American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

9 matching records for this search.

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Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Federico M, Graziani G, Lucchesi S
Download am/vol90/AM90_1784.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1784-1792
Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series
Locality: Cruziero pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: 66c
_database_code_amcsd 0003949
15.8318 15.8318 7.0998 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z   occ   Uiso
NaX       0      0 .23136  .549  .0213
CaX       0      0 .23136  .018  .0213
AlY  .12312 .06156 .63440 .5353  .0067
MnY  .12312 .06156 .63440 .0103  .0067
LiY  .12312 .06156 .63440 .4543  .0067
AlZ  .29670 .25987 .60996       .00524
SiT  .19197 .18988      0       .00416
B    .10903 .21806 .45468        .0051
OH1W      0      0 .78239  .681  .0409
F1W       0      0 .78239  .319  .0409
O2   .06015 .12030 .48966  .973  .0141
OH2  .06015 .12030 .48966  .027  .0141
OH3V .26544 .13272 .50744        .0115
O4   .09365 .18730 .07309        .0078
O5   .18746 .09373 .09545        .0079
O6   .19541 .18490 .77503        .0066
O7   .28626 .28609 .07879        .0057
O8   .20937 .26983 .43938        .0070
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Download hom/elbaite.pdf
Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Federico M, Graziani G, Lucchesi S
Download am/vol90/AM90_1784.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1784-1792
Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series
Locality: Cruziero pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: 61Rda
_database_code_amcsd 0003950
15.8343 15.8343 7.1007 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x       y      z   occ   Uiso
NaX       0       0 .23271  .515  .0184
CaX       0       0 .23271  .040  .0184
KX        0       0 .23271  .009  .0184
AlY  .12327 .061635 .63436  .529  .0065
MnY  .12327 .061635 .63436 .0097  .0065
LiY  .12327 .061635 .63436 .4617  .0065
AlZ  .29672  .25987 .61011       .00498
SiT  .19196  .18989      0       .00391
B    .10906  .21812 .45484        .0055
OH1W      0       0 .78265  .619  .0386
F1W       0       0 .78265  .381  .0386
O2   .06017  .12034 .48937 .9957  .0143
OH2  .06017  .12034 .48937 .0043  .0143
O3V  .26567 .132835 .50772        .0112
O4   .09354  .18708 .07289        .0075
O5   .18713 .093565 .09540        .0078
O6   .19543  .18500 .77522        .0064
O7   .28621  .28605 .07882        .0054
O8   .20944  .26987 .43952        .0067
H3     .259   .1295   .357          .18
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Ertl A, Hughes J M, Prowatke S, Ludwig T, Prasad P S R, Brandstatter F,
Korner W, Schuster R, Pertlik F, Marschall H
Download am/vol91/AM91_1847.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 1847-1856
Tetrahedrally-coordinated boron in tourmalines from the liddicoatite-elbaite
series from Madagascar: Structure, chemistry, and infrared spectroscopic studies
Locality: Anjanabonoina, Madagascar
Sample: LC1
_database_code_amcsd 0004249
15.8095 15.8095 7.0941 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x       y       z  occ   Uiso
NaX       0       0     .25  .46  .0138
CaX       0       0     .25  .30  .0138
AlY  .12250  .06125  -.3432  .61  .0099
LiY  .12250  .06125  -.3432  .30  .0099
AlZ  .29678  .26009 -.37143      .00846
SiT  .19165  .18970  .01911  .93 .00651
BT   .19165  .18970  .01911  .07 .00651
B    .10909  .21818   .4732       .0083
F1W       0       0  -.2009  .50  .0275
O1W       0       0  -.2009  .50  .0275
O2   .06001  .12002   .5064       .0173
O3V  .26455 .132275  -.4729       .0146
O4   .09329  .18658   .0932       .0118
O5   .18584  .09292   .1146       .0122
O6   .19487  .18469  -.2058      .00993
O7   .28619  .28565   .0973      .00912
O8   .20959  .27011   .4580      .00986
H1W   .0529  .02645   -.140 .167   .000
H3V    .262    .131    .423        .047
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Vereshchagin O S, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Frank-Kamenetskaya O V,
Zolotarev A A, Mashkovtsev R I
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1610-1616
Crystal chemistry of Cu-bearing tourmalines
Note: Sample 2
Locality: Paraiba, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0020257
15.881 15.881 7.112 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .2350  .90 .0242   .027   .027   .019   .014      0      0
CaX       0      0 .2350  .03 .0242   .027   .027   .019   .014      0      0
AlY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .50 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
