Collinsite |
Herwig S, Hawthorne F C |
The Canadian Mineralogist 44 (2006) 1181-1196 |
The topology of hydrogen bonding in brandtite, collinsite and fairfieldite |
Locality: Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0006118 |
5.729 6.778 5.444 97.31 108.56 107.25 P-1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
CaX .30332 .75897 .65422 .00910 .00765 .01038 .00879 .00259 .00351 .00116 |
MgM 0 0 0 .92 .00636 .0058 .0068 .0064 .00258 .00196 .00095 |
MnM 0 0 0 .01 .00636 .0058 .0068 .0064 .00258 .00196 .00095 |
FeM 0 0 0 .06 .00636 .0058 .0068 .0064 .00258 .00196 .00095 |
PT .33308 .24382 .66329 .00577 .00513 .00637 .00578 .00225 .00175 .00174 |
O1 .25585 .07243 .40377 .00989 .0098 .0102 .0078 .0037 .0019 -.0007 |
O2 .33308 .12722 .89146 .00899 .0088 .0109 .0089 .0040 .0037 .0055 |
O3 .15488 .37340 .63328 .00907 .0091 .0098 .0104 .0058 .0036 .0036 |
O4 .61936 .38661 .72049 .00948 .0064 .0100 .0100 .0007 .0025 .0024 |
OW .94947 .27786 .06803 .00884 .0084 .0084 .0088 .0025 .0023 .0024 |
H1 .838 .316 -.077 .039 |
H2 .117 .392 .144 .050 |
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Collinsite |
Brotherton P D, Maslen E N, Pryce M W, White A H |
Australian Journal of Chemistry 27 (1974) 653-656 |
Crystal structure of collinsite |
_database_code_amcsd 0012055 |
5.7344 6.780 5.4413 97.29 108.56 107.28 P-1 |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg 0 0 0 .011 .01 .01 .003 .002 .001 |
Ca .3031 .7590 .6544 .012 .013 .012 .003 .004 .002 |
P .3336 .2436 .6633 .011 .01 .009 .003 .002 .002 |
O1 .3319 .1276 .8905 .012 .013 .006 .005 .002 .005 |
O2 .2549 .0720 .4028 .011 .011 .009 0 .001 -.001 |
O3 .1547 .3740 .6334 .013 .009 .014 .006 .005 .004 |
O4 .6185 .3864 .7212 .009 .011 .009 .001 .002 .004 |
O5 .9489 .2776 .0685 .011 .012 .008 .003 .003 -.003 |
H1 .12 .39 .15 .0058 |
H2 .77 .28 .89 .0014 |
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