Glauberite |
Araki T, Zoltai T |
American Mineralogist 52 (1967) 1272-1277 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of a glauberite |
Locality: Imperial County, California, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0000158 |
10.129 8.306 8.533 90 112.19 90 C2/c |
atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Ca .5 .4356 .25 .00080 .00053 .00181 0 -.00010 0 |
Na .1371 .4445 .4394 .00332 .00675 .00490 .00031 .00056 -.00355 |
S .1856 .2143 .1888 .00087 .00071 .00110 -.00052 .00046 -.00014 |
O1 .1252 .0894 .0583 .00417 .00198 .00377 -.00123 .00048 -.00065 |
O2 .1616 .1633 .3399 .00457 .00335 .00227 -.00055 .00258 .00075 |
O3 .3400 .2294 .2303 .00403 .00423 .00808 -.00177 .00371 .00079 |
O4 .1134 .3697 .1325 .00316 .00120 .00532 .00134 .00134 .00188 |
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Glauberite |
Cocco G, Corazza E, Sabelli C |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 122 (1965) 175-184 |
The crystal structure of glauberite, CaNa2(SO4)2 |
Locality: Chinchon (Madrid), Spain |
_database_code_amcsd 0018655 |
10.158 8.333 8.551 90 112.333 90 C2/c |
atom x y z Biso |
Na .3621 .0550 .0597 1.63 |
Ca 0 .0640 .25 .55 |
S .3153 .2858 .3126 .55 |
O1 .1618 .2743 .2735 .42 |
O2 .3371 .3379 .1579 .48 |
O3 .3843 .1305 .3644 .74 |
O4 .3741 .4122 .4411 .81 |
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