Gmelinite-Ca |
Sacerdoti M, Passaglia E, Carnevali R |
Zeolites 15 (1995) 276-281 |
Structural refinements of Na-, K-, and Ca-exchanged gmelinites |
Note: sample 3Ca, natural sample is cation exchanged with Ca |
Locality: San Giorgio perlena, Fara Vincentina, Vicenza, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0015870 |
13.807 13.807 9.792 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Ca1 .3333 .6667 .090 .53 .039 |
Ca2 .1057 .211 .051 .12 .08 |
Si .4428 .1085 .0882 .6965 .0134 |
Al .4428 .1085 .0882 .3035 .0134 |
O1 .425 .2126 .043 .041 |
O2 .854 .4268 .045 .035 |
O3 .4211 .0795 .25 .035 |
O4 .3547 0 0 .032 |
Wat1 .181 .556 .25 .50 .08 |
Wat2 .1623 .325 .25 .40 .08 |
Wat6 0 0 .04 .24 .10 |
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Gmelinite-Na |
Sacerdoti M, Passaglia E, Carnevali R |
Zeolites 15 (1995) 276-281 |
Structural refinements of Na-, K-, and Ca-exchanged gmelinites |
Note: sample 1Na, natural sample is cation exchanged with Na |
Locality: Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0015871 |
13.766 13.766 10.076 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Na1 .3333 .6667 .0727 .041 |
Na2 .1204 .241 .071 .34 .086 |
Si .4412 .1058 .0942 .6789 .0113 |
Al .4412 .1058 .0942 .3211 .0113 |
O1 .4171 .2086 .0598 .029 |
O2 .8505 .4253 .0607 .025 |
O3 .4110 .0658 .25 .027 |
O4 .3557 0 0 .027 |
Wat1 .1965 .549 .25 .5 .055 |
Wat2 .1697 .339 .25 .68 .088 |
Wat3 .163 .0815 .117 .36 .069 |
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Gmelinite-K |
Sacerdoti M, Passaglia E, Carnevali R |
Zeolites 15 (1995) 276-281 |
Structural refinements of Na-, K-, and Ca-exchanged gmelinites |
Note: sample 2K, natural sample is cation exchanged with K |
Locality: Queensland, Australia |
_database_code_amcsd 0015872 |
13.687 13.687 10.256 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K1 .3333 .6667 .0660 .0281 |
K2 .1013 .203 .077 .31 .129 |
Si .4340 .0999 .0988 .6933 .0100 |
Al .4340 .0999 .0988 .3067 .0100 |
O1 .4279 .2139 .0653 .027 |
O2 .8707 .4354 .0726 .021 |
O3 .3949 .0564 .25 .024 |
O4 .3453 0 0 .021 |
Wat1 .162 .550 .25 .50 .077 |
Wat2 .1787 .357 .25 .34 .071 |
Wat4 .169 .0847 .25 .40 .082 |
Wat5 .1371 .274 .175 .20 .064 |
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