Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Zayakina N V, Samusikov V P
Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal 15 (1993) 9-17
Crystal structure features of minerals from a series of
Sample: 4
_database_code_amcsd 0014610
10.492 10.492 10.492 90 90 90 I-43m
atom x y z occ Biso
AgM2 .1919 0 0 2.16
CuM1 .25 .5 0 .7 1.36
ZnM1 .25 .5 0 .1 1.36
FeM1 .25 .5 0 .2 1.36
Sb .2700 .2700 .2700 .88
S1 .1202 .1202 .3654 .90
S2 0 0 0 .01 3.8
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