American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Bindi L, Pekov I V
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva 138 (2009) 44-50
Crystal chemistry of extremely Cu-rich cupropearceite
from the Sarbay mine, Northern Kazakhstan
Location: Sarbay mine, Northern Kazakhstan
_database_code_amcsd 0015712
7.2567 7.2567 11.8193 90 90 120 P-3m1
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
Ag1  .31106 .15553 .38548 .222 .0321
Cu1  .31106 .15553 .38548 .778 .0321
Ag2   .3602  .1610  .1241 .350  .108
Ag3   .2992 -.0845  .1190 .400  .105
As      1/3    2/3 .40680 .801 .0215
Sb      1/3    2/3 .40680 .199 .0215
Cu2       0      0      0      .0308
S1        0      0  .1825      .0345
S2   .01672 .50836 .31338      .0288
S3      2/3    1/3  .0200      .0359
S4        0      0     .5       .098
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