Klevtsova R F
Journal of Structural Chemistry 5 (1964) 318-320
The crystal structure of strontium-apatite
_database_code_amcsd 0014055
9.63 9.63 7.22 90 90 120 P6_3
atom x y z occ
Sr1 1/3 2/3 .50
Ca1 1/3 2/3 0
SrA2 .289 .255 .25 2/3
CaA2 .289 .255 .25 1/3
P .371 .399 .74
O1 .492 .342 .73
O2 .472 .590 .78
O3 .259 .329 .91
O4 .260 .385 .57
F 0 0 .06
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