American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

Thewalt U, Bugg C E
Acta Crystallographica B29 (1973) 615-617
Crystal structure of calcium chloride tetrahydrate
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020228
6.593 6.364 8.557 97.77 93.52 110.56 P-1
atom      x      y     z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca    .1188 -.0140 .2615  .0122  .0105  .0083  .0010  .0004 -.0014
Cl1   .2910 -.2777 .0504  .0148  .0128  .0066  .0027  .0016 -.0002
Cl2  -.2495 -.2393 .4130  .0126  .0127  .0074 -.0015  .0008 -.0010
O1   -.1823 -.1871 .0434  .0141  .0134  .0109  .0008  .0010 -.0022
O2   -.0152  .2895 .2715  .0181  .0128  .0091  .0043 -.0007  .0007
O3    .4788  .2409 .2663  .0171  .0165  .0079 -.0024  .0032 -.0024
O4    .2493 -.2509 .4154  .0184  .0154  .0081  .0057  .0004 -.0009
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Leclaire A, Borel M M
Acta Crystallographica B35 (1979) 585-588
Liaisons hydrogene et coordination du calcium dans les cristaux de CaCl2*4H2O alpha
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0019787
6.5932 6.3673 8.5606 97.83 93.50 110.58 P-1
atom       x       y      z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Ca    .11886 -.01387 .26140 .00833 .00946 .00713  .00332  .00043 -.00038
Cl1   .29090 -.27763 .05027 .01266 .01313 .00608  .00566  .00188  .00069
Cl2  -.24963 -.23938 .41330 .01049 .01329 .00679  .00174  .00103 -.00018
O1   -.18298 -.18677 .04402 .01105 .01409  .1064  .00382  .00096 -.00139
O2   -.01529  .28903 .27183 .01607 .01302 .00819  .00682 -.00123  .00094
O3    .47923  .24134 .26680 .01368 .01644 .00748 -.00048  .00314 -.00130
O4    .24816 -.25291 .41486 .01593 .01666 .00703  .00845  .00049  .00085
H11   -.3047  -.1928  .0754
H12   -.2071  -.3242  .0171
H21    .0677   .4132  .3157
H22   -.0842   .3082  .1940
H31    .5429   .3751  .3055
H32    .5449   .3751  .1934
H41    .3803  -.2372  .4052
H42    .2391  -.2334  .5101
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