LiY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .25 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
CuY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .09 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
ZnY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .09 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
MnY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .06 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
FeY  .12456 .06228 .6305  .01 .0081  .0073  .0068   .010  .0027 -.0011 -.0005
AlZ  .29773 .26045 .6109 .975 .0067  .0073  .0081  .0053  .0042 -.0002  .0007
CuZ  .29773 .26045 .6109 .013 .0067  .0073  .0081  .0053  .0042 -.0002  .0007
ZnZ  .29773 .26045 .6109 .012 .0067  .0073  .0081  .0053  .0042 -.0002  .0007
SiT  .19208 .19001     0  .95 .0040  .0039  .0039  .0041  .0020  .0002  .0002
AlT  .19208 .19001     0  .05 .0040  .0039  .0039  .0041  .0020  .0002  .0002
B    .10899 .21798 .4564      .0057  .0065  .0044  .0057  .0022 -.0001 -.0000
O1w       0      0 .7873  .80  .047   .065   .065   .011   .032      0      0
O2   .06050  .1210 .4893      .0147   .022  .0043   .012  .0021 -.0000  .0000
O3v   .2692  .1346 .5079       .011   .025  .0094  .0038   .012 -.0004 -.0002
O4   .09309  .1862 .0723      .0079  .0064   .012  .0073  .0059 -.0007  -.003
O5    .1861 .09305 .0952      .0084   .015  .0067  .0063  .0074  .0005  .0002
O6   .19719 .18614 .7750      .0067  .0062  .0074  .0042  .0016  .0004  .0001
O7   .28616  .2859 .0796      .0060  .0045  .0065  .0052  .0015  .0003 -.0005
O8   .20945 .26984 .4407      .0068  .0038  .0099  .0070  .0036  .0009  .0032
F     .0357  .0178  .796  .02  .024
H      .305   .153  .397       .051
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Vereshchagin O S, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Frank-Kamenetskaya O V,
Zolotarev A A, Mashkovtsev R I
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1610-1616
Crystal chemistry of Cu-bearing tourmalines
Note: Sample 3
Locality: Paraiba, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0020258
15.840 15.840 7.1028 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .2348 .65 .0190  .0206  .0206   .016  .0103      0      0
CaX       0      0 .2348 .09 .0190  .0206  .0206   .016  .0103      0      0
AlY   .1234  .0617 .6332 .54 .0065  .0057  .0055  .0085  .0028 -.0024 -.0012
LiY   .1234  .0617 .6332 .36 .0065  .0057  .0055  .0085  .0028 -.0024 -.0012
MnY   .1234  .0617 .6332 .10 .0065  .0057  .0055  .0085  .0028 -.0024 -.0012
AlZ  .29688 .26004 .6095 .97 .0057  .0062  .0071  .0043  .0036  .0003  .0010
CuZ  .29688 .26004 .6095 .03 .0057  .0062  .0071  .0043  .0036  .0003  .0010
SiT  .19197 .18979     0 .95 .0033  .0031  .0033  .0038  .0018  .0000 -.0003
AlT  .19197 .18979     0 .05 .0033  .0031  .0033  .0038  .0018  .0000 -.0003
B     .1091  .2182 .4545     .0045  .0043  .0045  .0048  .0023 -.0002 -.0003
O1w       0      0 .7773 .82  .027   .035   .035   .009   .018      0      0
O2   .06033  .1207 .4887     .0133   .020  .0032  .0112  .0016 -.0001 -.0003
O3v   .2653  .1326 .5078     .0110   .025  .0092  .0038  .0126 -.0003 -.0001
O4    .0937  .1874 .0733     .0073  .0050  .0114  .0077  .0057 -.0006 -.0012
O5    .1871  .0935 .0956     .0071  .0117  .0058  .0058  .0058  .0004  .0002
O6    .1955  .1848 .7743     .0060  .0069  .0082  .0027  .0036  .0004 -.0002
O7    .2865  .2860 .0785     .0051  .0042  .0043  .0048  .0005  .0002 -.0018
O8    .2094  .2697 .4386     .0059  .0035  .0077  .0068  .0030  .0004  .0031
F      .030   .015  .799 .02  .036
H     .2629  .1315 .3996      .091
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Ertl A, Tillmanns E, Ntaflos T, Francis C, Giester G, Korner W, Hughes J M,
Lengauer C, Prem M
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008) 881-888
Tetrahedrally coordinated boron in Al-rich tourmaline and its relationship
to the pressure-temperature conditions of formation
Locality: Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Manjaka, Sahatany Valley, Madagascar
Note: O5 and O6 z-coordinates changed to match reported bond lengths
_database_code_amcsd 0007264
15.777 15.777 7.086 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y       z  occ   Uiso
NaX       0      0   .2446  .53  .0225
CaX       0      0   .2446  .09  .0225
AlY  .12079 .06040 -.34151 .667 .00799
LiY  .12079 .06040 -.34151   .3 .00799
MnY  .12079 .06040 -.34151  .03 .00799
FeY  .12079 .06040 -.34151 .003 .00799
AlZ  .29673 .26008 -.37240      .00647
BT   .19141 .18948  .01964 .065 .00539
SiT  .19141 .18948  .01964 .935 .00539
B    .10901 .21802   .4727       .0063
