Pajares I, De la Torre A G, Martinez-Ramirez S, Puertas F, Blanco-Varela M T, Aranda M A G
Powder Diffraction 17 (2002) 281-286
Quantitative analysis of mineralized white Portland clinkers: The structure of fluorellestadite
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015323
9.44174 9.44174 6.93964 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom x y z occ Uiso
Ca1 1/3 2/3 .0016 .031
Ca2 .2399 .9920 .25 .022
Si .3961 .3684 .25 .5 .012
S .3961 .3684 .25 .5 .012
O1 .3234 .4846 .25 .014
O2 .5865 .4683 .25 .018
O3 .3385 .2568 .0709 .022
F 0 0 .25 .026
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