Fornacite |
Cocco G, Fanfani L, Zanazzi P F |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 124 (1967) 385-397 |
The crystal structure of fornacite |
Locality: Reneville, Congo |
_database_code_amcsd 0010641 |
8.101 5.893 17.547 90 110.00 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Pb1 .2194 .2197 .3757 1.92 |
Pb2 .2225 .7731 .0589 1.67 |
Cu .4859 .5082 .2486 1.33 |
As .4865 .2595 .0814 .925 1.61 |
P .4865 .2595 .0814 .075 1.61 |
Cr .0504 .2597 .1589 1.05 |
O1 .5409 .0282 .1377 2.5 |
O2 .4723 .4779 .1322 2.5 |
O3 .2901 .2088 .0149 2.5 |
O4 .6377 .3153 .0476 2.5 |
O5 .9941 .0316 .1019 2.5 |
O6 .0044 .4726 .0944 2.5 |
O7 .2501 .2478 .2135 2.5 |
O8 .9271 .2889 .2182 2.5 |
OH .3440 .7607 .2192 2.5 |
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Fornacite |
Ksenofontov D A, Kabalov Y K, Pekov I V,Zubkova N V, |
Ekimenkova I A, Pushcharovskii D Y |
Doklady Earth Sciences 456 (2014) 520-523 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of fornacite using the Rietveld method |
Locality: Berezovskii deposit, Central Urals, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0020506 |
8.09015 5.90913 17.4839 90 109.99 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Pb1 .2175 .2272 .3748 2.28 |
Pb2 .2237 .7689 .0594 2.09 |
Cu1 .4887 .5023 .2485 1.6 |
As1 .4854 .2361 .0798 .79 .7 |
P1 .4854 .2361 .0798 .21 .7 |
Cr1 .0486 .2603 .1583 1.9 |
O1 .5414 .0141 .1472 1.5 |
O2 .4674 .4920 .1394 2.5 |
O3 .2953 .2076 .0150 2.9 |
O4 .6422 .2985 .0446 2.7 |
O5 .9935 .0306 .1004 1.1 |
O6 -.0073 .4784 .0941 3.0 |
O7 .2537 .2493 .2206 2.6 |
O8 .9372 .2673 .2228 2.3 |
OH9 .3451 .7692 .2136 1.9 |
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