O1        0      0  -.2045   .4  .0186
OH1       0      0  -.2045   .6  .0186
O2   .06021 .12042   .5106       .0130
O3   .26139 .13069 -.47306      .01174
O4   .09413 .18826  .09350      .00982
O5   .18697 .09348  .11479      .01015
O6   .19427 .18381 -.20587      .00768
O7   .28625 .28584  .09589      .00718
O8   .20953 .27006  .45705      .00766
H3     .256  .1282    .411        .045
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Diego Gatta G, Danisi R M, Adamo I, Meven M, Diella V
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (2012) 577-588
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite
Note: X-ray data
Locality: pegmatite dikes near Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0019363
15.8560 15.8560 7.1079 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x       y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0       0  .2333 .73 .0246  .0282  .0282  .0175  .0141       0      0
CaX       0       0  .2333 .06 .0246  .0282  .0282  .0175  .0141       0      0
AlY  .12272  .06136 .63228 .41 .0091  .0093  .0076  .0109 .00465  -.0024 -.0012
LiY  .12272  .06136 .63228 .34 .0091  .0093  .0076  .0109 .00465  -.0024 -.0012
FeY  .12272  .06136 .63228 .14 .0091  .0093  .0076  .0109 .00465  -.0024 -.0012
MnY  .12272  .06136 .63228 .06 .0091  .0093  .0076  .0109 .00465  -.0024 -.0012
MgY  .12272  .06136 .63228 .02 .0091  .0093  .0076  .0109 .00465  -.0024 -.0012
AlZ  .29709  .26031 .61080     .0056  .0063  .0072  .0038  .0038   .0001  .0004
B    .10909  .21818 .45467     .0073  .0083  .0079  .0056 .00395 -.00035 -.0007
SiT  .19190  .18989 .00069     .0051  .0056  .0052  .0044  .0027  -.0001 -.0004
H      .264    .132   .372      .050
F1        0       0  .7821 .54  .042   .055   .055   .014  .0275       0      0
OH1       0       0  .7821 .46  .042   .055   .055   .014  .0275       0      0
O2   .06066  .12132 .48774     .0161  .0229  .0075  .0130 .00375 -.00015 -.0003
O3   .26594  .13297 .50893     .0122  .0258  .0113  .0045  .0129  -.0004 -.0002
O4   .09363  .18726 .07303     .0090  .0076  .0136  .0077  .0068 -.00045 -.0009
O5   .18717 .093585 .09526     .0090  .0146  .0076  .0072  .0073   .0019  .0095
O6   .19591  .18565 .77581     .0079  .0081  .0094  .0051  .0035   .0001 -.0007
O7   .28620  .28612 .07969     .0073  .0071  .0069  .0057  .0020   .0004 -.0009
O8   .20954  .27020 .44055     .0082  .0072  .0106  .0077  .0052   .0006  .0027
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Diego Gatta G, Danisi R M, Adamo I, Meven M, Diella V
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (2012) 577-588
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite
Note: neutron data
Locality: pegmatite dikes near Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0019364
15.8560 15.8560 7.1079 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .2356 .73  .018
CaX       0      0 .2356 .06  .018
AlY   .1245 .06225 .6310 .41  .004
LiY   .1245 .06225 .6310 .34  .004
FeY   .1245 .06225 .6310 .14  .004
MnY   .1245 .06225 .6310 .06  .004
MgY   .1245 .06225 .6310 .02  .004
AlZ   .2973  .2601 .6117     .0043
B    .10929 .21858 .4541     .0042
SiT   .1918  .1900 .0004     .0021
H     .2624  .1312 .3734      .024   .041   .026   .012  .0205   .002   .001
F1        0      0 .7829 .54  .053   .074   .074   .011  .0352      0      0
OH1       0      0 .7829 .46  .053   .074   .074   .011  .0352      0      0
O2    .0606  .1212 .4843     .0140   .020   .005   .012  .0025  .0005   .001
O3    .2690  .1345 .5084     .0082
O4   .09298 .18596 .0726     .0071
O5    .1866  .0933 .0946     .0069
O6    .1964  .1861 .7756     .0044
O7    .2862  .2858 .0799     .0041
O8    .2100  .2710 .4414     .0051
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Nuber B, Schmetzer K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1984 (1984) 301-304
Structural refinement of tsilaisite (manganese tourmaline)
Locality: Zambia
_database_code_amcsd 0014789
15.916 15.916 7.130 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso
NaX      .0     .0  .8548 .85 .0227
CaX      .0     .0  .8548 .04 .0227
AlY   .0617 -.0617  .4606 .51 .0081
LiY   .0617 -.0617  .4606 .14 .0081
MnY   .0617 -.0617  .4606 .31 .0081
AlZ   .2610  .2978  .4746     .0059
SiT   .1900  .1919  .0863     .0049
B    -.1096  .1096  .6323     .0065
OH1      .0     .0  .3034     .0505
O2   -.0611  .0611  .6038     .0206
OH3   .1343 -.1343  .5770     .0113
O4   -.0933  .0933  .0157     .0089
O5    .0933 -.0933 -.0066     .0091
O6    .1872  .1972  .3108     .0081
O7    .2859  .2857  .0058     .0068
O8    .2706  .2096  .6450     .0082
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