      0
AlM5  .2570 .2710  0 .036 .0075  .0064  .0076  .0086 -.0004      0      0
MgM6  .3746 .1089 .5 .934 .0084  .0087  .0075  .0090  .0009      0      0
AlM6  .3746 .1089 .5 .066 .0084  .0087  .0075  .0090  .0009      0      0
MgM7  .3728 .3885 .5 .934 .0086  .0083  .0083  .0093 -.0008      0      0
AlM7  .3728 .3885 .5 .066 .0086  .0083  .0083  .0093 -.0008      0      0
B1   -.0115 .2513  0      .0082
B2    .2373 .0293  0      .0080
O1    .0686 .0317 .5      .0096
O2    .0629 .2472  0      .0086
O3    .0702 .4629 .5      .0124
O4    .1991 .1266  0      .0092
O5    .1834 .3137 .5      .0121
O6    .3117 .0313  0      .0088
O7    .3208 .2454 .5      .0107
O8    .3006 .4321  0      .0085
O9    .4507 .1525  0      .0091
O10   .4500 .3474  0      .0090
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