American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

7 matching records for this search.

Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Petersen E U, Anovitz L M, Essene E J
Download am/vol69/AM69_472.pdf
American Mineralogist 69 (1984) 472-480
Donpeacorite, (Mn,Mg)MgSi2O6, a new orthopyroxene and its proposed phase
relations in the system MnSiO3-MgSiO3-FeSiO3
_database_code_amcsd 0000937
18.384 8.878 5.226 90 90 90 Pbca
atom     x     y     z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3) B(2,3)
Mg1  .3751 .6543 .8721     .00051 0.0025 0.0055 0.00001 -.00010 -.0003
Mg2  .3776 .4801 .3684 .47 .00066 0.0034 0.0063 -.00011 -.00015 -.0003
Mn2  .3776 .4801 .3684 .53 .00066 0.0034 0.0063 -.00011 -.00015 -.0003
SiA  .2712 .3413 .0484     .00056 0.0022 0.0052 -.00007 -.00016 0.0003
SiB  .4749 .3382 .7949     .00045 0.0022 0.0060 -.00010 -.00013 0.0002
O1A  .1833 .3379 .0407     .00068 0.0030 0.0061 0.00003 0.00020 -.0008
O2A  .3099 .5022 .0467     .00048 0.0028 0.0087 0.00010 0.00010 -.0001
O3A  .3017 .2292 .8222     .00072 0.0041 0.0071 0.00004 -.00040 -.0003
O1B  .5632 .3402 .7981     .00058 0.0036 0.0041 0.00005 -.00020 0.0003
O2B  .4349 .4872 .7028     .00080 0.0033 0.0119 0.00020 0.00010 0.0015
O2B  .4475 .2050 .5902     .00064 0.0043 0.0082 -.00020 -.00007 -.0021
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Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: untreated
_database_code_amcsd 0003667
18.3668 8.8725 5.2289 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37530 .65408 .87230 .9882 .5218
Mn1  .37530 .65408 .87230 .0103 .5218
Ti1  .37530 .65408 .87230 .0015 .5218
Mg2  .37762 .47989 .36852 .4443 .7519
Mn2  .37762 .47989 .36852 .5312 .7519
Ca2  .37762 .47989 .36852 .0245 .7519
SiA  .27102 .34120 .04763       .4224
SiB  .47494 .33794 .79557 .9969 .4331
AlB  .47494 .33794 .79557 .0031 .4331
O1A  .18322 .33835 .04092       .4471
O2A  .30974 .50196 .04548       .6249
O3A  .30222 .22933 .82166       .7016
O1B  .56305 .33850 .79752       .5493
O2B  .43529 .48760 .70173       .7595
O3B  .44758 .20399 .59139       .7016
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Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: quenched from 980 deg C DIS
_database_code_amcsd 0003668
18.3653 8.8819 5.2305 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37541 .65383 .87209 .9300 .4555
Mn1  .37541 .65383 .87209 .0685 .4555
Ti1  .37541 .65383 .87209 .0015 .4555
Mg2  .37744 .48056 .36819 .5025 .6798
Mn2  .37744 .48056 .36819 .4730 .6798
Ca2  .37744 .48056 .36819 .0245 .6798
SiA  .27114 .34110 .04843       .3508
SiB  .47477 .33774 .79486 .9969 .3591
AlB  .47477 .33774 .79486 .0031 .3591
O1A  .18343 .33862 .04032       .4475
O2A  .30988 .50158 .04639       .5699
O3A  .30235 .22899 .82249       .6058
O1B  .56286 .33919 .79654       .5044
O2B  .43490 .48658 .69994       .6916
O3B  .44776 .20331 .59138       .5936
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Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: quenched from 900 deg C DIS
_database_code_amcsd 0003669
18.3686 8.8828 5.2287 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37542 .65387 .87215 .9362 .5294
Mn1  .37542 .65387 .87215 .0623 .5294
Ti1  .37542 .65387 .87215 .0015 .5294
Mg2  .37743 .48061 .36829 .4963 .7595
Mn2  .37743 .48061 .36829 .4792 .7595
Ca2  .37743 .48061 .36829 .0245 .7595
SiA  .27114 .34111 .04843       .4242
SiB  .47481 .33777 .79492 .9969 .4258
AlB  .47481 .33777 .79492 .0031 .4258
O1A  .18342 .33867 .04050       .4475
O2A  .30982 .50160 .04651       .6283
O3A  .30228 .22905 .82286       .6873
O1B  .56293 .33911 .79670       .5532
O2B  .43493 .48675 .70004       .7622
O3B  .44773 .20355 .59141       .7044
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Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: quenched from 904 deg C ORD
_database_code_amcsd 0003670
18.3718 8.8836 5.2334 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37541 .65387 .87216 .9371  .453
Mn1  .37541 .65387 .87216 .0614  .453
Ti1  .37541 .65387 .87216 .0015  .453
Mg2  .37742 .48057 .36833 .4955 .6935
Mn2  .37742 .48057 .36833 .4480 .6935
Ca2  .37742 .48057 .36833 .0245 .6935
SiA  .27114 .34107 .04833       .3639
SiB  .47480 .33776 .79497 .9969 .3565
AlB  .47480 .33776 .79497 .0031 .3565
O1A  .18343 .33864 .04059       .4479
O2A  .30987 .50165 .04640       .5762
O3A  .30231 .22897 .82264       .6158
O1B  .56294 .33916 .79617       .5025
O2B  .43494 .48667 .70069       .7356
O3B  .44781 .20351 .59125       .6256
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Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: quenched from 856 deg C ORD
_database_code_amcsd 0003671
18.3645 8.8810 5.2284 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37537 .65390 .87221 .9419 .4741
Mn1  .37537 .65390 .87221 .0566 .4741
Ti1  .37537 .65390 .87221 .0015 .4741
Mg2  .37747 .48048 .36825 .4906 .7159
Mn2  .37747 .48048 .36825 .4849 .7159
Ca2  .37747 .48048 .36825 .0245 .7159
SiA  .27113 .34110 .04828       .3798
SiB  .47480 .33782 .79504 .9969 .3843
AlB  .47480 .33782 .79504 .0031 .3843
O1A  .18336 .33845 .04042       .4474
O2A  .30983 .50166 .04622        .596
O3A  .30223 .22917 .82235       .6328
O1B  .56299 .33903 .79668       .5212
O2B  .43495 .48674 .70045       .7196
O3B  .44769 .20372 .59169       .6291
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Download hom/donpeacorite.pdf
Stimpfl M
Download am/vol90/AM90_155.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 155-161
The Mn, Mg-intracrystalline exchange reaction in donpeacorite (Mn0.54Ca0.03Mg1.43Si2O6)
and its relation to the fractionation behavior of Mn in Fe, Mg-orthopyroxene
Sample: quenched from 806 deg C ORD
_database_code_amcsd 0003672
18.3559 8.8741 5.2256 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x      y      z   occ  Biso
Mg1  .37537 .65388 .87211 .9458 .4982
Mn1  .37537 .65388 .87211 .0527 .4982
Ti1  .37537 .65388 .87211 .0015 .4982
Mg2  .37748 .48038 .36831 .4867 .7196
Mn2  .37748 .48038 .36831 .4888 .7196
Ca2  .37748 .48038 .36831 .0245 .7196
SiA  .27112 .34111 .04829       .3896
SiB  .47480 .33782 .79509 .9969 .3921
AlB  .47480 .33782 .79509 .0031 .3921
O1A  .18333 .33863 .04025       .4468
O2A  .30981 .50159 .04607       .6084
O3A  .30224 .22911 .82245       .6544
O1B  .56299 .33892 .79688       .5149
O2B  .43501 .48701 .70056       .7434
O3B  .44774 .20373 .59118       .6875
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